illinois supreme court cases

If we are unwilling to accept conclusory allegations from the police, who are presumptively reliable, or from informants who are known, at least to the police, there cannot possibly be any rational basis for accepting conclusory allegations from anonymous informants. These fears are unjustified. ), Illinois Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/1-100 et seq. . She brought her case to the Supreme Court of the United States. Sue fl[ies] back after she drops the car off in Florida.'" . Since the officers are themselves the chief invaders, there is no enforcement outside of court.". Managed by the AOIC and hosted by Tyler Technologies, re:SearchIL is a secure web portal powered by the e-filing database . High-Profile Cases Learn More The Supreme Court of Illinois, in addition to being the state's highest Court, is responsible for the state's trial courts, one appellate court with five districts, and several supporting units. Id. However, where these circumstances are detailed, where reason for crediting the source of the information is given, and when a magistrate has found probable cause, the courts should not, invalidate the warrant by interpreting the affidavit in a hypertechnical, rather than a common sense, manner. 368, 35 U. S. 392 (1836): "If both of these requirements do not appear on the record, the appellate jurisdiction fails." The Supreme Court on Monday refused to block a Jan. 6 Committee subpoena for the phone records of Kelli Ward, an ally of former President Donald Trump. denied, 449 U.S. 1127 (1981), and the new Eleventh Circuit is presumably bound by its decision. . Here is a link to the audio instead. At the time Lance drives the car back he has the trunk loaded with over $100,000.00 in drugs. . [Footnote 2/14] The reasoning of our recent cases strongly suggests that there is insufficient justification to suppress evidence at a criminal trial which was seized in the reasonable belief that the Fourth Amendment was not violated. Written dissent to follow, Order entered February 25, 2022 by the Supreme Court denying as moot emergency motion to stay the temporary restraining order entered by the Circuit Court of Sangamon County. I too resist the decision of a constitutional question, when such guidance is necessary, but the question of whether the exclusionary rule should be modified is an issue of law which obviously goes far beyond, and depends little on, the subjective good faith of the police officers that searched the Gateses' property. In particular, the complaint contained no affirmative allegation that the agent spoke with personal knowledge, nor did it indicate any sources for the agent's conclusion. Illinois Supreme Court opinions and Illinois Appellate Court opinions and Rule 23 orders are available on this page.Caution on Court Opinions. But the values were those of the authors of our fundamental constitutional concepts.". The "basis of knowledge" prong is satisfied by a statement from the informant that he personally observed the criminal activity, or, if he came by the information indirectly, by a satisfactory explanation of why his sources were reliable, or, in the absence of a statement detailing the manner in which the information was gathered, by a description of the accused's criminal activity in sufficient detail that the magistrate may infer that the informant is relying on something more substantial than casual rumor or an individual's general reputation. See, e.g., United States v. Ceccolini, 435 U. S. 268 (1978); Stone v. Powell, 428 U. S. 465 (1976). Aguilar v. Texas, 378 U. S. 108 (1964). as the very name implies, we deal with probabilities. While a trial judge ruled that the state's FOID requirement was unconstitutional as applied to guns in the home, the state Supreme Court in 2020 threw out that decision and remanded the case . I would eschew such investigations. Oct. 1. at 385, 423 N.E.2d at 891. 929, from the Judiciary Act of 1789, 25, 1 Stat. [Footnote 2/10] The question has been fully briefed and argued by the parties and amici curiae, including the United States. It is enough, for purposes of assessing probable cause, that "[c]orroboration through other sources of information reduced the. v. ILLINOIS Supreme Court Cases 481 U.S. 497 (1987) Search all Supreme Court Cases. That fact, however, was not known to the judge when he issued the warrant to search their home. . It would be surprising if the suppression of evidence garnered in good faith, but by means later found to violate the Fourth Amendment, did not deter legitimate as well as unlawful police activities. The Court's complete failure to provide any persuasive reason for rejecting Aguilar and Spinelli doubtlessly reflects impatience with what it perceives to be "overly technical" rules governing searches and seizures under the Fourth Amendment. out of West Palm Beach on an interstate highway used by travelers from South Florida to Chicago in an automobile bearing a license plate issued to him. Respondents press this very argument. 4 and | 4 and S. 213fn5|>5, supra. But the rules "we fashion [are] for the innocent and guilty alike." "Changes to Rule 23 have been discussed and studied for a long time," Chief Justice Anne M. Burke said. is any rigid demand that specific "tests" be satisfied by every informant's tip. And it bears noting that all of the corroborating detail established in Draper was of entirely innocent activity -- a fact later pointed out by the Court in both Jones v. United States, 362 U.S. at 362 U. S. 269-270, and Ker v. California, 374 U.S. at 374 U. S. 36. The Court's current Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, as reflected by today's unfortunate decision, patently disregards Justice Jackson's admonition in Brinegar v. United States, 338 U. S. 160 (1949): "[Fourth Amendment rights] are not mere second-class rights, but belong in the catalog of indispensable freedoms. However, under our opinion, magistrates remain perfectly free to exact such assurances as they deem necessary, as well as those required by this opinion, in making probable cause determinations. . Appeals from Final Judgments of the Circuit Court in Civil Cases. That such a labyrinthine body of judicial refinement bears any relationship to familiar definitions of, probable cause is hard to imagine. at 357 U. S. 481. at 390, 423 N.E.2d at 893. November 1, 2016, Adopted October 6, 2016; eff. They also provide structure for magistrates' probable cause inquiries. Ante at 462 U. S. 233. Sue flys back after she drops the car off in Florida. Rather, we consider the question originally presented in the petition for certiorari, and conclude that the Illinois Supreme Court read the requirements of our Fourth Amendment decisions too restrictively. Nonetheless, it held that there was no showing that "there was any real contest at any stage of this case upon the point," id. 127119 People State of Illinois, Appellant, v. Dion Addison, Appellee. As these comments illustrate, probable cause is a fluid concept -- turning on the assessment of probabilities in particular factual contexts -- not readily, or even usefully, reduced to a neat set of legal rules. ", Spinelli, supra, at 393 U. S. 426 (WHITE, J., concurring). Our decisions applying the totality-of-the-circumstances analysis outlined above have consistently recognized the value of corroboration of details of an informant's tip by independent police work. The Illinois Supreme Court has discretion to hear appeals from the appellate courts. The opinions, announcements, and orders by the Supreme Court may be reviewed under the Recent Decisions tab or at the Supreme Court of Illinois website: Our decisions concerning the scope of the exclusionary rule cannot be divorced from the Fourth Amendment; they rest on the relationship of Fourth Amendment interests to the objectives of the criminal justice system. Of course, to the extent these cases were correctly decided, they indicate a fortiori that the exclusionary rule issue in this case is properly before us. Id. The rigid "two-pronged test" under Aguilar and Spinelli for determining whether an informant's tip establishes probable cause for issuance of a warrant is abandoned, and the "totality of the circumstances" approach that traditionally has informed probable cause determinations is substituted in its place. There, an informant named Hereford reported that Draper would arrive in Denver on a train from Chicago on one of two days, and that he would be carrying a quantity of heroin. . The informant had indicated that "sue . But the question whether a particular anonymous tip provides the basis for issuance of a warrant will often be a difficult one, and I would at least attempt to provide more precise guidance by clarifying Aguilar-Spinelli and the relationship of those cases with Draper before totally abdicating our responsibility in this area. Id. Although we have spoken frequently on the meaning of 1257 and its predecessors, our decisions are in some respects not entirely clear. Notwithstanding the select and controversial instances in which the Court has reversed a state court decision for "plain error," [Footnote 2/1] we have consistently dismissed for want of jurisdiction where the federal claim asserted in this Court was not raised below. In Illinois, citations are now made to the state's printed official reporters: "Illinois Reports" for Supreme Court opinions and "Illinois Appellate Reports" for Appellate Court opinions. Spinelli v. United States, supra, at 393 U. S. 417. One frequently cited decision Stanley v. State, supra, at 530, 313 A.2d at 861 (footnote omitted), remarks that, "the dual requirements represented by the 'two-pronged test' are 'analytically severable,' and an 'overkill' on one prong will not carry over to make up for a deficit on the other prong. The exclusionary rule is "a judicially created remedy designed to safeguard Fourth Amendment rights generally," and not "a personal constitutional right of the party aggrieved." Recent Decisions From the Supreme Court of Illinois People v. Stewart Date: October 20, 2022 Citation: 2022 IL 126116 Docket Number: 126116 Justia Opinion Summary: In 2016, Stewart, then 20 years old, was charged with possession of a stolen motor vehicle, a Class 2 felony. The trend and direction of our exclusionary rule decisions indicate not a lesser concern with safeguarding the Fourth Amendment but a fuller appreciation of the high costs incurred when probative, reliable evidence is barred because of investigative error. "a search warrant is valid only if probable cause has been shown to the magistrate, and that an inadequate showing may not be rescued by post-search testimony on information known to the searching officers at the time of the search.". For example, a pattern or practice of official conduct that is alleged to violate Fourth Amendment rights may be challenged by an aggrieved individual in a suit for declaratory or injunctive relief. We must be ever mindful of Justice Stewart's admonition in Coolidge v. New Hampshire, 403 U. S. 443 (1971): "In times of unrest, whether caused by crime or racial conflict or fear of internal subversion, this basic law and the values that it represents may appear unrealistic or 'extravagant' to some. (1981-1982). Published: Nov. 1, 2022 at 1:22 PM PDT. Nathanson v. United States, 290 U. S. 41 (1933). While an effort to fix some general, numerically precise degree of certainty corresponding to "probable cause" may not be helpful, it is clear that "only the probability, and not a prima facie showing, of criminal activity, is the standard of probable cause." Thus, it concluded that no showing of probable cause had been made. The affidavit submitted to the magistrate stated that certain furs had been stolen, and that a confidential informant, who previously had furnished confidential information, said that he saw the furs in petitioner's home. The officers also were "informed by a confidential reliable informant that William Spinelli [was engaging in illegal gambling activities]" at the apartment, and that he used two phones, with numbers corresponding to those possessed by the police. of proof" appropriate in ordinary judicial proceedings are inapplicable to the decision to issue a warrant. See, e.g., Minnick v. California Dept. Past decisions finding that the remedy of exclusion is not always appropriate upon the finding of a Fourth Amendment violation acknowledge the close relationship of the issues. Likewise, search and arrest warrants long have been issued by persons who are neither lawyers nor judges, and who certainly do not remain abreast of each judicial refinement of the nature of "probable cause." Nor does the State's repeated opposition to respondents' substantive Fourth Amendment claims suffice to have raised the separate question whether the exclusionary rule should be modified. The Illinois Supreme Court thought that the verification of details contained in the anonymous letter in this case amounted only to "[t]he corroboration of innocent activity," 85 Ill. 2d 376, 390, 423 N.E.2d 887, 893 (1981), and that this was insufficient to support a finding of probable cause. [Footnote 4/5] However, none of these subsequent events may be considered in evaluating the warrant, [Footnote 4/6] and the search of the house was legal only if the warrant was valid. at 358 U. S. 313, the police "had reasonable grounds' to believe that the remaining unverified bit of [the informant's] information . Case Overview Case Overview. . JUSTICE WHITE then pointed out that prior cases had rejected "the notion that the past. In this case, it was fully reasonable for the Bloomingdale, Ill., police to believe that their search of respondents' house and automobile comported with the Fourth Amendment, as the search was conducted pursuant to a judicially issued warrant. The result usually has been that initially bright-line rules have disappeared in a sea of ever-finer distinctions. Nov 08, 2022 at 3:00 am. See, e.g., Torres v. Puerto Rico, 442 U. S. 465 (1979); Almeida-Sanchez v. United States, supra; Sibron v. New York, 392 U. S. 40 (1968); Berger v. New York, 388 U. S. 41 (1967). In Justice Harlan's words, adherence to the rule lessens the threat of "untoward practical ramifications," id. 2, 38 Stat. Words such as "practical," "nontechnical," and "common sense," as used in the Court's opinion, are but code words for an overly permissive attitude towards police practices in derogation of the rights secured by the Fourth Amendment. It has original jurisdiction. The effect of these decisions, of course, was that evidence was not excluded because of the officer's reasonable belief that he was acting lawfully, and the Court's reasoning, as I discuss infra, at 462 U. S. 260-261, leads inexorably to the more general modification of the exclusionary rule I favor. In cases coming here from state courts in which a state statute is assailed as unconstitutional, there are reasons of peculiar force which should lead us to refrain from deciding questions not presented or decided in the highest court of the state whose judicial action we are called upon to review. See Model Code of Pre-Arraignment Procedure 210.1(7) (Prop.Off.Draft 1972); 1 W. LaFave, Search and Seizure 3.2(e) (1978). The Court held that the Aguilar test should be applied to the tip, and approved two additional ways of satisfying that test. The State, 83 U.S. 16 Wall. Neither the standards nor their effects are inconsistent with a "practical, nontechnical" conception of probable cause. Cf. ", Id. The standards inform the police of what information they have to provide and magistrates of what information they should demand. 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