why did prophet marry aisha

Esraa First published on: 5 Questions Explaining Muslims Belief In Copyright 2018. Muhammad (pbuh) married aisha for two purposes: to strengthen a relationship with her father teach aisha to become an inspiring woman both happened most of the children back at the prophet's (pbuh) time used to get married around that age. And the general trend also varies over the time and across the regions with variant climate conditions. The wisdom and the purpose behind the marriages conducted by the Prophets are various and plenty. Henry VIII -1500 AD, He married a 6 years old. Sayyidah Aisha herself narrates;Holy Prophet (PBUH) married her when she was six years old and consummated the marriage when she was nine years old(Bukhari, Hadith 4738)Having known this, let me draw your attention to another saying of Sayyidah Aisha which Al-Tirmidhi has narrated under a Hadith in his collections Book of Marriage, Chapter 18. About one month after the death of Khadeejah , the Prophet married Saudah bint Zam'a in the month of Shawwal. Log in. His companion described him a man of morality and they said he was more shy than a virgin in seclusion, When believers asked him an awkward questions, he would cover his face out of shyness, He taught us that each religion is known for a kind of morality and morality of Islam is Shyness/ Modesty. This infact shows the wisdom of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that he did present a role model for all the people to come to care for all the needs of a wife. I once learned about an additional reason of why the prophet married Aiesha (RA). apart from the european traditions in the medieval ages, if we look at the current era i.e. for example, in canada, such organizations corresponded with the parliament members via internet and requested to reject this proposal and demonstrated the dangerous effects thereof (10). At the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) those who refused his message tried every method and strategy to discredit him, They were always looking for opportunities to attack him verbally or even physically. Randa Huss First published on: Ashura Between Islam And Judaism [10] Aisha had an important role in early Islamic history, both during Muhammad's life and after his death. First published on: Suicidal? she remained a reference for the muslims and a source for teaching them their religion. :) _____US forces, joined by "Iraqi troops", have launched the largest air assault since the US-led invasion, targeting insurgent strongholds north of the capital.. She was a grown up girl. Is there a set age for marriage in Islam? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. How long does a USPS package stay at a distribution center. The question of Holy Prophets (PBUH) marriage with Sayyidah Aisha is the one hurled against Muslims in almost every discussion. Also asked, what does Aisha mean in Islam? Nikah, the marital contract, may be made earlier but consummation of marriage can take place only after puberty is attained.The age of maturity through the ages and over the regions:The wisdom behind Islam not fixing an age is evident, different people reach the age of puberty at different times. She married women of all age groups, elder to him like Sayyidah Khadija (RA), of his own age like Sauda (RA), younger but mature of age like Zainab (RA) and much younger like Sayyidah Aisha (RA). kings1, the first chapter, stated: "when king david was old and well advanced in years, he could not keep warm even when they put covers over him. Whilst discussing this, they completely ignore the traditions at the time and the fruits the blessed marriage brought. this is totally illogical because it is misleading and causing misunderstanding reality; therefore it will lead to misjudgment. but the western people did not know that and just criticized islam and muslims for the marriage of the prophet peace and blessings of allah be upon him and aisha may allah be pleased with her while she was nine years more than 1400 years ago. that's because saharian girls get mature early. however, apart from the instigation of such criticizers who have concealed their actual aims, we would like to demonstrate some points about the marriage of the prophet of islam peace and blessings of allah be upon him and aisha may allah be pleased with her when she was nine years old, in order to understand the reasons and circumstances of such marriage. Thus do Allahs plans work in a marvelous way! Experts nowsuggestthat age 7 (even 6 for some races) and not 8 should be considered precocious (i.e. if they were really seeking denouncing such marriage, they should have spoken about such marriage as a general phenomenon which appeared before islam and continued after it and would not focus their criticism on one person as if he was the one who invented such marriage or the first one who applied it or the only one who did it. Did the Prophet marry a 6 year old? Did Prophet Muhammad beat his wife, Aisha? . Allah God do not eat,drink or sleep. - Mufti Menk - YouTube Author: www.youtube.com Post date: 25 yesterday Rating: 1 (1751 reviews) Highest rating: 4 Low rated: 2 Summary: they added that "Most states in America enrolled the legal age of marriage in the 19th century as 10 years", The Scottish law before 1900 years as Sir John Comyns and Steward Kyd state in their book (Digest of the Laws of England) volume 2. To reinforce relationships with different tribes 3. Modern science testifies that puberty causes hair loss and this is exactly what we read in a Hadith: Narrated Sayyidah Aisha:The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). , [02.12.19 19:28] When Abu Bak, Aisha's father, proposed his daughter to prophet Muhammad after the death of Khadijah, he refused. [3] one example being anna comnena, who was put into the care of her future mother-in-law, the dowager empress mary of alania, before she was eight years old so she could be brought up with her fianc constantine (anna comnena, alexiad 3.1.4; cf. One who fails to understand the times and all the factors related to issue in hand can never understand the happenings through the history. "the legal allowed age of marriage before 1900 years was 10 years and was very normal at that era but now the age has changed" Regarding age, there are various opinions, but this is not the point. Similarly people in warm climates attain puberty earlier then those in cold climates. http://www.internationalorder.org/scandal_response.html the age of consent in one of the american states was just seven years, just 120 years ago! They feared their son would accept Islam if he married Aisha. If you think - may Allaah guide you - that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not marry any virgin other than 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her), and that all his other wives had been previously married, this will refute the notion spread by many hostile sources, that the basic motive behind the Prophet . Nowadays, getting married at such an age is seen from a different perspective. Library. anyway, the prophet peace be upon him did not wish to reject marriage with aisha, the daughter of the dearest friend. Share to Tumblr. Hajar Muhamm First published on: The One Sure Way To Be Happy Aisha was a young, clever, and bright woman with a strong memory; therefore, the Prophet Peace be upon him was confident that she will keep the great Islamic heritage assigned to her. mr. saeed al afaghani said: i have spent several years studying lady aisha may allah be pleased with her. Aisha's (may Allah be pleased with her) marriage to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was not by any means unusual when compared across time and culture even to contemporary standards. accordingly, this undermines their credibility and unveils their false human feelings and malicious intentions under the pretext of defending the rights of woman. INDEED ALLAH KNOWS THE BEST! such instigators exploited the ignorance of the western community about the age of consent in the west and the non muslim countries in order to instigate against islam and portray the prophet of islam peace and blessings of allah be upon him as an offender. this is an important point which should be recognized, because judging a norm practiced by an eastern community before fourteen centuries by a secular western culture in the 21st century won't be just or accurate. Page 40) : said that, Also the writer Martha Rosenthal stated in her book Human Sexuality : from cells to society) page 422, Also the writer Merril D. Smith in her book (Encyclopedia of Rape) page 40 she mentioned the following, 5 Questions Explaining Muslims Belief In The Bible. in panama and philippine, the age of consent is twelve years. She used to describe the tenderness of Prophet Muhammad to her and the sense of care that he showed her. The general tone of her statement also conveys that it was normal in those times and in that environment.It also needs to be mentioned that even before the Holy Prophet (PBUH), she was engaged with Jubair bin Mutam whose parents dissolved the engagement when her family embraced Islam.All these details kill the argument that Holy Prophet (PBUH) had intimate marital relations with a child, for in that particular sense she was no more a child and she herself testifies that being a nine year old she was a woman then having attained puberty.Moreover, she was quite healthy and fit. Ysuf related to us: "Sufyn related to us, from Him, from his father, from iah, that the Prophet married her when she was a girl of six years, and she was taken to him when she was a girl of nine, and she lived with him nine [years]." . The couple had been among the early Muslims who had migrated to Abyssinia. We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj thenI got ill and my hair fell down(Bukhari Hadith 3605)So this makes it absolutely clear that Sayyidah Aishas marriage was consummated at an age, she herself says was that of puberty. geboren?' She rather always showed her love for the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Now had she showed her displeasure about this marriage when she was nine, and thus a woman according to her own testimony, then marriage would haven been null and void, but it never turned up like that. Befor 1983 Catholic canon law permitted priests to marry off brides of at the age of 12. marriage in an early age was a norm & a custom widely prevailing in such era and no one denied or objected it. } http://www.avert.org/age-of-consent.htm if this is the case in the 21st century, why they deny it? According to scientific references: Girls might enter full-blown puberty anytime between ages of 9 and 15. this clearly demonstrates that the marriage of young girls to men over sixty years old was something usual in europe among the governing class itself; so, what about the public then? She herself reports; Allahs Messenger (PBUH) said to me, You were shown to me twice (in my dream) before I married you. However, what needs to be remembered is that puberty, sexual maturity, and mental maturity changes at different times throughout history. }; Mohamad Mostafa NassarTwitter:@NassarMohamadMR. Responding to Malicious accusations about Prophet Muhammeds Marriages Did Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him really marry his daughter in law after asking Zaid or Zayd to divorce her? till she said " but historically speaking the age of marriage was allowed from 10 to 13. prophet muhammad peace and blessings of allah be upon him was born in a society in which early marriage was something ordinary and natural, therefore, he married the way others did. Share to Twitter. it is worth mentioning here that the marriage of aisha was made upon an advice by a woman i.e. Dislike Share Mufti Menk 3.44M subscribers. For instance, people living in regions of low altitudes attain puberty earlier then those in high altitudes regions. Aisha (RA) was exceptionally intelligent, and since she married the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at a young age, she was able to learn so much from him. And it takes much time for people to understand the whole issue only because they fail to understand historical things in their right perspective considering the situation in those particular times. King Davids Marriage To 12 Year Old Abishag Bible. Why did Prophet Noah (as) marry his wife? She did not show any such notion and similarly never in her later life did she ever give any such impression. Contact Us; Service and Support; shape of distribution worksheet pdf. All Rights Reserved islammessage.org Powered by HDBC, 'Aishah, may God be pleased with her, narrated that the Prophet (P) was betrothed (zawaj) to her when she was six years old and he consummated (nikah) his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years. did they know the arabian peninsula before 14 centuries? being young, aisha was able to learn and keep the principles of islam from the prophet peace be upon him quickly; therefore, she gained wide knowledge in religion and became a reference for the old and young companions concerning the holy quran, jurisprudence, interpretation, and the prophetic traditions. therefore, this demonstrates the incredibility of such criticizers and discharges the prophet peace be upon him from their fabricated allegations and falsifications. Abu Musa al-Ashari says:\"Never had we (the companions) any difficulty for the solution of which we approached Aisha and did not get some useful information from her\". Hernikah, the marital contract, was made when she was six but the marriage was consummated when she was nine. early) for puberty among girls. The reason can be seen in Surah Tahrim, where Aisha chooses to side with the Prophet after he informs that he is aware of their plans, and she wondered who informed him of it and realized it can be only God as no one would have spilled the information from those planning against the Prophet (S) . Source Let me turn the tables For more information about Lina Medina click Here Minimum age to have sex by country= Current Ages of sexual consent by country More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years read here List of youngest birth mothers Christian People or people from Christian backgrounds having sex with houses is on the rise in Switzerland which is a Christian country with a cross on its flag. This much is true but the point missed is that Holy Prophet (PBUH) did have an understanding of this fact and he did not expect or force her to behave like his other wives e.g. Sayyidah Aisha narrates:I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. he answered: her father (17). (peace and blessings of allah be upon him). such instigators are in fact hypocrite people because they are accusing the muslims with things practiced legally and normally by non muslims. No other woman was loved more by our prophet PBUH that he wished to die . if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ Cloudflare Ray ID: 76a2b33fc8898fd6 And this is also a proof that her marriage at the age of nine did not bar her from the enjoyment craved for at that age. Page 73 that Randa Huss First published on: Ashura Between Islam And Judaism he was the first orthodox caliph after the death of the prophet peace be upon him. I saw an angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said to him, Uncover (her), and behold, it was you.(Bukhari, Hadith 6495). Many asked me why I chosed to be a humanitarian when I don't have much, and I tell them that no one understands. Welcome to our website. I read in history that prophet Muhamed married Aisha when she was 6 (yes 6) years old and he penetrated her when she was 9 (yes 9) years old. Sayyidah Aisha herself narrates;Holy Prophet (PBUH) married her when she was six years old and consummated the marriage when she was nine years old(Bukhari, Hadith 4738)Having known this, let me draw your attention to another saying of Sayyidah Aisha which Al-Tirmidhi has narrated under a Hadith in his collections Book of Marriage, Chapter 18. Besides, Hazrat Abu Bakr, Aisha's father, married off his eldest daughter Asma at the age of 26. He married her to strengthen his ties with his first aide, Abubakar, Aisha's father. however, before alexios completed the third year as an emperor, the cousin of his father andronikos has appointed himself as an associate emperor (born in 1118, i.e. And the general trend also varies over the time and across the regions with variant climate conditions. it is important to know that the instigators who exploited this marriage to harm prophet muhammad peace be upon him have relied on the ignorance of people about the details of such marriage and tried to gain the sympathy of the western people toward aisha as if she was an american girl in the 21st century and was deprived of her childhood, while the actual facts are totally different. The truth concerning the Prophets marriage to Safiyyah bint Huyay ibn Akhtab. Mariyah There are four major reasons why Muhamad (PBUH) married 12 times. But nothing which he desired benefited me till she gave me cucumber with fresh dates to eat. fasil eunisko, from roma public policies center, stated: "the marriage of the princess did not happen by force, she was the sweetheart of the king and he cannot act against her wishes. When Muhammad married Aisha in her youth, she was accessible to the values needed to lead and influence the sisterhood of Muslim women. After the death of Muhammad, Aisha was discovered to be a renowned source of hadiths, due to her qualities of intelligence and memory. At that time the Prophet's age was approximately 50 years. therefore, the western people in this era should study such norm and understand the reasons which justify it. Why Did Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) Marry Aisha the Young Girl - ARABIC BOOK.pdf Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. It was normal during those days to marry under-aged girls but prophet (PBUH) did NOT do that. Because many people died during the war and many women became widows. Is Prophet Muhammad birthday a public holiday in UAE 2021? Khadijah was the lone wife of the Prophet for 25 years until her demise. it is not possible or logical to force other nations to follow the western or the american thinking concerning what is accepted or rejected! What was the reason for the Prophet marrying Aisha at a young age? 4. the age of consent: young people, sexuality and citizenship. Below is a reference that a nine year old Thai girl even became a mother. To foster friendship 4. Males in his book (Teenage Sex and Pregnancy. after 14 centuries from the marriage of the Proph-et Peace be upon him from Aisha May Allah be pleased with her we In that society, it was common custom to marry the girls as soon as they reach puberty. responsiveVoice.speak("Why Prophet Muhammad married Aisha when she was only 9? if we return back to the legal age which qualifies the girl to accept or reject the sexual relation or marriage in america and the west, we will find that the age of ten to thirteen was the ideal acceptable age of consent in the mid of the nineteenth century (11). For the first 54. He protected widows He married to Bibi Khadija, a widow older than him. Neither has this ever been promoted as a Sunnah of the Prophet. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. - Mufti Menk 146,138 views Nov 7, 2021 ---- Subscribe at the click of a button for more motivational videos! this scandal urged the british parliament to raise the age of consent from ten to sixteen and this attracted the attention of the american reformers to the law of their country" (12). When Muhammad married Aisha in her youth, she was accessible "to the values needed to lead and influence the sisterhood of Muslim women." After the death of Muhammad, Aisha was discovered to be a renowned source of hadiths, due to her qualities of intelligence and memory. anyway, such reasons are still convincing the western and christian communities which do not oppose the early marriage until today. such verses are speaking about sexual meanings such as warming prophet dawood peace be upon him using a young beautiful virgin girl, as stated in the verses! The Prophet did not marry for pleasure but for us, a lot of knowledge came to us through Aisha. She did not show any such notion and similarly never in her later life did she ever give any such impression. Christian People or people from Christian backgrounds having sex with houses is on the rise in Switzerland which is a Christian country with a cross on its flag. the reason is simple; the purpose of such criticism is not such marriage cases or relationships; contrary, they are seeking to distort the picture of islam only, instigating against it and making people hate this religion and its followers! some of them even called such marriage as rape and some of them condemned it. you can also note that such countries which have several cultural backgrounds allowed practicing sex in early age; so, why some persons refuse respecting the traditions of a nation lived 14 centuries ago? April 23, 2022 When Muhammad married Aisha in her youth, she was accessible "to the values needed to lead and influence the sisterhood of Muslim women." After the death of Muhammad, Aisha was discovered to be a renowned source of hadiths, due to her qualities of intelligence and memory. the prophet peace be upon him has qualified aisha to be a good source and reference for the muslims after him. When Allah\'s Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me.(Bukhari, Hadith 5665) Sayyidah Aisha reported:By Allah, I remember the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) standing on the door of my apartment screening me with his mantle enabling me to see the sport of the Abyssinians as they played with their daggers in the mosque of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). . Why did Prophet Muhammad PBUH marry Aisha? Then she lived for about 46 years after the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and continued to teach the people matters of religion especially those related to household affairs and marital life. No other wife of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) did the similar job that may be compared with her blessed endeavors. they were asking her about all things in islam, and she delivered one fourth of the islamic teachings (18). For those who do no know prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) didn't come to seek wordly pleasure, but he warned us against them! isbn 1-4039-2173-3, page 7. Her Marriage with the prophet was a Wahi (Divine Revelation). two years younger than aisha may allah be pleased with her, and having demonstrated that the age of consent is still ranging between twelve to thirteen years in most countries of the world, including western and christian countries; accordingly, there is no ground to criticize the marriage of the prophet peace and blessings of allah be upon him and aisha may allah be pleased with her which was portrayed by the instigators as an offence against young girls. Share to Reddit. Experts nowsuggestthat age 7 (even 6 for some races) and not 8 should be considered precocious (i.e. One opinion is that Muhammad's marriage to Aisha was only prescribed to ease his suffering after Khadijah's death, diminishing the implications of divine intent for the . Abu Bakr was so close to the prophet, however, the prophet refused due to how young she was then. avert stated that the japanese people can practice sex legally in the age of thirteen year. not only this, but some of them portrayed the prophet of islam peace and blessings of allah be upon him as a man who is sexually suppressed and considered that as the real picture of islam!! It goes as:Sayyidah Aisha said: When a girl is nine years old, she is a woman (meaning, she has attained puberty).(Tirmidhi, Hadith 1109)Moreover, through certain narrations we come to know of the fact she was going through her puberty. Why did the Prophet marry Aisha? this is exactly the case in the arabian peninsula before 14 centuries. The marriage of Prophet Muhammad to lady 'Aisha was based on a divine command as lady 'Aisha narrated that angel Gabriel came to Prophet Muhammad carrying a green silk cloth with her image on it and said "this is your wife in this world and in the hereafter" narrated by al Tirmidhi. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. stephen robertson wrote in this regard: "in 1885, after the scandal which took place upon issuing the book of the maiden tribute of modern babylon, the english writer "sted" unveiled trading in the young girls in london, and these campaigns became part of the war launched against prostitution in the united states. in (Internet Child Pornography : causes, investigation, and prevention) After returning to Makkah, Saudah's husband died. http://www.ageofconsent.com/comments/numberone.htm this means that it is not logical or reasonable to criticize the other nations on the ground of the difference between them and the west or america concerning the age of consent. Hajar Muhamm First published on: The One Sure Way To Be Happy Share to Facebook. as for the empress of byzantium "theodora" the wife of manwel, she was thirteen years old when she married the prince of jerusalem "baldwin iii"; moreover, "margret maria hingaria" married "izak anglos ii" when she was nine years. most of the western people are astonished from the fact that the prophet peace and blessings of allah be upon him married aisha who was just nine years old while he was fifty. Modern science testifies that puberty causes hair loss and this is exactly what we read in a Hadith: Narrated Sayyidah Aisha:The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). 6- is it logical to judge a marriage case that took place before 1400 years under the laws of the 21st century? Some people claim that Aisha had reached puberty, but this is not what the hadiths say. avert, an international charity organization interested in studying the hiv/ aids diseases, having its headquarters in the united kingdom, and works hard for preventing this disease in all countries worldwide, mentioned a detailed table in its website about the age of consent worldwide i.e. She married women of all age groups, elder to him like Sayyidah Khadija (RA), of his own age like Sauda (RA), younger but mature of age like Zainab (RA) and much younger like Sayyidah Aisha (RA). it is worth mentioning here also that several prophets peace be upon them were very old and married young virgin girls. She was a grown up girl. She was known for great intellectual capacity. roma king florin cioaba, the father of the bride, told the journalists: "in fact, this is a happy day in the royal house; the best days of my life it is better for the children to marry in an early age". responsiveVoice.cancel(); however, the american or european girl is living a modern easy life and do not bear such heavy responsibilities. "@g12apostolou @WahrheitIslam @Kevgren1 @AryanKaushik9 @HabibKhanT when henry the brave arried a 9 year old girl why you dont callhim a pervert ? but the truth will appear some day, and people will surely discover the malicious goals and methods of such instigators. this clearly demonstrates the non credibility of such instigators and their hidden aims under the pretext of defending the rights of woman and the human rights in order to gain the sympathy of the western people toward aisha the child who was "obliged" to marry a man more than fifty years old, as they allege. All Rights Reserved islammessage.org Powered by HDBC, 5 Questions Explaining Muslims Belief In The Bible. These two narrations show that Holy Prophet (PBUH) did care for the natural urge of his young wife for amusement. And this is also a proof that her marriage at the age of nine did not bar her from the enjoyment craved for at that age. Almighty Allah chose Aisha (r.t.a) for him for the manifesting reasons of her intellect and preservation of the hadiths. Why did Prophet Marry Aisha? This infact shows the wisdom of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that he did present a role model for all the people to come to care for all the needs of a wife. King Richard II -1400 AD, He married a 7 year old. Infact we find that Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave her ample chances to fulfill her desire of playing with her friends and made her feel comfortable. Marriage Age in Christian Lands in the Past. A lot of people are unaware that in the United States, in the state of Delaware in 1880, the minimum age for marriage was 7 years old and in the California it was 10 years. therefore, the marriage of the prophet peace be upon him with aisha was not for the purpose of satisfying desires as portrayed by some people; contrary, it was done for several purposes. Reasons of her intellect and preservation of the dearest friend became widows USPS. 146,138 views Nov 7, 2021 -- -- Subscribe at the current era i.e american states was just seven,! Before 14 centuries virgin girls ( PBUH ) married 12 times many became! Not possible or logical to judge a marriage case that took place before 1400 years under the of. The reasons which justify it accordingly, this undermines their credibility and unveils their false human feelings and malicious under. Learned about an additional reason of why the Prophet peace be upon him has qualified Aisha be... 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