I suffer from c-ptsd and I have begged him to stop hurting me the way he does. Friends and family can be too involved in our life, whereas a counsellor is a safe space outside of it all to just let everything come out. He is 12 years older than I am and I never imagined he would live this long. I try to do the most on the fear of her getting upset, but it always ends up in her silence. And the other thought is to look for a free support group in your area of those who have survived traumatic childhoods, if that is your sort of thing. As we suggested, there is a need to get involved with very messy people that is indeed a pattern. Best, HT. Its definitely hard in lockdown. So the I feel he doesnt really care if he loses me and this is messing with my head over and over again. As I am working full time and putting in many hours in the household, I find myself completely unattached to my partner. Now I find myself wanting to separate from my partner more then ever, merely half a year after she gave birth. I fear a long, drama filled court battle for the divorce and for the kids. How often are you now thinking about her and her problems instead of your own? And sometimes we need support to raise our self-esteem to the point we can see beyond the immediate. When in fact we are all, as adults, responsible for our own happiness. I basically talk to myself and he either nods, or always says I dont know. Then he says confusing things like he actually does want a relationship but he doesnt always gets what he wants and he doesnt know what to do to make the relationship better and I say I dont think its possible without a mediator to work through the long term tougher issues so we arent abusive to one another and have a safe place to express how we feel and be able to understand. Talk to your partner about your feelings. Of course, feeling trapped is a state of mind; no one needs consent to leave a relationship. He doesnt stop me from seeing my friends but he definitely makes me feel bad when Im with them and I think that I should be able to see my friends without feeling overwhelming guilt. Most of the time her voice is like nails on a chalk board to me.. My therapist has told me hes emotionally abusive and asked if i could identify it and I really cant or if I do and try to explain to him he says it doesnt make sense. And beliefs like this drive every decision we make and blind us to any opportunity to change. Call a womans charity in your area who helps women in abusive relationships for advice. Understand your finances, and, if possible, find a financial planner to help you create a plan and a way to manage it. He is fantastic when hes in a happy and interactive mood but that happens for short bursts about 2-3 times a year (or when we are around family). "If you are even thinking this question, I would say that is red flag number one," Marina Sbrochi, IPPY award-winning author of Stop Looking for a Husband: Find the Love of Your Life , tells Bustle. Either the relief at realising we dont need the other person but want them lowers the stress in the relationship so we start to get along, or we realise we really can leave. Deep down, is there any hope that shell leave this man and be with you instead? I have also in this time built a fantastic relationship with his mother and sister, which in turn makes things more difficult because theyre about all I have for family, so Im scared Im goi to lose them too. If he is as controlling as you say then a charity will help you with the next steps forward. And you need a back up plan. At the moment you are revolving your life around him and his recovery/not recovery, and blaming him for everything, when in fact you are the one choosing to be in this situation. (Yes, you can love someone but still be unhappy.). But going through a rough patch is different than being in an unhappy marriage. But you are an adult, you have the right to lead your life as you want, nobody can make you do anything, unless of course they, say, have a gun to your head. The key is that you're still trying to find moments for each other. We built a lot of things together, have many pets and things we cant really split if we were to break up. Note that during and after pregnancy hormones play a huge part in affecting mood. It's puzzling, but we often save our worst, in terms anger, for our significant others, says Duffy. Want to end marriage but scared and don't want to hurt my husband. I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 5years an we have a beautiful 5year old son. You can move on to deeper conversations, and eventually, share with them that you're feeling unhappy in your relationship. Financially I am covering 100% while he is in school. He calls me terrible names like im psycho i need serious help he doesnt help with housework or cooking and leaves me to look after pets i came bk from coll interview lastweek to find to ducks in my living room. Its not sexual, its more emotional. It is hard to cut this person out because we have a child but i need some type of advise because there is no trust i cannot trust him but yet i love him, most people would just move on like normal people but me i am stuck and he is not hes doing whatever he wants not hurting like i am. Are you respecting his limits and boundaries, have you even asked him what they are? Same goes for making an income in another country. When she tries to initiate sexual things its like my body cant, my sex drive isnt gone in general but its like my brain knows something is wrong so my body cant work in that way with her. You might have to then stop feeling so buzzed on stress and high on drama, and boredom might scare you, deep down. You might find it useful to write down all the reasons you want to leave the relationship then all the reasons you dont. Go in armed with a list of questions, our articles cover what you need to ask, and know that if a therapist is not for you you have the right to walk away at any time. We are only getting your side of the story here but we would just add that its great that you are going to seek therapy. Need education or training to guarantee the right job for you? Jan42ors. We do our best to hide it from our son, but he picks up on it at times. Humans are creatures of habit. You start blaming him for everything then admit you have some responsibility. And I said well you need to put the effort real hard bc Ill be upset if I can see how you can rearrange the schedule with to come even for 4 days. I feel stuck and incapable of doing this. Because they can't leave, they fear getting close. All interesting questions to think about. In some cases it is possible to fix an unhappy relationshipbut it's going to require work. That would be like thinking a drug addict could just get on with it. Instead, seek support. I know I am to blame because I saw most of this before we married and believed he would change he has not and now Im just in a really bad way with all of it and need a change. He is also admitting to having told me things I wanted to hear in the past, but assures me that everything has changed now, that because he has faced up to things he cant/wont ever go down that path. Still not sure where you stand? If you really can't get over something, it's best to end it. As a child my parents werent really involved all the time , but I didnt know what it felt like to be adopted. We find a way to constantly create drama and fulfill our deep belief we deserve to be rejected. In fact they will need long-term commitment on your side to understand and work through. This actually happens quite frequently, that when someone gets sober the relationship no longer works for them. So.I think I'm unhappy in the relationship I am in but I am scared to break it off because I am not confident I will be able to find someone else (that doesn't treat me like ****). We would strongly suggest you seek help here. The area where I live doesnt have very good resources and when you go on Medicare choices are even more limited. 06/11/10 - 10:00 #5. I still love and care about her but I know that I am no longer in love with her, and I feel so trapped and isolated, yet every time I try to imagine breaking up with her, all I can think about is how much it will crush her. When you have been in love with someone for too long without dating them and there is no hope for a relationship, itRead More 5 Harsh Yet Honest Ways Of Letting Go Of Someone You Love But Never Dated. A counsellor can really help us see the woods for the trees, so to speak. Does she know you want to leave but dont know how? Although initially we may not want to believe it, a toxic relationship will eventually reveal itself no matter how much we turn a blind eye to it. He says no just admit you were arguing and it goes back and forth like that and I said if it makes you feel better I will say it just so youre happy even though its far from the truth. 1. So first things first you are caught up in ruminating, obsessive thinking. Another sign that you want to breakup but feel awkward about it is that you've stopped acting relaxed with them. I shouldve let them do it. But he never spends time with me and the kids, he constantly blames me for everything. And good for you for being able to admit there is a lot of anger. She has two girls and her, and her ex-husband always makes appointments for them, so I have to take them. The prospect of divorce feels shameful and embarrassing. Reading all these other stories though, it could be far worse. If it wasnt for my son, I would NOT be with this woman. Its impossible to find the time to work on our core issues if we are having to struggle to survive. Were you happy before this relationship, or is it true that you were always unhappy and this relationship has not changed that? When we are trauma bonded we ourselves are in victim mode even if we blame the other and call them the victim. My wife and I dated for eight years and are married for three. He doesnt discuss anything- togertherness, family, finance, support nothing, Hence i am afraid to marry him. He trys to control me and I have no one and I mean no one. Are you happy with the life you are living? Years from now, perhaps after your children are grown and gone, will you regret staying or leaving? Are you staying because of what others might think? Is your partner committed to making your marriage work, or are you both in a marriage alone? Is there abuse or any other reason to fear for your safety or that of your children?-Has your social and support circle diminished? Have you made every effort you can to save your marriage from getting to this point? Do you feel dead inside? That somewhere along the way, before you met him, you decided love was pain and suffering. There is a lot going on here, and they can support you to unravel all of it to look at what is really driving your need to leave and your inability to do so, to navigate leaving the relationship if thats the next step, and then dealing with the root issues that have you feeling trapped by others in life so that you dont recreate a similar situation in the future. The best thing right now is to focus on yourself and see where all this comes from. I almost left so many times but was talked round each time/ he made it very difficult (and I love him). I love the good side of him. Research has shown that staying in an unhappy relationship can result in lower levels of happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, and overall health. I now live with a new girlfriend of 2 years. If you have no money look for a charity that helps young people, or google low cost counselling along with your post code. But you dont share ideas around affection? And doesnt really want to go together until that happens and said the last time we went he felt the therapist was biased . "In a relationship, you should be able to easily say I'm sorry.' 5 Ways It Just Might, Mature Relationships - Is Yours One? But hes been doing this the entire time we was together and its taken this long for me to stand up and say Ive had enough. Long story short, you cant make him seek support. i have literally convinced myself some days that im stuck. Its like the more I had to remind him to stay consistent with a job the more he would start arguments, create excuses or compare himself to someone else and along with saying he was adopted. Then I found out that he likes to me every chance he gets about everything. And also note that as for why you cant just decide, drama is addictive. If you can afford counselling, that would be brilliant. Life and relationships can truly be tricky, and we can find ourselves in situations we never thought we would be in. Wed suggest the possibility that blame is part of the issue here. Fast forward to now, we have 2 girls and nothing has changed. Ive been with my partner for a decade and have wanted to leave for well over a year now, but I am so scared of hurting her. Always. I dont know what to do. I want to be happy again. i need to either fight for this relationship and make it work OR agree with her and buy my tickets and leave.. in which case its over between us AND i lose my only chance to a future in EUROPE. That will take courage and commitment. We highly advise you seek some sort of counselling to help you build your self-esteem and gain new insight into taking care of yourself. I have been with my partner for almost 10 yrs have 2 children aged 5yrs & 7yrs. Since meeting this woman, have you changed any of your usual lifestyle habits to accommodate her needs? I am a live-in roommate. If you could snap your fingers and suddenly feel zero guilt, what would you do? Saturday & Sunday 9am-5pm, Harley Street Best, HT. There is a lot of both going on. But recently I caught him texting two girls one was 17 and the other had just turned 18. Also use our search bar to find our articles on how to find a therapist. I feel it might be too much, as she quit her job before getting pregnant, and worrying about the baby is all she does. Just today he even started being aggressive towards my mom. Good luck! As the article talks about, there can be many reasons for being unable to leave. Im not sure if Im going crazy but I feel like something is wrong here. I split up with him for 3 months 2 years ago because i was being treated so badley-couldnt see my friends, but he never wanted to see me, and when he did he wouldnt want to touch me. Am I the toxic one here who cant see a great guy? What he would do to them etc.He complains about not having enough sex and I understand that and try to do my best to sexually appease him. Hes a very talkative person, always makes himself known. Hi Ashley, its a lot of mess, isnt it? Then he needs a few days of no contact to get over the hurt I caused him and will often say that he is considering whether or not to leave me. When someone is unhappy, the smallest things tick them off. When we are broke I go looking for cigarette butts or bum one or bum money to get him a pack. You can make progress yourself with research and self-help books. There is worry about the welfare of children. RELATED: 13 Signs You're Staying In A Toxic Relationship Because You're Scared Of Feeling . He said if I came back then we could work on our relationship and be happy together. Remind yourself that as much as it might be difficult in the short term, it's better for them in a long run than being in a bad relationship. If you are in a relationship that offers you nothing and want to be alone but cant leave, then you need support. You can choose to be happy again. We see a lack of honesty and communication, for starters. You found being cheated on felt better than being bored. Shell go anywhere in the world onceeven if its just for a good story. This is something to look at in therapy, to get support over. Even if you line up on all your deal-breakers, sometimes something happens in a relationship that breaks it beyond repair. He accuses me of not caring for his feelings. After 17 yrs of marriage, I have fallen out of love with my husband. I have always been the breadwinner he is unemployed. That I deserve to be in? says Branson. And I dont want our kids growing up thinking its okay to be treated like this. Ive tried communicating with him but hes turns it around on me. Were you always taking care of one parent? 8 Unexpected Sources of Love in Your Life, Hallmark Christmas Card Box Is 40 Percent Off, Moving on from Tiny, Painful Criticisms from Mom, One Word That's Like a Heartbeat That Won't Quit. Once couples get stuck into this sort of conflict rut they can stop trying to see each others perspective. 2. At the time i was 18, and i had 30 yr old woman harassing my friends and I while i was pregnant because of him. He would leave me(pregnant) and my kid(not his) home all the time. Low self-esteem breeds fear of never being loved again. Have you thought about other options? She helps her clients navigate the challenges of divorce from the moment it enters their mind as a possible solution to the discontent they feel in their marriage (its not always the best answer), through the turmoil of getting divorced, and on through creating a fulfilling life post-divorce. But if you spend all your time, headspace, and energy obsessing over women wed bet you have very little energy for advancing your career. Something even more complex and complicated is the fact that the only 2 friends he has are his ex of 7 years brothers- who I may add dont treat him very well. How long do I hold on for? Then hes still angry I go to his house to try and talk but then he says I cant stay long and he is meeting up with a friend to drink and I was confused hes so mad a this ignoring but then doesnt want to talk with my and postpone his drink. Hi there. And convince ourselves to stay in the bad relationship to feel high again. Well you arent happy. Its like were close friends, rather than partners. During these days I become increasingly upset and depressed whilst I wait to hear if hes going to finish with me or not. At the point where I knew Id had enough and told him as much he tells me that he has confronted his underlying issues (from his childhood) and so feels he can guarantee me a life free of any form of abuse. Hello. But because of my low confidence I cant confront her to tell her the truth. And we carry this nervousness and vigilance around love into adulthood. That I am unhappy in the relationship is not new news to my husband but from my view he doesnt appear to be pulling his weight to help work on this together. If this is what is foremost on your mind it should be something you bring to therapy. Cause I cant leave. Thats when things got really weird, she would wake me up in the middle of the night thinking I was texting when really I was sleeping, she thought that I was sneaking a female downstairs in the middle of the night, and then she started saying that she had seen me at the house a few times, but I wasnt there. Online therapy means you can find English help from anywhere, even Italy. I do love him, but I dont know if staying is the right choice. As the truth is these issues of lying etc are only a surface problem. I have alot of empathy for her because it seems nearly every relationship has been the same some more physical some emotional. But he called someone yesterday and is going to try and put it in their name and I wont have a vehicle. If they constantly have a terse attitude, anger, or an unpleasant disposition, this is a cause for concern, she says. If your partner is not willing to seek help, then it might be time to go to a therapist by yourself to get clarity on what you really want from this situation. Even if you dont spend all your time together or you have distinct separate interests, you should feel like an active element of your partners life. But the proverbial tree falling in the forest will still land with a "boom.". You might think love has to be exciting, not realising that the buzzy high you feel is anxiety from picking unreliable or unsafe partners. I am that unhappy I have made the decision to leave her everything so there will be no messy legal wrangling. Sometimes we need to know what we are missing before we take steps towards it. Ive been with my boyfriend for over 4 years. Last night he inited his sister round and they both ganged up on me in my own flat shouting and pushing- all sorts and i had to call my dad to get me. And is the relationship the only problem at the moment, is it really the root of any dissatisfaction you currently feel? If this doesnt work I go ahead to hurt her feelings by saying mean things right before I realize and feel remorseful. Hi there, you are right you cant make him better or make him do anything at all. So I could just suck it up and keep focusing on the good parts all the while hankering after the things I dont have or get out on my own, struggle and then, if Im lucky (being 56 now) find another relationship fraught with a different set of problems. I got get a drink with my friend bc I was upset and then he texted me a long text I didnt read right away bc another friend came and wanted to hear about my trip bc I hadnt seen her yet. I will be lucky if we have sex five times a year and I am a very sexual person. He would change for the better for a little while, then he would go back to being his normal self-indulgent, bullying self. So that you can get the full story Shes not your child. So now frm the time he gets up til the time I go to bed all he does is cuss and fuss and blame me for everything. Then later we run into each other randomly and he comes to hang out with me and then we start hanging out but he tells me for like 2 months he only wants to be friends. I guess Im asking how do I deal with this situation without getting myself hurt. It can be such a relief to talk to other women going through the same thing. I dont know what to do anymore. To be honest we would highly advise some counselling, and not as we are a therapy company, but because if you dont sort out the issues we see here you are likely to walk right into another unhealthy relationship. Or consider one of the forms of therapy that focuses on the ways you relate to others, you can read about them here bit.ly/findlovetherapy. But hell get so mad and says that hes trying just as hard. Hes on probation so if I leave he wont have anywhere to go because he doesnt deal with family. And I said that doesnt justify rudeness and yeah its weird between us and again hes like arguing and raises his voice I leave bc I get cut first. EMDR, BWRT, and clinical hypnotherapy can be weird but effective experiences, and you can feel a shift relatively quickly. But there is also some control going on here in the way you relate. I shouldve just left instead of cheating. Let yourself experience your fears, anxieties, and concerns. You are on the right track as it sounds like you are trying to hear what you really want, instead of making guilt-based choices, but it still sounds like you are suffering, understandably so. November 1, 2021 . 35 Signs Your Partner Has A Side Babe, The 4 Stages Of A Toxic Relationship That Can Break And Rebuild You, Couples Therapy: How A Relationship Is Like Dieting, 7 Signs You Are In A Love-Hate Relationship And How To Fix It, A Secret Code Word for Couples During Conflict, not wanting a lesser lifestyle or loss of home. We are sorry to hear you have had to go through all this. However, I want him to leave. Sometimes its that we see the person past the drama and love them, but more often its that we have low self-esteem and a hidden part of us feels most comfortable being unhappy. We would however very much advise you seek personal counselling as trauma bonds are deeply connected to your own past and are very hard to break alone, note youve tried to leave but keep returning. She told me a little about this when we first started dating and at the time I was uneducated in the full and deep mental effects that this has on someone. I have been in a 5 year r/ship. A few weeks we are happy, then (mainly myself) its completely opposite. I know he is still there, behind the depression, and I want him to get better and come back to me. I also have a hard time just leaving her. "If someone you are dating or involved in a long-term relationship with has betrayed you in a way that you cannot get past cheating, lying, addiction then it is time to end the relationship for your own emotional health," executive editor and founder of Cupid's Pulse Lori Bizzoco tells Bustle. And a fallen tree, like the empty space . What we would highly suggest is that you seek counselling yourself. A couples counsellor can help you both communicate your real needs and wants that might be hiding beneath all the nasty bickering. Your child and depressed whilst I wait to hear you have had go... Commitment on your side to understand and work through he trys to control me and the other call... 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