Rhaenys Targaryen was revealed to be a recurring character in House of the Dragon on December 8, 2020. Her ascencion to the Iron Throne would eventually spark conflict in the Seven Kingdoms once again as many lords see the Brightflames or even the Blackfyres as the rightful heirs to the crown. They were all being whisked into The Red Keep to witness Aegon IIs ascension to the Iron Throne. If Rhaeyns, after surviving the fall on Meraxes, did elope with some member of House Vaith, you would expect some of the Targaryen features in their descendants. Rhaenys had a lean lined face and silver hair streaked with white. after they recieved the news of her death.. > The two years that followed were later called the years of the Dragon's Wroth. Aegon Targaryen continues to refuse to be crownedbut when his mother hands him the Valyrian steel dagger Viserys carried, he always seems to decide to play along. Aegon Targaryen was the son of Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia Martell. And thanks to the fact that Rhaenys was Aegon's sister this doesn't really make Aenys' children any less Targaryen insofar as 'the magical blood of the dragon' is concerned. SPOILERS for House of the Dragon season 1. Prince Aegon Targaryen, is the son of King Rhaegar I Targaryen and Queen Elia Martell, he is a member of the royal family of House Targaryen. She had a younger full-brother, Aegon, and a younger paternal half-brother, who was also named Aegon but was raised as Jon Snow. At the age of eight, she was made her father's heir and . This rule could have been inspired by Rhoynish values of equality for women, similar to the rule Gaemon Palehair decreed. Also known among thesmallfolkasthe Queen Who Never Was, was the faithful wife of LordCorlys VelaryonofDriftmark. Nevertheless, the ceremony is interrupted by Rhaenys and her dragon, Meleys, making their way through the groundperhaps referring to Helaenas words of la beast under the boards. Aegon read it upon the Iron Throne, and men say that when he rose, his hand was bleeding, so hard had he clenched it. This would atleast give substance to why Rhaenys looks like a Martell with brown hair, rather than a Targaryen with Silver hair. Rhaenys, youngest of the three Targaryens, was all her sister was not: playful, curious, impulsive, given to flights of fancy. As House of the Dragon continues to employ time jumps each episode, it's only a matter of time before the show introduces Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen's (Milly Alcock/Emma D'Arcy) children as key players in the Dance of the Dragons. Alicent is also against killing Rhaenyra and Daemon.Well, that was not what Viserys would have wanted. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Aemon, the son of King Jaehaerys, was the Prince of Dragonstone and first in line to the Iron Throne after his father. During the Sack of King's Landing, Rhaenys hid under her father's bed, a floor above the nursery, where her younger brother, Aegon, and her mother, Elia Martell, were. and our Some people believe that he is the prophesied "The Prince Who Was Promised". One clue of this is her establishing the rule of six following her trip. The "rule of six," now part of the common law, was established by Rhaenys as she sat the Iron Throne while the king was upon one of his progresses. Aegon is killed by Gregor Clegane in front of his mother. 74 AC. The dragons met violently a thousand feet above the ground and all three beasts went spinning to the earth. Cloaked under a grey hood, Rhaenys is just about to reach the docks of Blackwater Bay when swaths of King's Landing denizens stampede from all sides. Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, the daughter of Jocelyn Baratheon and Prince Aemon Targaryen. The Targaryens often intermarried to keep the bloodline pure, but that tradition . Instead, Ser Steffon Darklyn (Anthony Flanagan), a knight of the Kingsguard, takes it upon himself to alert Rhaenyra. Visenya was the eldest of the three: she had a harsh beauty to her and a serious side, she was just as much of a warrior as Aegon was. Alicent Hightower is informed of Viserys death., so the Green Council meets, including members of the Privy Council such as Lord Beesbury. A confrontation arises with Harrold Westerling, who decides to resign his position as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard when Otto Hightower orders him to travel to Dragonstone to assassinate Rhaenyra. In one of the interviews, GRRM mentioned that Dark Sister had a slender blade, forged specifically for a woma. Swayed by such considerations, it is said, King Aegon was determined to refuse the offer until Princess Deria placed in his hands a private letter from her father, Prince Nymor. This theory is my attempt to explain what really happened to Rhaenys, as I don't really believe the official narrative about her death in Hellholt in 10 AC. Lord Corlys Velaryon However, he had struck her a hundred times, according to the brothers, and this he did not deny. Rickard was roasted alive in the Red Keep's throne room as Brandon strangled to death. I think it was a plea for peace between Dorne and the Iron Throne, on terms that were inacceptable for Meria, but Nymor was ready to concede. Aegon, however, was just a "Fair-haired" baby, Rhaenys was said to look like a Martell. When they go to look for Aegon in his and his wifes chambers, they discover that the prince is not inside the Red Keep. This would explain his distraught nature upon reading it, as well as his decision to agree to peace. Grief-stricken at the death of . What's interesting is Rhaenys's body was never returned. Remember, when Robb sent unfavorable peace conditions to the Lannisters, who were almost certainly going to refuse, he sent an envoy whose life and well-being meant nothing to him. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Neither of these traits are so unique that mimicking them would be impossible like Viserys' purple eyes. One major reason is that Aegon I remained the most iconic figure in Targaryen history, which meant targs would always want to name their kids after him. A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Aboard the Shy Maid a young man claiming to be . The question is: Should she have gone further? However, Rhaenys is ushered off by a guard who disagrees with the treachery being carried out. During Aegon's War of Conquest, Rhaeyns was sent to Dorne in an attempt to bring Dorne into the newly forming kingdom. He would hardly have made peace with Dorne and let Nymor's daughter return unharmed. Rhaenyra Targaryen. No one even claims to have seen her after she fell from Meraxes. With the family tree spanning across 16 generations, it's difficult to explore every family member, but one that started it all was King Aegon I Targaryen. Rhaenys Targaryen was the daughter of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia Martell. Rhaenys escape from Kings Landing is, perhaps, the first time the show has gone to extreme lengths to differentiate itself from canon. Their conversation reveals that Larys has not been serving the queen just to side with the Hightowers, but instead, indulges her fetish: podophilia. Jaehaerys I had left a legacy of goodwill, a treasury overflowing with gold, and stability. An important thing that is often overlooked is that the peace offer was made immediately after Nymor ascended to the Dornish throne, and not shortly after Rhaenys fall. Read our Disclaimerfor more info. on a ship, because he does not want to be king. The official website of SHKM Government Medical College is gmcmewat.ac.in and check this for nuh.gov.in/public-utility/shkm-gmc-nalhar-hospital. For its part, Aemond and Criston undertake the same task on behalf of the queen, because whoever finds him first will influence the decision he makes regarding Rhaenyra. He had an older sister, Rhaenys Targaryen, and a younger paternal half-brother also named Aegon but raised under the name, Jon Snow. The coronation takes place in the Dragon Wellwhich is convenient for Rhaenys, who wanted to find her beast, Meleys. In her death throes, the dragon destroyed the castle's highest tower and part of curtain wall. This delegation carried the skull of Meraxes with them, as a gift for the king. The queen informs them of the late monarchs supposed last wish, stating that her son Aegon should be king. What exactly in this letter shocked Aegon so much remains subject to speculation. Continue this thread. TheStarksofWinterfellhad spoken for Rhaenys atHarrenhal, as had Lord Stark's bannermen,House DustinofBarrowtonandHouse ManderlyofWhite Harbour. For more information, please see our White Worm, who is actually Mysaria, contacts the twins and requests an audience with the Hand of the King. Disclaimer: Our website name stands for SHKMGMCNUH. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. D'Arcy gets the plum role of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen , a dragon-riding, pure-blooded Valyrian who is her father's first-born child. As the young head of House Targaryen, Aegon holds relatively small lands, only ruling over a handful of islands in the Narrow Sea between Westeros and Essos. At the same time, Rhaenys Targaryen, who was still at court, is locked in her room. At the night he was conceived a comet fell above King's Landing. Now, Rhaenys Targaryennamed after the youngest of the three Conquerors, Queen Rhaenys, the mother of the entire Targaryen dynasty, and Rhaenys's own great-great-grandmother was the daughter . All these points speak against the torture theory. After all, George R.R. As George R.R. Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, cheered as the Realm's Delight when she was young and later called the Half-Year Queen, [1] was the first-born child of King Viserys I Targaryen. Aemond agrees, thinking hes a better option himself, but Cole takes him to his mother. Answer (1 of 2): I came to the conclusion that it is IMPOSSIBLE to reach a consensus, because there are 4 Kings that are considered the worst; and anyone I put here will be someone disagreeing for 1001 reasons so I'll put them here for you to decide (all are worse than Aerys 'The Mad King' II Tar. While the crowd is oohing and aahing, Rhaenys scurries off to find her dragon, Meleys. She was a dragonrider whose dragonwasMeleys, the Red Queen. He was murdered in King's Landing shortly later, according to the . The HBO show departed from canon, choosing to make Rhaenys closer to her cousin Viserys, estranged from her husband, Corlys, and fleeing Kings Landing on dragonback to warn Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen of this flagrant coup dtat. lord caswell kneels to keep up appearances, but then try to escape from the castle to inform the princess about what the Greens are doing. Answer (1 of 2): 1. Title Princess Rhaenys is on the Black Council of Rhaenyra Targaryen (Emma DArcy), who does eventually sit on the Iron Throne and become queen. Her meeting with the dragons were just as daunting as meeting those who rode them. What I find even more peculiar is the Martells later returned the head of Meraxes, but did not return Rhaenyss remains. 7. Furthermore, there are several Dornish houses that are likely descended from Targaryens. She is the first daughter of King Aegon V Targaryen and was crowned in 245 AC. Aegon tries to run away and begs his brother to let him go. Another popular theory is that Nymor threatened to hire the faceless men to kill either Aegon, Visenya or Aenys. But Rhaenys is never the one to, presumably, fly off to the princess in Dragonstone to warn her of Aegon IIs betrayal. But first he had to make sure that the Dornish were speaking the truth, so Deria remained at Kings Landing to ensure Aegons safe passage while he flew away to sign the peace with Nymor. He burned the letter and departed immediately on Balerion's back for Dragonstone. Interestingly, Rhaenys makes a trip to Dorne prior to the First Dornish War. The better question is: Why would HBO swap Rhaenys for Steffon? Aegon is tall, broad-shouldered and powerful in appearance, with purple eyes and short-cut silver-gold hair. From those signs of good will, returning Rhaenys body or ashes is notably absent. According to semi-canonical sources, Aegon looked like a Targaryen, taking after his father, Rhaegar, while his sister, Rhaenys, took after their Dornishmother, Elia Martell. This happens to be the case. He was the brother and husband to his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys, and father to Aenys I and Maegor I. Nine days after LordStauntondispatched a plea for help, the dragon Meleys appeared aboveRook's Rest. She was born in 74 AC to Aemon Targaryen and Jocelyn Baratheon. When Princess Meria at last passed away in 13 AC, her throne passed to her son, the aged and failing Prince Nymor. Rhaenys, the youngest was playful, beautiful and impulsive, a more wild and lively side to her compared to her sister. Cloaked under a gray hood, Rhaenys is just about to reach the docks of Blackwater Bay when swaths of King's Landing denizens stampede from all sides. Criston Cole crowns Aegon II Targaryen with the piece that the Conqueror carried and also gave him his Valyrian steel sword, Blackfyre (Black Fire). Larys Strong reveals the plans he had and the lord loyal to Rhaenyra is hanged for traitor. Not much is recorded about Rhaenys involvement with the Targaryen side of her family after the back-to-back deaths of her children, Laenor and Laena Velaryon, which made her deeply sorrowful. 2. Alias 1. Answer (1 of 2): No. Disclaimer: This is mostly speculation, and the evidence is pretty tenuous (although some of the connections I found in writing this theory are interesting). This brings me to the last point about the letter Aegon received during Princess Derias delegation. In The World of Ice and Fire, a maester presents the theory that the Dornish held Rhaenys captive and tortured her, and that the letter was an offer to put her out of her misery. But the televised adaptation of the fictitious Targaryen Dynasty that Martin carefully scribed has officially gone (slightly) off the rails by House of the Dragons penultimate Season 1 episode. When she assures him that he can take care of ending this from the root, the queen accepts it and let him masturbate while watching his feetyes. I propose the theory that the letter was indeed written by Rhaenys. in mind to secure the crown for Aegon II Targaryens and Alicent realizes that they had been planning this long before Viseryss deathwithout her knowledge. But when Aemon dies before Jaehaerys, instead of choosing Rhaenys, Aemon's only child, the king bypasses her to . Rhaenys Targaryen The Queen Who Never Was The Velaryons, because of the union between Rhaenyra and Leanor, supported the one chosen by Viserys to become the new ruler. Though he took a knee for Daenerys, he will be forced to stand in season 8. All of these are viable options, and there is no evidence to confirm or rule out any of them. Aegon wanted to refuse the deal initially as he did not want to make peace with those who were responsible for his sisters presumed death, but when he found out that the peace was actually suggested by Rhaenys herself, he was ready to accept. Next, well do a summary of everything that happened in episode 9 of House of the Dragon. A few accounts claim the queen survived her dragon's fall, only to die a slow death by torment in the dungeons of the Ullers. A body believed to be Rhaenys Targaryen was later found beside the carcass of her dragon, but so blackened no one could be sure it was her. [8] He has purple eyesthat look dark blue in certain lights. When King Aegon II Targaryen and Prince Aemond Targaryen suddenly appeared upon Sunfyre and Vhagar, Rhaenys turned to meet the attack, despite the knowledge that Meleys stood no chance against the two dragons. For these reasons, I dont believe she actually died in Hellholt that day. Another option is that she assumed a false identity, such as a Lyseni noblewoman for example. Furthermore, he also teaches her that has left several bastards all over the place. Aegon and his two sisters conquered Westeros together on dragonback; Aegon on Balerion, Visenya on Vhagar, and Rhaenys on Meraxes. They first try the Calle de las Sedas, where the most prestigious brothels are. It was suggested that Rhaenys was unfaithful to Aegon during their marriage. To keep the kings death a secret and buy time, Otto Hightower send all the servants who knew about the fact to the cells of the castleeither. This one? The annals of theGreat Council of 101after Baelon's death record that the lords assembled had favored the male claimant,Viserys, over the female - one of which was Rhaenys - by twenty to one, but there had been dissenters. What happened? Again, sending your daughter to make threats is not a smart idea. Aerys Targaryen (David Rintoul), also known as The Mad King. The Daynes definitely have some Valyrian ancestors, and House Toland could also well be descendants of Targaryens, given Teoras dragon dreams. The second is that Aegon II is generally remembered much more fondly than his sister. Cookie Notice When Aegon's Conquest of the Seven Kingdoms began, Rhaenys sailed with her siblings from Dragonstone. The people of Lys look very similar to the Valyrians, so that would have been a false identity that would arouse little suspicion. Rhaenys and her dragon, Meraxes, were slain during this war by a scorpion bolt. It makes little sense to send threats of murder or torture alongside the most valuable hostage Dorne has to offer. No true warrior, Rhaenys loved music, dancing, and poetry, and supported many a singer, mummer, and puppeteer Whilst no one ever questioned Visenya's fidelity to her brother/husband, Rhaenys surrounded herself with comely young men, and (it was whispered) even entertained some in her bedchambers on the nights when Aegon was with her elder sister. It's what the women in her family had done for generations. Because I refuse to believe that Jon Snow's real name in the books is Aegon, I support this theory - his real name in the books in Aemon Targaryen. Princess Rhaenys sat on theblack councilof QueenRhaenyra Targaryen. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Answer: Which one? Queen Rhaenys did not wield a sword as far I know. Otto Hightower secretly sends Erryk and Arryk Cargyll to find the young man.emphasizing that he must be immediately brought to him. But before she goes, Rhaenys (Eve Best) makes one final stand. He lived three hundred years before the events of A Song of Ice and Fire . After the Submission of Sunspear, Aegon escorted the hostages that the king had gathered from the lords of Dorne back to King's Landing. Now, if we assume she was crippled by the fall from Meraxes, it is likely that she spent most of the rest of her life in one castle, greatly reducing the number of people who knew. They were all being whisked into The Red Keep. Much is different about Rhaenys Targaryens storyline between the A Song of Ice and Fire prequel texts and the HBO show. But the most important counter-argument against the torture theory is that once Rhaenys was dead, Aegon would have been free to pursue his vengeance. When Rhaenyra learned of this, she declared herself queen as the Dance of the Dragons raged on. Getting further into Rhaenys canonical fate may spoil key moments ahead in House of the Dragons Season 1 finale and its greenlit Season 2 episodes. He is Aegon Targaryen, the sixth of his name, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector . As Aegon's favorite wife and the mother of Aenys I, she was the mother of the Targaryen progenic line that ruled over the Seven Kingdoms for the next 300 years. House Baratheonhad always been a staunch supporter of the claims of Princess Rhaenys and her children. The Martells and Targaryens have sent assassins against each other for years. On February 11, 2021, HBO announced that Eve Best had signed on for the series. Larys Strong informs the queen that her father, Otto Hightower, allows a network of spies controlled by Gray Worm to exist that extends as close as Talya, Alicents servant. House of the Dragons Season 1 finale airs on Sunday evening, Oct. 23 on HBO. Rhaenys then moved East to Planky Town, chief port of Dorne. We do not claim to be any government body and we are just a news portal that covers various updates and stories. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I think there are several points that speak against these theories, and that they are presented as theories also indicates that they are either wrong or at least partially untrue. Viserys death., so the Green Council meets, including members of the late monarchs last. Best had signed on for the King even claims to have seen her after fell. Had left a legacy of goodwill, a more wild and lively side to her.! And his two sisters conquered Westeros together on dragonback ; Aegon on Balerion, on. Family had done for generations off to the Iron Throne her meeting the. The plans he had struck her a hundred times, according to the Valyrians, so Green. Father to Aenys I and Maegor I cookies to ensure the proper functionality of platform... 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