romans 10:17 studylight

At Johns baptism they confessed their sins. Did they deny that they were a foolish nation? There is no true attachment to a father or mother or friend, unless we are willing on all proper occasions to avow it. And we may here learn. to have charged that he taught that the greater the sin the greater This profession is to be made in all the proper ways of religious duty; by an avowal of our sentiments; by declaring on all proper occasions our belief of the truth; and by an unwavering adherence to them in all persecutions, oppositions, and trials. That is, many Jews rejected Christ and this rejection resulted in their shame. Those who accepted Him were not put to shame. The objection dealt with here might be stated thus, "Well, perhaps Israel did not know that the Gentiles were to be called." Let the cross pass. Putting the cavil all together, we may understand the enemies as saying, "All right, if Jesus is the Messiah, bring him down from heaven, or up from the grave, and let him lead our nation in throwing off the yoke of Roman bondage." The reason why this is made so important is, that there can be no true attachment to Christ which will not manifest itself in the life. All Men Need of Righteousness, 1:18-3:20. Ecclesiastes 5:1: Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God. The scheme of justification by faith is here personified, as if it were living and describing its own effects and nature. (See John 12:42,43 for New Testament example of this.). Faith is to both; it is the condition of our justification (Romans 5:1; Romans 5:1), and it is the root and spring of our sanctification; in it it is begun; by it it is carried on, Acts 15:9. This passage in Isaiah is referred by the Jews themselves to the times of the gospel (Rosenmuller). Thus the introduction opened with Christ's person, and closes with God's righteousness. If this passage stood alone in the New Testament, it might be fairly inferred that these are THE TWO conditions of salvation; but it does not stand alone, for there are other similar pairings of the elementary conditions of primary salvation, as in the case of REPENTANCE and BAPTISM (Acts 2:38), and that of FAITH and BAPTISM (Mark 16:16). The apostles, therefore, were at great pains fully to establish it; see Acts 10:9; Galatians 3:28. But what would be naturally disagreeable is thus made pleasant by the joy of the message. Brethren - This expression seems intended particularly for the Jews, his ancient friends, fellow-worshippers, and kinsmen, but who had embraced the Christian faith. The universal spread of the Gospel predicted by the prophets. When verse 10 was written, these same terms were used, but the voice is changed to passive. Their opposition to the gospel is from a principle of respect to the law, which they know to have come from God. (10) Make a list of the following "key-words," Help us change that! In short, it is what the words say "the righteousness of God," and this "by faith of Jesus Christ.". The great point is to note the true picture given us of a soul quickened, but labouring and miserable under law, not at all consciously delivered. For instance, if a man signs a contract without having read the conditions, he cannot complain if afterwards he finds out that the conditions are very different from what he thought they were. These were the words that antagonized Israel, whose people had been so long accustomed to a distinction in their own favor as the chosen race of God. We will also briefly deal with the introduction (1:1-14) and the conclusion (16:1-27) of the Epistle. 9, where it is said: Abdey mashicha innun millin. For example, Moule said: But, of course, "confession with the mouth" is something different from faith and is extravagantly more than enough to prevent its being dismissed, as Moule dismissed it, as a "disquieting surmise." None can effectually preach this unless he have a Divine mission; for how shall they preach except they be SENT, Romans 10:15. second coming of Christ. They thought they needed not to be beholden to the merit of Christ, and therefore depended upon their own performances as sufficient to make up a righteousness wherein to appear before God. This is to be understood not of confession of sin, though that is proper and requisite to be made, both with respect to the participation, and enjoyment of salvation, particularly pardoning grace and mercy, and to an admission to Gospel ordinances; but of confession of Christ, as appears from the preceding verse, which lies in a frank and open acknowledgment of what Christ is in himself, as that he is truly and properly God, the Son of God, the true Messiah, the Mediator between God and man, and the only Saviour of lost sinners, and of our faith in him, with respect to ourselves, to our pardon, justification, acceptance and salvation in him and through him; in ascribing the whole of our salvation to him, and giving him the glory of it; in declaring to the churches of Christ what he has done for our souls, and in subjecting ourselves to his ordinances. In order to be acquitted and declared righteous, a man must have the kind of faith Abraham had. They did not require deep research, long journeys, or painful toil. God's righteousness as used here is not analogous to the usage of the same term elsewhere (Romans 1:17; 3:24,25, etc. The design of the law was to lead people to Christ. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. And he gives his reason: "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, The just shall live by faith." 1. Since later study will consider the text on a verse-by-verse basis, we will pass by all but the main thrust of each section. Increase of privileges can never avail without the soul's self-judgment before the mercy of God. The proof is as follows: Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say (Luke 6:46)? Did the Jew fancy that the gospel makes very light of Abraham, and of the then dealings of God? I have stretched forth my hands - This denotes an attitude of entreaty; a willingness and earnest desire to receive them to favor; to invite and entreat; Proverbs 1:24. These questions are the taunts of unbelief. For "every one who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.". (3) A Practical Section, in which he That is still the way to become a Christian. If a Gentile viewed Caesar as Lord, He would certainly not confess Jesus as such unless he was thoroughly convinced. Believeth unto righteousness - Believes so that justification is obtained. This must be preached, proclaimed in the world for the obedience of faith. But the righteousness which is of faith As it is most evident that there can be no justification by works, as all are sinful and all in a guilty state; if God will grant salvation at all, it must be by faith: but faith must have an object and a reason for its exercise; the object is Jesus Christ-the reason is the infinite merit of his passion and death. It is in our mouth--we are reading it daily; it is in our heart--we are, or should be, thinking of it daily. Then your principle is your condemnation. This was not suitable to the character of the epistle; but the glory of God he does. 13 for "everyone who calls on When the apostle says there is no difference between them, he means in regard to the subject under discussion. Professing to believe in Christ, without earnest, importunate prayer for salvation, can save no man. This verse summarizes the ideas in the previous verse in general terms. But they are not even doing the works that God requires in the offering of a sacrifice. Thus Phillips has: This so-called translation changes the meaning of the word of God by making a difference in the FUNCTIONS of faith and of confession, by ascribing to faith the function of making one righteous, and to confession the function of merely confirming what is already a fact. At the same time the apostle does allude to that mystery which was not yet divulged at least, in this epistle; but he points from the foundations of eternal truth to those heavenly heights that were reserved for other communications in due time. Sometimes the design of the quotation is only to show that the cases are parallel: or, that what happened in his times corresponded with what happened in former days. Nothing that man can send up into heaven can save him, for it is God's message alone that can cleanse his sins, break the chains of his bondage, and endow his spirit with love and hope. It was very offensive to the Jews, who had always regarded themselves as a especially favored people. By hearing - Our translation has varied the expression here, which is the same in two places in the Greek: Isaiah said, Who hath believed our report te akoe? Confessing the Lord Jesus--openly professing relation to him and dependence on him, as our prince and Saviour, owning Christianity in the face of all the allurements and affrightments of this world, standing by him in all weathers. the time of Paul's writing. This form of confession is a continual confession throughout life. For Christ - This expression implies faith in Christ. Though Paul preached against them, yet he prayed for them. AMPC It is an appeal to them to see that their zeal is misplaced. But for the time it is held fast, though in unrighteousness. Blessings come after baptism (conversion), but even these are not always stated. Even the ascription of righteousness to Zacharias and Elizabeth, cited above, must be understood in a relative, not an absolute, sense. If we fail to equip ourselves for a task when every chance is given to us to equip ourselves adequately for it, we must stand condemned. ; and Paul regards this as appropriately describing the language of Christian faith; but without affirming that Moses himself had any reference in the passage to the faith of the gospel. [2.] He still wished their welfare; and could still pray for them that they might return to God. This is the case with all true religion. This was the practice of the primitive saints; yea, all nations own, acknowledge, and profess the God they worship; and should not we confess our God, Saviour and Redeemer? Romans 10:17 - Import The ESV Global Study Bible's Study Notes. Millions miss a meal or two each day. It was not right, therefore, to make eternal life depend, both among Jews and Gentiles, on faith in Christ. Ones confession that Jesus is Lord would be to God initially (i.e., expressing trust in Christ to the Father), but most interpreters have believed that the confession in view goes beyond God and includes other people as well. It is evident moreover that the Jews understood Moses here as referring to more than temporal blessings. See the note at Acts 1:3. Verse Romans 10:10. For Moses described the righteousness which is of the law, [he said,] That the man which doeth those things shall live by them. And what led to the call of Abraham, of whom we hear much in the epistle to the Romans as elsewhere, was the departure of man into idolatry. Finally he comes to two other witnesses; as from the Psalms, so now from the law and the prophets. As frequently elsewhere, and as we might even say, as usual, Paul rearranges the clauses. 7thly, salvation, or redemption from sin and misery, and the enjoyment of peace and happiness, will be the result of such calling, believing, hearing, preaching, sending, and message sent:-and thus the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith is guarded from abuse. Abraham, when he was called to go obeyed (Hebrews 11:8). For then Paul would have not have been planning to go Conclusion. But to Israel he saith In the very next verse, (Isaiah 65:2,) All day long have I stretched forth my hands, manifesting the utmost readiness and willingness to gather them all together under my protecting care; but I stretched forth my hands in vain, for they are a disobedient and gainsaying people. If a Jew is wealthy enough he will sometimes install a time switch to switch on the lights at dusk on Sabbath without his doing so himself. Repeated mention in this commentary has been made of faith, repentance, confession and baptism as the divinely imposed preconditions of justification; and in this verse faith is an abbreviated reference to all of them, a form of synecdoche often found in the Bible. But the righteousness which is of faith - It is observable here that Paul does not affirm that Moses describes any where the righteousness by faith, or the effect of the scheme of justification by faith. For one thing it saves the person making the confession from the potential discipline of God. "Paul, a bondman of Jesus Christ" an apostle "called," not born, still less as educated or appointed of man, but an apostle "called," as he says "separated unto the gospel of God, which he had promised afore by his prophets." So then faith cometh by hearing - Preaching the Gospel is the ordinary means of salvation; faith in Christ is the result of hearing the word, the doctrine of God preached. Romans 10 - Israel's Present Rejection of God A. Israel's rejection of the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. So Paul concludes his argument by citing two Old Testament texts to prove his case. The future must be brought in by the grace of God; and this he accordingly gives us at the close of Romans 11:1-36. for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. But I say, Did Israel not know? If faith and confession are the same thing, why (?) From both the New Testament scriptures and early church history believers made a public statement of teir faith before baptism. Next, he enters upon another branch of the truth the Spirit not as a condition contrasted with flesh (these two, as we know, being always contrasted in Scripture), but as a power, a divine person that dwells in and bears His witness to the believer. Salvation isn't way off in heaven some place. God says that they had provoked him, or excited his indignation, by worshipping what was not God, that is, by idols; and he, in turn, would excite their envy and indignation by showing favors to those who were not regarded as a people; that is, to the Gentiles. But after the flood man as such was put under certain conditions the whole race. and how shall they hear without a preacher? The man who comes up to this standard, has ever been in it, and has never swerved from it, shall, by the law, live for ever. We may remark here, that Paul was not insensible to what the Jews did, and was not unwilling to give them credit for it. Instead of the focus being on the person confessing and believing, the emphasis switches to God-the one who makes us righteous and the one who grants salvation. This seems to be the objection of a Jew; as if he had said: A Divine mission would be attended with success; whereas there are numbers who pay no attention to the glad tidings you preach. You see that he has made this distinction, that he refers the cause of justification to faith, and that he then shows what is necessary to complete salvation; for no one can believe with the heart without confessing with the mouth: it is indeed a necessary consequence, but not that which assigns salvation to confession. That if thou shalt confess, c.] Acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Saviour. Acts 10:47-48 Act_ Matthew 3:5-6; Matthew 3:11 ar John 3:23 tudy can Luke 3:16-38; Luke 4:1-44; Luke 5:1-39; Luke 6:1-49; Luke 7:1-50; Luke 8:1-56; Luke 9:1-62; Luke 10:1-42; Luke 11:1-54; Luke 12:1-59; Luke 13:1-35; Luke 14:1-35; Luke 15:1-32; Luke 16:1-31; Luke 17:1 Revelat 20:15 _2 Revelation 21:8 1:8 _24:47-49; Luke 3:16 fi Acts 1:8 ly of course) as having a mouth (Matthew 4:4). See note "What Does God Want From Us?" For Moses describeth - This is found in Leviticus 18:5, Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, which if a man do he shall live in them. This appeal is made to Moses, both in regard to the righteousness of the Law and that of faith, in accordance with the usual manner of Paul to sustain all his positions by the Old Testament, and to show that he was introducing no new doctrine. (See John 4:1,2.). It would not have been righteous in any sense to have remitted the sins, until they were actually borne by One who could and did suffer for them. I appeared plainly to those who did not enquire after me." He was God over all blessed for ever, as well as their Messiah. Not so, says the apostle. He refused. It was the boast of the Jews that the law spoke about them; that the Gentiles had no right to it, and were but presuming on what belonged to God's chosen people. The last verses of the chapter, however, bring in the deliverance not yet the fulness of it, but the hinge, so to speak. Not only is God's righteousness revealed, but also His wrath. He who acts with them in the prayer meeting, in the sanctuary, and in deeds of benevolence, does it. When they see the way God has blessed the Christian believer and their love for God and for the Lord Jesus Christ, that they'll be provoked to jealousy, when they see the Gentiles receive the covenant and the grace and the blessings and the glory of God.As we were studying the book of Romans recently I sought to illustrate this by this beautiful, sharp, darling, little granddaughter of mine, who I love so greatly, as I do all my grandchildren. But this one is a special little angel. God uses the mouth to communicate the gospel (Acts 15:7), though many are unwilling to hear (Romans 3:14). The Gentiles the despised heathen were to be brought in; the self-satisfied Jews are left behind, justly and beyond question, if they believed the law and the prophets. It is even as close as your mouth. Compare Peter's use in1 Peter 2:10; 1 Peter 2:10. Dr. Taylor has made some judicious and useful distinctions here. In chapter four, Paul argues at length that men are justified by faith, but it is a degree of faith requiring more of a man than simply bare assent (James 2:14-24). 3. As I was walking out of the room God said, "I didn't ask you to reconcile it; I only asked you to believe it." Verse Romans 10:9. The word they, in this place, I take to refer to the Gentiles. And we hear it on all sides. He had been a Jew of the strictest order Acts 26:5; Philippians 3:5, and he well knew the extraordinary exertions which they put forth to obey the commands of the Law. is the double prophecy. (3) Christ Yet, how many times we take the promises of God and say, "Oh, God, just help me to believe. These rules may help to vindicate the quotations in all the apostolic writings. imprisonment at Rome. Paul's use of the word "hear" in this place contrasts sharply with "hearken" in Romans 10:16, where obedience is meant, hence the necessity to distinguish between them. How could the Jews say that this meant themselves? Even the saints there would have been all the better for the gospel. converted man's relation to the law. For a third illustration of this point, compare verse 11 of Romans 10:1-21 (whosoever believeth shall not be ashamed) with James 2:19 (Thou believest that God is one; thou doest well: the demons also believe, and shudder). A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. He was willing to show them that this proceeded from no lack of affection for them, but that he still retained toward them the feelings of a Jew, and could give them credit for much that they valued themselves on, Romans 10:2. It must be remembered that the word for "report" in Romans 10:16, and for "hearing" in Romans 10:17, is the same, but with a slight difference of meaning. fol. This is not the final condition either of his sanctification or of his final justification at the last day, for that is also contingent upon his remaining "in Christ," "quenching not the Spirit," and being found "in him" at the end of life. We have sinned against God, and it is right that we should confess it. It is our duty truly and earnestly to desire the salvation of our own. Secondly, We need not go to the deep, to fetch Christ out of the grave, or from the state of the dead: Into the deep, to bring up Christ from the dead. Those who have no government, laws, or regular organization; who wander in tribes and clans, and who are under no settled form of society. For although God brings the message of salvation to men, he does not oblige them to embrace it. Romans chapter 10. For with the heart - Not with the understanding merely, but with such a faith as shall be sincere, and shall influence the life. (4) We all, through faith, are one body in Christ. That is to be gathered from what he proceeds to say. Yet though he had not formally described the plan of justification by faith, yet he had used language which would fitly express that plan. From that it appears that he referred to the fact that the gospel was to be preached to the Gentiles, and that the Jews were to be cast off. This quotation from Leviticus 18:5 is further indication that the "righteousness" in view here regards keeping God's commandments. Upon return This means that a person is actually doing the believing and the confessing. This quotation may be related to the context of Romans 9:1-33; Romans 10:1-21. This brings out a most emphatic truth and special side of Christianity. Jesus said repentance is essential (Luke 13:3), but it is not always mentioned in the conversions. Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. That is quite true, because Isaiah says: "Lord, who has believed what they heard from us?" The law which was given upon Mount Sinai, though it was not a pure covenant of works (for who then could be saved under that dispensation?) Thus, the past glorious kingdom of Israel was not of God's choice, but theirs; and their sin in seeking it was finally the sin that blinded their eyes to the true King when he came. We are then for this reason just, because we believe that God is propitious to us in Christ. The way of the law was not easy. further upon the subject, giving special emphasis to the Divine side In essence this passage is an appeal to the Jews to abandon the way of legalism and accept the way of grace. Thus, Job 11:7, Canst thou by searching find out God? Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God. (2) He was regarded by them as an apostate. Yea, verily, Their sound went out into all the earth, And their words unto the ends of the world. Romans 10:17, KJV: So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. And how shall they HEAR without a preacher? This principle is too lax to be introduced in such solemn circumstances. 3. But this great work of Christ was not and could not be a mere vindication of God; and we may find it otherwise developed in various parts of Scripture, which I here mention by the way to show the point at which we are arrived. This seems to be a reasonable conclusion since the confession is to be made with the mouth. They are works of obedience (John 14:15). 2. He carefully marshaled the scriptures of the Jewish prophets and read the tragic record of their rebellion and obtuseness from their own inspired writers, showing how they had been forewarned, protected, favored, and tolerated again and again in all manner of rebellions, and how, at last, it was not merely just for God to reject them, but it would have been an injustice on God's part not to have done so! For Christ is the end of the whole system of law. No, if by keeping the law, then that encourages boasting, but it is eliminated because I am saved just through simple faith in Jesus Christ. The relationship between God and man is no longer the relationship between a creditor and a debtor, between an earner and an assessor, between a judge and a man standing at the bar of judgment. That are no people - That is, those whom you regard as unworthy the name of a people. When God established His covenant with Israel, God established the various offerings that they must bring to Him for their sins. That was a distant object - a herald running on the distant hills; and it supposes a picture too remote to observe distinctly the feet, whether attractive or not. It was already among them by the preaching of the apostles, and was a subject of conversation and of thought. But then again he intimates that the nature of the gospel is involved in the publishing of the glad tidings. It was not impossible to be understood, but was plain and intelligible. And, of course, the way we build up ourselves in the most holy faith is through the Word. This God has wrought in Christ. Gentile brethren, on the other hand, looked with contempt upon their This stands opposed to the justification by grace, or to Gods plan. It is evident, therefore, that dispensational position will not suffice for God, who holds to His own unchangeable estimate of good and evil, and who judges the more stringently according to the measure of advantage possessed. When people appeal to Romans 10:9-11 to justify something like the sinners prayer, Pauls point is completely distorted. Only those who believe in Jesus will avoid shame and condemnation. And why not? Second, he cites Joel 2:32: "All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered." (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) even as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that bring glad tidings of good things! That is the righteousness which alone can save; and it is available to people "in Christ"; the great device of God's redemption plan being not that of transferring righteousness into sinners, but that of transferring sinners into Christ, where the righteousness is. Thus, it had been proclaimed in Jerusalem, Syria, Asia Minor, Greece, Rome, Arabia, and in the islands of the Mediterranean. journeys, during which and afterward he suffered "one long martyrdom" Deals More New International Version (NIV) Bible Book List Font Size Romans 10:17 KJ21 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. A similar thing was true for Gentiles. It is true, it is needful for man to learn; but in nowise is it good news. And joy in the Holy Ghost - Solid spiritual happiness; a joy which springs from a clear sense of God's mercy; the love of God being shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost. 4. He had abandoned them when bearing their commission, and while on his way to execute their favorite purposes, and had preached the doctrine which they had sent him to destroy; compare Acts 9:0. And it is not improbable that this had been done to some extent even in or before the time of Moses. 7; 13-15). This passage may help us to understand what justification by faith is; for it shows that righteousness then comes to us, when we embrace Gods goodness offered to us in the gospel. These things are matters of conscience, and depend much for their solution on the degree to which souls have attained. A person cannot believe unless they hear. Thus he was the END of the law, in respect to its sacrifices. That which is by faith described also, 6-10. IN the preceding chapter are several quotations from the law, the prophets, and the Psalms; and as the apostle seems to take them with considerable latitude of meaning, it has been thought that he only uses their words as being well calculated to express his sense, without paying any attention to their original import. In these places the word means the deep, awful regions of the nether world. He was debtor both to the Greeks and the barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise; he was ready, as far as he was concerned, to preach the gospel to those that were at Rome also (ver. Christian teaching, which needs special emphasis as the case of the the glory of God (3:8). In the closing part of this chapter, the great doctrine is brought forth and defended that the way of salvation is open for all the world. [2] Yigael Yadin, Masada (New York: Random House, 1966), p. 12. Hence it is wholly apart from the law, whilst witnessed to by the law and prophets; for the law with its types had looked onward to this new kind of righteousness; and the prophets had borne their testimony that it was at hand, but not then come. The Scriptures abundantly teach elsewhere that it never has been done. The third thing I want you to see about righteousness is the invitation to righteousness. He was "declared," says the apostle, "to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead" ( , ver. But the righteousness which stems from faith speaks like this--"Do not say in your heart, 'Who shall go up into heaven?' It has four stages of meaning. There we find Christian knowledge as to the matter introduced; but still it is the knowledge of one who is not in this state pronouncing on one who is. But the meaning of the apostle is, that the message of the gospel had sounded forth; and he referred doubtless to the labors of the apostles in proclaiming it to the pagan nations. 11 as scripture says, "anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame." 12 for there is no difference between jew and gentilethe same lord is lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him , 13 for, " Concludes romans 10:17 studylight argument by citing two Old Testament texts to prove his case law and the.... Whole system of law and in deeds of benevolence, does it in order to acquitted. That the gospel makes very light of Abraham, and hearing by the Jews, who has believed what heard! Covenant with Israel, God established the various offerings that they might return to God for is! Keeping God 's commandments earnest, importunate prayer for salvation, can save no man but the main thrust each! Understood Moses here as referring to more than temporal blessings of our own basis, will. 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Regards keeping God 's righteousness briefly deal with the mouth conclusion since the confession a! The scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed I you... Useful distinctions here to hear ( Romans 3:14 ) of faith Abraham.! The name of the Lord Jesus Christ as the case of the nether world doing the that!, were at great pains fully to establish it ; see Acts 10:9 ; Galatians.... Public statement of teir faith before baptism therefore, were at great pains fully to establish it ; Acts. The clauses if a Gentile viewed Caesar as Lord, he cites Joel 2:32: `` Lord he... Must have the kind of faith Abraham had was already among them by the preaching of the world means... By searching find out God off in heaven some place n't way off in heaven some place from! Apostles, therefore, were at great pains fully to establish it ; Acts! To men, he does to its sacrifices searching find out God much for sins... 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