proverbs 18:10 explanation

Not only may a name identify, but it frequently expresses the essential nature of its bearer; to know the name is to know the person (cf. it; and plant a mine to blow it up; so highly built; no scaling 2:36; Job 5:11; 36:22; Ps. Or else you have had personal sickness; you have long lain on the bed of weariness, tossing to and fro, and then the temptation has come into your heart to be impatient: God has dealt hardly with you, so the Evil One whispers; but how do you escape? This is a vain and foolish superstition, that has no foundation whatever in the Oracles of God. Praying is the immediate and direct means of imploring the Divine assistance and protection. You tell me that there is His promise, but again I remind you that the value of a mans promise must depend on his character. He smites us with His rod, but then to look up and say, Father, if I could believe what Thy rod seems to say, I should say Thou lovest me not; but I know Thou art a God of love, and my faith tells me that Thou lovest me none the less because of that hard blow. (See He 12:5, 6-note, He 12:7, 8, 9, 10-note, He 12:11-note). A man of narrow means has often to fight a hard battle to supply his bodily necessities, and is a stranger to those luxuries which make life, in this respect, so comfortable to a rich man. Boundless wisdom. e. Each of these will lead to doubt. (A Commentary on the Whole Book of Proverbs - 1868). 2. The passage says they must "run". I know not why Gods wondrous grace Disease and death cannot be turned aside with moneya troubled soul cannot be comforted with gold. No, in no wise. In Bible times a persons name stood for the person. 2 (1869), Pr 18:1012. (b-16) Or 'unapproachable;' lit. He that separateth himself seeketh his own desire, His character is the great granite formation upon which must rest all the pillars of the covenant of grace, and the sure mercies thereof. Holy Father, keep (tereo in the present imperative = continually) them in Thy name, the name which Thou hast given Me, that they may be one, even as We are. No time is unseasonable. If God were not such that he cannot lie, if he were not so faithful that he cannot repent, if he were not so mighty that he cannot be frustrated when he intends to perform, then his promise were but waste paper; his words like our words, would be but wind, and afford no satisfactory shelter for a soul distressed and anxious. LOOK AT SOME OF THE FORCES AGAINST US. We realize our security from external trouble (Dt 33:33:27, 28, 29, Ps 61:3, Ps 91:2, Is 54:14), and in trying exercises of faith (Isa 1:10). He went into the tower, and was set on high. He knows what to save us from, and what to let us suffer; how far and in what way he may relieve and restore us; how he can help us so as to bless us truly and permanently. (Ps 27:5, cp Ps 31:21). Isaiah 12:2 "Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the LORD GOD is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation.". These are the days of disaster or victory in human life, the days in which we find that of ourselves and in ourselves we are unequal to navigating the vessel, to prosecuting the battle to finality, to discovering the way along which we should walk, and to continuing therein in spite of difficulty. high above all danger (cf. ), 2. liable to reproach. Its figurative use is developed most fully: of high inaccessible knowledge (Ps 139:6); of the security of Gods high name (Pr 18:10, 11). Gods almighty providence is the surest and strongest defence against all enemies of whatever kind, let their art, their activity, their malignity be what they will. and with ignominy reproach. But the righteous man can say to Him who is his strong tower, Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations Even from everlasting to everlasting Thou art God (Ps. 9 he also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster. In choosing a name, the parents could reflect the circumstances of the childs birth, their own feelings, their gratitude to God, their hopes and prayers for the child, and their commitment of the child to God. Psalm 30:7 O LORD, by Your favor You have made my mountain to stand strong; You hid Your face, I was dismayed. (Proverbs 18:10 Our Stronghold). He looks forwardall is terror; backwardnothing but remorse; inwardall is darkness. But still what is a mans oath worth irrespective of his character? What will prevent the sorrows, deal with the sins, or enable us to be of good cheer in the face of death and disease, and to say, You cannot touch me? Sinners I know, when they come to Christ, want to bring tons of "good" works, wagon loads of good feelings, and fitnesses, and repentings, and such like; but the righteous do no such thing; they just foreswear every thing they have of their own, and count it but dross and dung, that they may run to Christ and be found in Him (Ro 8:1 = no condemnation, Ro 8:39 = no separation). Is he poor? 3. The name of the LORD, i.e. 6: Psalms, LXXIII-CL. It's hard to fight something you can't see. The name of the Lord is a strong tower. Now, of course, I need not remind you that the name of the Lord, or the name of Jesus Christ, means a great deal more than the syllables by which He is designated, which is all that we understand generally by a name. And over time, as your Comforter, the Holy Spirit, ministers to your hurting heart, you will find that "the things of the earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace" (Play the hymn and as you listen ask God to help you turn your focus from self to Savior so that you might Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus). And if today the thickening battle and the darkening gloom overwhelm you, stay a little by the river, and look far enough and earnestly enough, and beyond all the mystery of the hour you will see the glory of God's victory; and its chief word is this, "Jehovah-Shammah," the Lord is there. Thus, the people of the Bible were very conscious of the meaning of names. HCSB: The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are protected. He is the place of refuge, of shelter, protection and safety for all who in faith turn to Him. Read full chapter. Any mans name when spoken in the ears of his friends conveys to them a conception of his personality, his character, his disposition, his whole story; all that his is is enshrined in his name. We are to ascribe strength to him. From my heart and now He keeps me by His power. My brethren, what is the conflict to you this morning? Through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal. Riches are good things when they are well used, but confidence in riches is a grievous sin, because it is an alienation of the spirit from God, who requires the homage of the heart still more than the worship of the knee. 2. A.). the name of God is a Semitic phrase for speaking of God's attributes. [Mark 5:26] But as she, when she had spent all before, came to Christ and was cured, so the righteous being poor and destitute of wealth - which is the rich mans strong city [Proverbs 18:11] - and of all human helps (God loves to relieve such as are forsaken of their hopes), runs to this strong refuge, and is not only safe, but set aloft, as the word signifies, out of the gunshot. Abide in Christ, and you are equally safe from the lion that is going about to devour. self have been conscious of sin, but you have said, His name is Jehovah-Tsidkenu, the Lord our righteousness, and so you have gone there, and been safe; or else many have been your enemies, then his name has been Jehovah-Nissi, the Lord my banner; and so he has been a strong tower to you. "If there be tossing and doubting, it is the heaving of a ship at anchor- not the dashing on the rocks." His warfare is now accomplished in His own proper person, but in His mystical body, the church, He is still beset with dangers, and only the eternal arm of our God in covenant can defend the soldiers of the cross, and set them on high out of the reach of their foes. Disaster. Play Audio: When you are afraid, what kind of a tower do you want for protection and safety? Reserved for all the heirs of grace; Lose all their guilty stains, lose all their guilty stains; Fear may even drive a man, I say, to faith, and lend him wings to fly, where else he might have crept with laggard feet. (Believe in ). Genuine faith produces authentic obedience), to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 1 Timothy Someone has it in for you. ", 3. THE NAME JESUS ESSENTIALLY MEANS JEHOVAH IS SALVATION FAITH TESTED TO EXTREMITY? and is safe._ Mark you, beloved, not only is this true as a matter of fact, but it is true as a matter of experience. For in it the righteousness of God (better translated righteousness from God) is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written (Hab 2:4 the gospel is in the Old Testament and has always been God's way of declaring sinners righteous as stated in Galatians 3:8), "BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH." Let Heaven be but as one Scroll, and let it be written all over with titles- they cannot express more than- It is I! The righteous mans refuge, then, is a Living Personalitya Self-existent and Eternal King and Father, infinite in power, in wisdom, and in tenderness. You can run into it and be completely safe. 7 Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the peoples, Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. Ray Pritchard says in view of the "signs of the times" including the fall of the "twin towers" on 9/11, a wise man or woman would run into the strong tower of the Jehovah. You may still feel the way you feel, but He is able to lift you up and place your feet on on high places (cp Hab 3:19+ - be sure to note the context Hab 3:16, 17, 18+ - What does this suggest about the way Habakkuk must have felt? The NAME of the Lord means his characterhis perfections, as revealed in His word;what any one is, being naturally associated with, and suggested by, his name. against an enemy without, that is the power, strength, and might THE PLACE OF REFUGE, THE NAME JEHOVAH. Psalm 84:5 How blessed is the man whose strength is in You, In whose heart are the highways to Zion! I have already said that he was a farmer, a man of simple tastes, unused to the things of war. "Thou hast been a Shelter for me," says the psalmist (Psalms 61:3), "and a strong Tower from the enemy." The Lord began to unveil His holy name and perfect attributes from the first verse of Genesis, where we discover Him to be the all-powerful Creator. Yonder is a hunter down below, who would fain strike the royal bird; he has his rifle with him, but his rifle would not reach one-third of the way. All that he has done and suffered for us, and all that he has promised to us, is contained in it; together with his perfect sufficiency for all that he has undertaken to effect. The Church is not a citadel for those who have not first found their shelter in God. 1. Then he entered into the name of the Lord, "Jehovah-Tsidkenu," and was certain that because He was righteous the victory must be won; and he sang the song of the certainty thereof. Isaiah 49:5 And now says the LORD, who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant, To bring Jacob back to Him, so that Israel might be gathered to Him (For I am honored in the sight of the LORD, And My God is My strength). Later contracted to Joshua. Till now he had no idea of his need of salvation. And when Solomon refers to "the name of the LORD" (explained in more detail below), he uses this phrase to stand for the LORD Himself or His attributes. Run therefore to God, by praying and not fainting. Brethren, I know he has. Someone has it in for you. Escape! 3. We will discover that Jehovah Jireh is a God of infinite provision who can meet every need of our lives. This second warning the wise man here gives against this vain confidence. The Bible abounds with illustrations. His beneficence. London). Our safety is in aspiration. Learn--, The two verses put side by side two pictures, two fortifications: The name of the Lord is a strong tower; that is so, whether a man thinks it or not; that is an objective truth and always true. Thus there is no automatic security in having wisdom and being righteous we have to exercise them. What can mere man do to me? xviii. It was given to him. Only the man whose purpose is to live the righteous life, and whose constant effort is to realise his purpose. The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. This is a striking picture of one who, feeling his inability to keep himself safe, and not knowing how many foes he has around him, flies to a place of well-known strength, and resting there is confident that he is secure. Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone in both testaments! The name of the LORD is a strong tower: God provides a wonderful and strong defense. Essence, or protection of God. Trust in the Lord, and you shall want no good thing. Here are the 105 uses in the Old and New Testaments (Look at the repeated theme in the uses in Genesis - Interesting! is for gratification and pleasure, and not for a righteous purpose. Ro 15:5, 13, 2Co 1:3, 5:19, 1Pe 1:10, cp Ps 9:10). Jehovah-Tsidkenu, the Lord our righteousness. Proverbs 18:10, Strong indeed! and intermeddleth with all wisdom._ _yithgal;_ this word Gods unlimited power. Though the presence of God is not visible to the eye of sense, the revelation of the gospel is open and conspicuous. The name Isaac reflected the laughter of his mother at his birth (Ge 21:6). He cries for deliverance and leaves ways and means with his God. Among the ancient Jews there was one divine name which had peculiar sacredness. On all the pages of their ancient Scriptures this particular name, to which the preacher now refers, stands revealed by four consonants, with no vowels, indicating a reverent reticence in the pronunciation of a name so full of rich suggestiveness. The day when we have to say we cannot is a day of disaster or a day of victory, and whether it be disaster or victory depends entirely upon whether or not we believe our text of the morning, and have entered into the full meaning of its profound and comforting suggestiveness. 18:2, Psalms 18:33. CHAPTER 18 PROVERBS OF PERSONAL INSTRUCTION Psalm 132:8 Arise, O LORD, to Your resting place, You and the ark of Your strength. means, Job 15:26, to run against anything, , seq. Mother and death of father and brother. 3. Song of Solomon We have to bear the common lot of humanity, but the evil that is in the evil, the bitterness that is in the sorrow, the poison that is in the sting, all these may be taken away for us. Wounded, wearied, and distressed as the fugitive might be, yet in the castle keep he would be safe, and convinced of his safety, though he but lay still. The nerves are unstrung. It is not only a strong tower, but our only defence. While thousands fall on every side, | His Wisdom, Truth, Mercy, Justice, Power, Eternality, and Immutability, are the seven pillars of the house of sure salvation. Our safety is only in the name of the Lord, that God with whom is everlasting strength and sufficiency, and who reveals himself through his blessed Son our Saviour, as the refuge of fallen men. You hear some man inside saying, I shall never be hurt, because I came into the castle the right way. You will tell him, No, no, no, it is not the way you came into the castle but the castle itself is our defense. So some of you may be thinking, I do come to Christ, but I am afraid that I do not come aright. But it is not your coming, it is Christ that saves you. Cheering exiles onward His tried and approved veracity God is faithful, who hath promised. In our intercourse with each other, experience is the basis of confidence, of mercantile credit, and of moral character. A defensive structure either built into a city wall or located on a hill as a watchtower. "Turn, then, to the stronghold!" I hope I have not led any one to think that. The significance is that of Jehovah and salvation interwoven, making the name Joshua, which is our name Jesus; and into that name finally we may run and be set on high. and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. see Psalms 20:1 . 1. God's name stands for the manifestation of His presence in His revelation and His relation to His people. This shows the English words related to the source biblical texts along with brief definitions. Jesus, name of sweetness, H A Ironside - The Name of Jehovah stands for the Lord Himself. Having made sure of their interest in Gods name, they take the comfort and benefit of it: they go out of themselves, retire from the world, live above it, dwell in God and God in them, and so they are safe, as if they were in an impregnable fortress. In summary, the idea of sagab is to to make lofty and inaccessible and therefore safe and secure. The protest of this proverb is against the There is a man sinking there in the river; he cannot swim, he must be drowned! See a lovely picture of this in the tower of Thebez (Jdg 9:50-57-note). This running appears to me to imply, that they have nothing to carry. The Lord may hide His face for a season from His people, but He never has utterly, finally, really, or angrily forsaken them that seek Him. At certain seasons we are more than ordinarily conscious of our guilt; and I would give little for your piety, if you do not sometimes creep into a corner with the poor publican and say. It is essential to know God's name because we bear that I f name and we are commanded to live in such a way that will bring it honor. "Call His name JESUS for He shall save His people from their sin.". Psalm 140:7 "O GOD the Lord, the strength of my salvation, You have covered my head in the day of battle. Amen. Verse Proverbs 18:10. Went into the tower of Thebez ( Jdg 9:50-57-note ) ( Look at the repeated theme in day! Brethren, what is the basis of confidence, of mercantile credit, you. 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