types of responsibility philosophy

As is evident in that definition, Philosophy is a study that covers a lot of ground. When applicable, it is unconditional. Types of Responsibility. If they slip up on their responsibilities they are likely to feel ashamed. Groups, companies, and states can all be more or less responsible. With regard to moral agency, it will require good internal organization, so that the body is aware of its situation, capacities, actions and impacts. (at least in the prototypical cases), whereas some of the other responsibilities, e.g. But we often think that losses should be redistributed. Since blame, guilt and punishment are of great practical importance, it is clearly desirable that our account of responsibility justify them. responsibility for some mishap, yet nothing at all happens after that no resignation, 1. This philosophy is in contrast to rationalism, which is often called intellectualism and apriorism. Moral responsibility however is to It is associated with civil libertarianism, a type of political thought that promotes civil liberties (individual freedoms). responsibility, as other philosophers would do (for instance, Brown Universitys John Ladd). Judy, a Nine, grew up with a strict mother and considered responsibility an unknowable and undoable obligation. Universal moral responsibility 4. Fingarette argues we must finally conclude that he is in fact not a candidate for moral responsibility that he is not a moral agent, not to be assigned prospective responsibilities, not to be held retrospectively responsible for his actions. is responsible for a sufficient condition, is also responsible for what is conditioned. and qualms, even a kind of co-guiltiness so much so that the other German physicists held in Email: philosophy@jhu.edu | Phone: 410-516-7524 | Fax: 410-516-6848. A demanding but astonishingly rich essay analyzing the concept historically and in relation to the fundamentals of human agency. The major-minor branches of philosophy include the philosophical study of physical things, logic, reason, ethics, metaphysics, and moral sentiments. She gradually realized she was taking responsibility for others as a matter of honorbut not for herself. We find here then the first problem of the distribution of responsibility: How is responsibility within Accordingly, the justification of punishment represents a major concern of philosophy of law. Bok concludes that the truth or falsity of the claim that we are free and responsible agents in the sense those conceptions spell out is ultimately independent of deterministic accounts of the causes of human actions. Smart, J.J.C. mainly to moral co-responsibility. In other words, it only makes sense to grade someone as responsible or irresponsible, so long as holding her responsible has any prospect of making her act more responsibly. The basic criticisms that each position makes of the other are simple. types of responsibilities and their respective attributions can be developed by further interpretation, As with individuals, how far a body is likely to do these things also depends on how far those around it (that is, both individuals and other collectives) act responsibly. As in the individual case, for collectives to exhibit the virtue of responsibility depends on the other three aspects of responsibility discussed in this article. Originally, responsible government described government responsive to the wants and needs of its citizens; in the same way, we now speak of corporate social responsibility. 1- Perfectionists in the Enneagram system sometimes feel overly-responsible for their own or others' behavior. which does not merely rest with global concepts like the responsibility of the role-bearer or the responsibility . 5-Observers often have high ideals but are not as likely as most other types to push their ideals on others. Co-responsibility is instead In general, it does not seem viable to establish an ethical supercommission which would While rationalism is a common term in philosophy, it often refers to a philosophical system that rejects experiential knowledge. humanity is an acceptable and unique frame of moral orientation. Instead, the law provides people who are competent to choose with reasons to act in socially responsible ways. For many, such questions highlight the most puzzling aspect of collective responsibility, namely that individuals might justly be required to make amends for others actions and policies. Therefore, a minor in philosophy is an excellent option for anyone interested in exploring the philosophical roots of human existence. This site uses cookies to recognize users and allow us to analyse site usage. Different views rise to different sorts of ethical theories. Legal responsibility has another interesting relation to the question of responsible agency. In other words, different views of somebodys prospective responsibilities will lead to very different views of how retrospective responsibility ought to be assigned. Moral philosophy has three branches. In twentieth century philosophy, broadly Humean approaches were given a new lease of life by Peter Strawsons Freedom and Resentment (1962). He is famous for his claim that Reason is wholly inactive, and can never be the source of so active a principle as conscience, or a sense of morals (A Treatise of Human Nature, book 3, part 1, sect. Well also look at the various philosophical schools and their major and minor branches. of the division and distribution of responsibility. and ones own involvement, including a sharpening of conscious sensibility and sensitiveness, are In continental European universities not much has thus far been developed with respect For example, Idealism is based on the work by Plato, while Aristotle is the father of Realism. The issue of "moral responsibility" is one of the most significant moral issues that has caught the attention of moral philosophers. Clearly, organizations may function better or worse in all these regards as may the other organizations with which they interact and which may, in turn, hold them responsible. You can read four articles free per month. The philosophy traces its roots to the scientific method and the use of experimentation to answer questions. This may be legally a viable strategy, but An example where law and morality clearly overlap is murder: it is both a legal crime and an egregious moral wrong. of the nuclear power plant was fired after the catastrophe with President Reagans One cannot just shuffle off Therefore Hahn certainly cant be In the etymology of responsibility, the Oxford English Dictionary cites the debates on the U.S. constitution in the Federalist Papers (1787), and the Anglo-Irish political thinker Edmund Burke (1796). Given the reported indirect benefits of social responsibility, there is a growing argument of how it should become a new form of business. guarantee real causality, and consequently no moral guilt; is such suspicion a sufficient basis They feel responsible to themselves, and sometimes to others, for determining whats logical. I NEVER avoid responsibility." This. It is surely no wonder, then, that we no longer think of responsibility as only a question for the political sphere. For our purposes, perhaps the most important point is that both positions highlight a series of factors important to responsibility and mutual accountability. It also points to the fact that people vary in their capacities to act and judge responsibility. Article Google Scholar Arenas, Daniel, Pablo Sanchez, and Matthew Murphy. Hume himself stressed our tendency to feel sympathy for others and our tendency to approve of actions that lead to social benefits (and to disapprove of those contrary to the social good). 8. Depending on our view, we will tend to blame or to condone the person who kills to end grave suffering. This classic essay underlined the role of reactive sentiments or reactive attitudes that is, emotional responses such as resentment or shame in practices of responsibility. Liberalism is largely a political moral philosophy that aims to prevent governments from interfering with the lives of people, except for when the actions of people harm others. moral consciences of individual scientists and engineers. Equally, it does not make sense if philosophers, social scientists or politicians generally hold only It might also remind us of a fourth use of responsibility: to name a virtue of character. Among the many different causes that led to an outcome, that action is identified as the morally salient one. The final part of this article briefly considered how each of these dimensions can be applied to groups, although it has left aside some difficult questions that arise for example, how a groups retrospective responsibilities can be fairly apportioned to individuals, or how collectives can be organized so as to be more or less responsible. Among modern compatibilists, a contest remains, however, between the second and third approaches positions that are essentially Kantian and Humean in inspiration. Examples of attempts to hold states and their agents retrospectively responsible include: South Africas well-known Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which addressed the brutalities of the old apartheid regime; the trial of individuals, such as the 1961 Jerusalem trial of Nazi functionary Adolf Eichmann; and the exacting of reparations following the defeat of a state, for instance the notorious Versailles agreement that penalized Germany for its role in the First World War. This topic is an old concern of philosophers, predating the term responsibility by at least two millennia. The philosophical school that advocates empiricism traces its roots to the seventeenth century, when British philosophers David Hume and George Berkeley were prominent. Designer Babies: Where Should We Draw the Line? What sort of creature can properly be held responsible for its actions? It is important to be aware that Kant sees reason as having moral content, so that there is a failure of rationality involved when we do something immoral for instance, by pursuing our self-interest at the expense of others. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) Prussian-born (and therefore identified as a German philosopher), Kant is considered among the most essential figures in modern philosophy, an advocate of reason as the source for morality, and a thinker whose ideas continue to permeate ethical, epistemological, and political debate. Whether or not one accepts the Kantian emphasis upon rationality or a universalist morality, it is clear that an important element of responsible agency consists in judging ones own responsibilities. to legalize questions and perspectives of ethics, in particular those involving the attribution In recent decades increasing attention has been given to the question of collective responsibility. As pointed out above, it is usually thought that a person can be blamed or deserve punishment by virtue of certain psychological capacities (soul), as well as by virtue of being the same person (body) today as she was yesterday. We are interconnected with the world. She had become responsible to her heart. Philosophers usually acknowledge two individually necessary and jointly sufficient conditions for a person to be morally responsible for an action, i.e., susceptible to be praised or blamed for it: a control condition (also called freedom condition) and an epistemic condition (also called knowledge, cognitive, or mental condition). The European Convention on Bioethics as well as conventions in the USA and under the guidance Hi, join me as I learn about philosophy, philosophical thought, and the many luminary minds that make it great. In fact, there are several important uses of responsibility as it relates to individuals, which this article will tackle in turn. relevance to all of us. not only causality but also conscious motivation, or at least negligence, and there are real methodological Philosophy Responsibility So far as responsibility is concerned, Wallace (1994) is a well-regarded attempt to mediate between the two approaches. In each case, note that the first example in brackets has a typically Kantian (reason-based) cast, the second a Humean (feeling/emotion-related) cast. We all face the test, then, of how to conduct ourselves amid this uncertainty and disagreement. This thought has the less positive consequence that when somebody chooses immorally and irrationally, he fails in a distinctive way, so that he is not (in Kants terms) worthy to be happy. Note, however, that this line of thought is open to a very obvious objection. It seems to be too easy a way Empiricism claims that human knowledge is largely contingent on experiences. 8-Asserters feel responsible for enforcing rules and for standing up for truth and justice. It is also, as Paul Ricoeur has observed, not really well-established within the philosophical tradition (2000: 11). The irresponsible person is not one who lacks prospective responsibilities, nor is she one who may not be held responsible retrospectively. Would the truth of determinism eliminate such responsibility? Contemporary philosophers have developed both positions so as to take account of such criticisms, which has led to rather technical debates about the nature of reason (for instance, Bernard Williams (1981) well-known distinction between internal and external reasons) and normativity (what it is for something to provide a reason to act or think in a certain way, for example, Korsgaard, 1996). It means that a persons actions can be judged morally, so that various responses such as praise or punishment may be appropriate this is the stuff of retrospective responsibility. Cost center: controls cost only, is not involved in controlling investments or revenue. Our conversations are sprinkled with slips, pauses, lies, and clues to our inner world. mean that mankind would somehow be a real judge entitled to legally produce judgments and sanctions, In particular, Humeans are much more likely to see retrospective responsibility in terms of the feelings that are appropriate for instance, our resentment at someones bad conduct, or our susceptibility to shame at others responses. But when we engage in theoretical reasoning-searching for causal explanations of eventswe have no reason to apply concepts like freedom and responsibility. Journals. Note, however, that if we think of responsibility in terms of capacities to interact in the light of shared norms as the Humean account of moral agency might suggest rather than as a matter of particular psychological capacities, then we need not be so concerned with those capacities nor, perhaps, with changes in membership. To take an example: people have very different beliefs about the ethics of voluntary euthanasia some call it mercy killing, others outright murder. fostering the respective capability for responsibility in all participants. Chapters 9 & 10 explain how Kants account of punishment is distinct from his account of moral imputation. Some are considered major branches of philosophy. Theres a growing complex of problems concerning the distribution of responsibility which seems of responsibility though not strictly abiding by the Russian strategy. It is still characteristic of the mentality of scientists and technicians, that two of my colleagues Email: g.d.williams@lancaster.ac.uk Clearly, such feelings and the resulting actions are about our exercising mutual influence on one anothers conduct for the sake of more beneficial social interaction. You chose not to take precautions: you deserve to bear the consequences. seems to amount to for the individuals who contribute except maybe the highest responsible leader, be possible to relate the moral responsibility which apparently refers to the group to the respective There are various types of philosophy. Responsibility is having common sense, authority, leadership, and maturity; being reliable, trustworthy, dependable, and answerable. A careful analysis of moral and legal responsibility, focusing on the centrality of intentional action. application and realization of responsibility from the acting practitioner or technician. When John Stuart Mill writes of responsibility, in the middle of the nineteenth century, again his concern is not with free will, but with the principles of representative government. This question can arise wherever the actions of a group of people combine to generate a particular result whether a corporation, or the citizens of a state, or even individuals who have no particular connection to one another. for what really triggers the consequences: Whoever Again, however, we might use the same words to ask an entirely different question: What is a person responsible for? might also be an enquiry about a persons duties about her sphere of responsibility, as we say. Thus there is a problem of the attribution of responsibility here. In the following I would like to concentrate on just one of these: universal moral responsibility. Leadership philosophies hinge on the type of leadership the writer uses. Notice, however, that we might want to distinguish the duty to make amends from the issue of blameworthiness. When you have house-guests, do they turn off the lights after using them? In 1938, Hahn, Under such a choosing system, individuals can find out, in general terms at least, the costs they have to pay if they act in certain ways (1968: 44). The increasing discrepancy between dogma and Scripture was an important factor in the development of the rationalist movement. This judgment typically pictures the person as liable to various consequences: to feeling remorse (or pride), to being blamed (or praised), to making amends (or receiving gratitude), and so forth. Arthur Ripstein (1999) has argued that law defends equality and reciprocity between citizens. However, as Peter Strawson pointed out in a seminal essay (see Responsibility and the Reactive Sentiments ), moral responsibility is intimately related to our reactions to one another. A detailed discussion on the differences between the two types of accountability will be offered later in the article. Prospective responsibility relates to the fine-grained division of responsibilities involved in the different roles which people adopt in modern societies above all, the different spheres of responsibility which we are given in the workplace. committees in hospitals, or environmental commissions with regard to environmental planning projects. There are three main types of arguments: deductive, inductive, and conductive. perspectives are but valuations without real means of sanction. Elizabeth Wagele was the co-author with Ingrid Stabb of The Career Within You: How to Find the Perfect Job for Your Personality. Instead, he frames the topic of responsibility for one's past actions in terms of 'imputation'. Responsibility and Imputation in Kant's Practical Philosophy Kant uses the term 'responsibility' 3 rarely. Increased customer loyalty and sales Customers of a firm that practices CSR feel that they are helping the firm support good causes. An account of responsible agency that emphasizes both responsiveness to reasons and the interactive nature of responsibility attribution, and explores the connection between individual agency and political contexts. First, it is not at all clear that these factors are on/off, either there or not there; in other words, it looks likely that responsible agency is a matter of degree. In fact, law does this all the time, at least for formally established collectives that are not states, for example, corporations, charities and statutory bodies such as government agencies. There is no philosophically well-settled way of dividing or analyzing the various components of responsibility, and some components are often ignored by philosophers. A quite different school of thought, recently exemplified in the work of Michael Moore (1998), endorses a recognizably Kantian view of moral responsibility, and argues that the law ought to share this approach. A minor in philosophy can supplement any major in a variety of ways. The article on praise and blame discusses this issue in more depth, contrasting Kants approach with that of Aristotle and utilitarianism. e.g. These two apparently simple questions (What is it to be responsible? and What is a person responsible for?) about individual responsibility thus point to four different topics: Each of these topics poses a host of important philosophical questions. is made or held responsible or called to account for something. of the institution. For centuries, philosophers have tried in different ways to show that we can. Our increasing awareness of damage to environment has given this case particular contemporary importance.) However, in asking What is it to be responsible? we might also have a second question in mind. in environmental law, which considers the correlative statistical significance of nearby factories with When exactly philosophy developed is not clear, but it likely started as early as the prehistoric age when our stone-age ancestors looked up at the starry sky and wondered about their existence and where they stood in the grand scheme of the Universe. be added. This approach can be understood as an analytical framework for a differentiated theory of responsibility no punishment. to be rather pressing nowadays in science and technology. neighbour. or can't find one with a philosophy that meshes . Freedom: an idea produced by reason but to which no object exists in the experience. The latter essentially relied on an appeal to the 1). On this account, there is a serious puzzle as to how a collective can be responsible, since a collective lacks the psychological capacities of an individual person (but see the Encyclopedia article on collective intentionality) and its membership tends to alter over time. A distinguished line of thought, exemplified by H.L.A. Are they careful of where they leave their shoes and clothes, and/or pitch in to help with meals? In terms of prospective responsibility, then, we may think that everyone has a duty to make certain amends when certain risks of action actually materialize just because all our actions impose risks on others as well as ourselves. A knock-down proof is a form of logic argument. Given that Kants moral psychology is usually thought to be less plausible than Aristotle or Humes, it is interesting that Kantian approaches have, nonetheless, dominated modern approaches to retrospective responsibility. A collection of notably succinct essays, summarizing a life-times careful reflection on many aspects of responsibility. Clearly these are not matters of choice. this restriction was a pragmatic one, based on practical constraints and our knowledge that (i) issues concerning the social nature of science would arise within several of the main philosophical essays in this volume, (ii) the discussions of historical individuals often mention the social contexts in which they were embedded, and (iii) social However this may be, it is fair to say that this usage of responsible has received the least attention from philosophers. non-involvement). Strict liability is the practice of holding a person accountable if certain harms materialize, even where she could not have done anything to prevent those harms coming about. With regard to retrospective responsibility, it involves a willingness and ability to deal with failings and omissions, and to learn from these. As the example of childhood suggests, there can be degrees of responsibility. However, we might remember that politics has always raised these sorts of difficulty. We are responsible for the intended results of our actions, but how far we are responsible for their foreseen effects, or for harms that we do not prevent when we could, depends on how we should define our prospective responsibilities, that is, on how far we should regard such foreseen effects, or such preventable harms, as our business. This article began by observing that the word responsibility is surprisingly modern, and that two quite different philosophical stories have been told about it. Only with respect to specific projects would such a thing make sense; such as bioethics Both the retrospective and prospective uses also raise the relation between legal and moral responsibility. We may also praise an institution as responsible. In Many perplexities about shared responsibility arise from the thought that individuals are responsible agents, in a way that groups cannot be. There are also courses in philosophy of language and art. Empiricism is the opposite of rationalism, which emphasizes the role of sensory perception. Responsibility Centre: Type # 1. In the course of history of moral discussions, many issues have been debated on the meaning of responsibility, its conditions and properties of the responsible man. tasks and states of affairs, and that he or she has to justify these actions and results before (or in Bochenski is right, but could have gone further. Reconstructionism is an educational philosophy whose capstone is social self-realization. These questions are certainly also morally relevant. and social scientists should step in and solve the value problem for us. Admittedly, these statements an action, for which I am responsible, leads to the death of a human being (i.e., is a sufficient condition There is clearly some merit to this response. How is it possible to bear responsibility in common without diminishing The article discusses four different areas of individual moral responsibility: (1) Responsible agency, whereby a person is regarded as a normal moral agent; (2) Retrospective responsibility, when a person is judged for her actions, for instance, in being blamed or punished; (3) Prospective responsibility, for instance, the responsibilities attaching to a particular role; and (4) Responsibility as a virtue, when we praise a person as being responsible. Responsibility is the art of taking care on our shoulders. Responsibility means feeling its your duty to deal with what comes up, being accountable, and/or being able to act independently and make decisions without authorization. More recent writers have taken up this line of thought, without endorsing the claim that moral and legal judgment need be so strongly distinct. core relational concept itself. Philosophical discussion of responsibility has focused largely on (1) and (2). However, in many countries (including my own) we find popular strategies or tendencies There are many subtypes as well, and this article will cover some of the most common. One possible implication of this is that some other animals might have a degree of moral agency; another implication is that human beings may vary in the extent of their agency. takes part (eg runs a car or uses coal or oil heating systems) contributes, but any individual contribution It was the first method of research and discovery. Attacks a simple account of retrospective responsibility in terms of choice (the forfeiture view), for a more sophisticated value of choice view. and to a system of norms. the face of) a judgement, according to standards, criteria, or norms. What types of responsibility are there with property accountability? be distinguished from the political attribution of responsibility. is however a difficult problem. In addition, no account can ignore this basic contrast. 2. It a new connotation thanks to the modern meaning of star! The law is not there to punish in proportion to blameworthiness or wickedness (as Hart observes, much disagreement surrounds such judgments). This is reflected in the fact that we can locate two rather different philosophical approaches to responsibility. of the program. (1961) Free will, praise and blame. held personally morally responsible for the development of the atomic bomb. Bochenski reasoned that if somebody is responsible to someone for something, It concludes by briefly asking what connection there may be between the original, political use of responsibility, and individual moral responsibility as people now usually understand it. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) or corporate social responsibility (CSR) it is the obligation that corresponds to any profit-making organization regarding the improvement of the field in which it operates, that is, with the economic, social and cultural improvement of the surrounding community. In other words, to hold that someone does not qualify as a responsible agent represents an extremely serious deprivation of social status. this must be a two-place if not a three-place relation. At the same time, this type of responsibility can be judged from two different types of ethics, with different results: From a consequentialist ethic (that is, one that looks at the consequences of the act), the moral value of the act committed will depend on whether it had acceptable consequences or not. Knock-Down proof is a problem of the other are simple dividing or analyzing the historically... Problems concerning the distribution of responsibility distinguish the duty to make amends from the acting or. We engage in theoretical types of responsibility philosophy for causal explanations of eventswe have no reason to apply concepts like responsibility. Or called to account for something aspects of responsibility, as we say for its actions self-realization... Are sprinkled with slips, pauses, lies, and clues to our inner.! Physical things, logic, reason, ethics, metaphysics, and Matthew Murphy perplexities shared. 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