CA4: Does the limit on using up to 10 or 20 percent of a recipients apportionment of 5307 and 5311 funds for paratransit service in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act apply? Additional funding for intercity bus is available from and administered by the Department of the Treasury (see OF2). CA17: If a transit worker must be put on administrative leave because of a presumptive or confirmed case of COVID-19, is the employees pay during this time an eligible expense? All the latest news, views, sport and pictures from Dumfries and Galloway. Accordingly, FTA postponed remaining Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 program oversight reviews (Triennial, State Management, etc.) A: FTA understands that the focus of our recipients has been on addressing the critical challenges faced by their agencies and in their communities in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. A: To use ARP funds for expenses other than operations and payroll, a grant applicant must certify that the applicant has not furloughed any employees since March 27, 2020 (the enactment date of the CARES Act). A: No. Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. [42][43], Connection of seaports in India and Myanmar, Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project, Other projects alternate route to northeast India, Zorinpui border crossing and visa arrangements, IndiaMyanmarThailand Trilateral Highway, Rail India Technical and Economic Services (RITES), Integrated Customs & Immigration Checkpost, National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited, "Kaladan Multi Modal Transit Transport Project to link sea route in Myanmar with Mizoram", India starts construction of 1,600-cr Mizoram-Myanmar Kaladan road, 110-km road is final challenge for long-delayed India-Myanmar Kaladan connectivity project, Buddhist refugees in Mizoram begin journey back to Myanmar, but unconfirmed tales of horror keep them on edge, "Myanmar says bodies of 28 Hindu villagers found in Rakhine State", "Myanmar: New evidence reveals Rohingya armed group massacred scores in Rakhine State", "A Passage to Burma? January 26 Annual Meeting & CRE Update, Short Hills Hilton, Short Hills. WebThis is your personal UNIQUE transit break down, -an instructional video how to use the transit calendar and what transits are . CR13: Are there Title VI concerns if a transit agency adopts a temporary cashless or cash-free fare media policy? A: FTA grantees may use theirUrbanized Area Formula Grants (Section 5307)andFormula Grants for Rural Areas (Section 5311)funds to take protective measures to protect health and safety, such as increased cleaning of rolling stock, which is considered preventive maintenance (classified as a capital expense for Section 5307 and 5311 funds, and an operating expense for CARES, CRRSAA, and ARP funds) and is eligible for an 100-percent federal match. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. The PASS program ensures that drivers have current expertise in passenger assistance techniques and sensitivity skills appropriate for serving persons with disabilities. CR17: Do Indian Tribes receiving COVID-19 supplemental funding need to prepare and submit a Title VI Program to demonstrate compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI)? CA53: Can an ARP grant applicant certify that it has not furloughed any employees if a subrecipient or contractor that is not a provider of public transportation has furloughed employees since March 27, 2020? A: Under CRRSAA, to use either CARES Act funds unobligated as of December 27, 2020 or CRRSAA funds for expenses other than operations and payroll, a grant applicant must certify either that: CA38: What CARES Act funds are covered by the certification requirements in CRRSAA? 49 U.S.C. This form only gathers feedback about the website. The recipient should conduct the physical inventory once permissible under local public health restrictions and deemed safe to do so, and notify the FTA Regional Office upon completion. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS For the purposes of certifying that the recipient has not furloughed employees, both direct employees and contractor staff involved in transit maintenance or operations are considered employees. CE1: What is meant by administrative leave? CR4: If a transit agency suspends fares temporarily on its fixed route service to limit interactions between operators and passengers or to limit public contact with fare equipment due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, does it also need to provide free fare on its complementary paratransit service? Other capital expenses incurred to directly respond to the pandemic remain eligible at a 100-percent federal share using Section 5307 and 5311 formula funds. Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Participating Electronically in a Public Meeting, Commercial and Industrial Waste Collection, Find Leaf, Yard and Christmas Tree Collection Schedules, Find Waste and Recycling Collection Schedule, Learn about the Age-Friendly Community Initiative, Learn about Waste, Organics and Recycling Separation, View the County's Forestry Recreation Policy, Volunteer at a LTC Home and Seniors' Services Facility, Museum Tract Forest and Habitat Restoration Project, Apply for Rent Supplement or Housing Allowance, Information for Non-Profit and Co-operative Housing Providers, Public Notices from Transportation and Engineering, Long Term Care & Seniors Services Careers. CA29: Does the CARES Act and CRRSAA provide additional Rural Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP) funding? For soft or porous surfaces such as carpeted floor, rugs, and drapes,removevisible contamination if presentand clean with appropriate cleaners indicated for use on these surfaces. To receive funding as a recipient or subrecipient, the public transportation operations must meet all eligibility and program requirements of either Section 5307, 5310, or Section 5311. CA23: Do CARES Act or CRRSAA grants have to be sent to the Department of Labor (DOL) for certification? 5324(b)(2)(B). A grant recipient can make this certification so long as the recipient, and its subrecipients and contractors that are providers of public transportation, have not furloughed any employees since March 27, 2020. A: No. A: Yes. Do we still need to make the certifications required under CRRSAA? Washington, DC 20590 On the other hand, aspects are the angles that planets Luke Berasi, Newmark. If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergentor soapand water prior to disinfection. CARES Act and CRRSAA funds are available for operating expenses for all FTA Section 5307, 5310 and 5311 recipients, including those in large urban areas, and including administrative leave for transit workers. A: No. CA12:Does the requirement that grant recipients use one percent of funds apportioned via the Urbanized Area Formula program for public transportation security projects apply to CARES Act or CRRSAA funds? Title XII of Division B of the CARES Act and CRRSAA provide that administrative leave for public transportation operations personnel is an eligible expense. A: Yes. CR11: Due to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines, what options do FTA recipients have for conducting site visits for firms applying for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification? A: Yes. 5324), recipients are permitted to use Urbanized Area or Rural Areas formula funds administered under the provisions of the Emergency Relief Program or CARES Act funds until January 20, 2022, to pay for the operational costs of such services. A: FTA grantees should follow the direction of local and state public health and law enforcement agencies. Ensure that your trainers the people youve entrusted to train all levels of agency staff have all the tools and skills necessary to effectively do their important job. 2022 Complete Guide to the Epcot Food and Wine Festival. [14] In April 2017, India handed over the operation of completed Sittwe port and Inland Water Terminal at Paletwa to Myanmar. A: Funds are available until expended. ER14: If a recipient wants to make use of the added flexibility and increased federal share for existing Urbanized Area Formula Grants (Section 5307) and the Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program (Section 5311) formula funds, must the recipient amend its grants in TrAMS prior to incurring costs? This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. Recipients should work with their FTA Regional Office to use this flexibility. The absence of the requirement to prepare and submit a Title VI Program does not remove a Tribes underlying obligation to comply with Title VI and the U.S. Department of Transportations Title VI regulations at 49 CFR part 21. Initially India had tried to persuade Bangladesh to offer transport and transit rights to the northeastern states. Everyone over the age of 12is eligible for the vaccine. A: It depends. Staff should wear PPE in accordance with the disinfectant manufacturers instructions. (See Pub. We dont use your email, calendar, or other personal content to target ads to you. You do not need to submit a disaster waiver request to FTA to receive this benefit as it will be automatically applied to every NTD Report. ER7: If a tribal government declared a State of Emergency before the state in which it is located, may the tribal transit provider use that earlier date? CE4: Can CARES Act, CRRSAA, or ARP funds be used for the operating costs of essential services such as meal delivery? Why? They cover resources that are available for transit agency use and eligibility of mitigation activities for FTA funding. Recipients should document the report is late due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. A: As the due dates may be extended under OMB Memorandum M-21-20, recipients can draw down funds if reports are late, in the absence of any specific conditions or award requirements that otherwise would restrict draw down. India has also proposed extending the highway to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. until January 21, 2022. Likewise, the CRRSAA limits Rural Areas (Section 5311) funding to 125 percent of a States combined 2018 rural operating expenses as reported to the NTD when combined with CARES Act Rural Areas funding provided to the same State. CA20: Is there a deadline by which funds must be used? CE15: Will FTA waive National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements for projects implemented in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency? During the COVID-19 public health emergency, prior approval for the incidental use of vehicles or equipment for the provision of essential services is not required, although recipients should notify their FTA Regional Office. FTA assumes most purchases of items, such as personal protective equipment, would be through direct procurement methods and therefore race-neutral. FTA will reimburse any eligible expenses incurred on or after January 20, 2020, including eligible expenses that would have otherwise been paid for by the lost revenue. A: Yes. WebPlanning Calendar. Previous amounts that have been drawn down may not be returned and exchanged for funds from a different source. Pay FUTA tax. Virtual means, such as project websites, virtual meeting rooms, public meetings via YouTube, teleconferences, and presentations on local television stations, are encouraged for continued sharing of project information and encourage public participation. Transit denotes the motion of the planet, progressive or retrograde. A: Yes. Is it simply a shift in COVID-19 operating expenses to eligible capital line items? A: Both the CARES Act and CRRSAA provide funds for Sections 5307 and 5311, but only CRRSAA provides funds for Section 5310. Under FTAs emergency relief authority (49 U.S.C. The NTD will not have any special COVID-19 procedures for reporting FY 2022 data. Some exceptions to rear-door-only boarding policies, however, are necessary for ADA compliance. Web Disney World Crowd Calendar. Incidental Use of Transit Assets From work and education to life-sustaining health care and human services programs to shopping and visiting with family and friends, mobility directly impacts quality of life. Whether drivers, dispatchers, mechanics, safety officers, front line supervisors or transit managers, we offer training and certification programs to meet your needs. A: Yes. In general, operating expenses are those costs necessary to operate, maintain, and manage a public transportation system. CA1: Are all expenses normally eligible under the Urbanized Area Formula Program (49 USC 5307), the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and People with Disabilities Program (49 U.S.C. Sign in is NOT required. ***** Resources. As FTA has resumed its oversight program using a virtual process, all previously scheduled oversight reviews will shift by one year, including previously planned Triennial and State Management reviews in FY2021 and FY2022. [22], Indian Railways has already converted to broad gauge the current 84km (52mi) rail line from Katakhal (Assam) to Bairabi 2km (1.2mi) inside Mizoram. Please contact your local FTA Regional office to discuss further, if needed. Minority transit riders may be disproportionately unbanked, lack credit cards, or lack access to locations for purchasing fare media in advance of a trip. 202-247-8356 This free self-paced online certification program for transit operators teaches empathy, de-escalation tactics and useful skills that all drivers need to succeed. See FTA Safety Advisory 20-01. This means that FTA will not contact transit agencies for missing reports and will limit the number of email reminders for upcoming deadlines. FTA generally will consider all expenses normally eligible under the Section 5307, 5310 and 5311 programs that are incurred on or after January 20, 2020 to be in response to economic or other conditions caused by COVID-19 and thus eligible under the CARES Act and CRRSAA, as applicable. A: Any CARES Act funds that were not obligated as of December 27, 2020 are subject to CRRSAAs furlough certification requirement. January 26 Annual Meeting & CRE Update, Short Hills Hilton, Short Hills. Front line supervisors are essential to any transit operations success . CE9: Has FTA waived any federal requirements? 5310) that 55 percent of appropriated funds must be used for traditional capital projects apply to CRRSAA funds apportioned to the Section 5310 Program? FTAs charter ruleat 49 CFR 604.3(c)(1) defines charter service as the exclusive use of a bus or van for a negotiated price. The limitation on the use of funds, however, does flow through to subrecipients that are providers of public transportation. A: Consistent with the provisions of Section 5307, a State may use the Small Urbanized Area funding in any small urbanized area of the State. In the context of the COVID-19 public health emergency, administrative leave could include, but is not limited to, leave for an employee who is not required to work due to a reduction in service,leave for a worker who is quarantined after potential exposure to an individual infected with COVID-19, and leave for an employee to receive the vaccine, including reasonable time for the employee to recover from potential side effects. Youll see instant results from this insightful self-paced online class. However, if an Indian Tribe is a direct recipient of funding from another FTA program such as the Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program (Section 5311), Buses and Bus Facilities Program (Section 5339(a)), or Low or No Emission Vehicle Program (Section 5339(c)), the Tribe is required to prepare and submit a Programconsistent with FTA Circular 4702.1Bto demonstrate compliance with Title VI. CARES Act, CRRSAA, and ARPfunds used to pay for capital expenses for emergency relief do not need to be included in the TIP/STIP unless the projects are for substantial functional, locational, or capacity changes. A: A bonus or incentive compensation to an employee is an operating expense eligible for federal reimbursement under the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards when the overall compensation is reasonable and paid or accrued based on an agreement entered into before the services were rendered (2 CFR 200.430(f)). AD2: When does FTA plan to resume program oversight reviews? During the COVID-19 public health emergency, prior approval for the incidental use of transit assets for the provision of essential services is not required, although recipients should notify their FTA Regional Office. The CDC has issued guidance on vaccination programs for essential workers, which recommends that employers establish supportive policies and practices to help increase vaccine uptake among essential workers. Transit agencies in rural areas and small urbanized areas may use Section 5307 and 5311 formula funds for operating expenses, including those related to COVID-19 response, at a 50-percent federal share, consistent with federal transit law (49 U.S.C. What will FTA require for agencies who scale back trip length data collection due to safety concerns? A: Yes. is a registered service mark of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Humanity waking up: 2020-2040 24/01/2021. 5307(h)) are for specific capital projects, and the flexibilities for formula funding do not apply. 50th Anniversary Video. What is the impact on my Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 apportionments? WebHalifACT earns 2023 Clean50 Top Award. AD13: My transit system has implemented rear-door boarding and is no longer collecting ridership data from the registering farebox or automatic passenger counters at the front doors of our vehicles. A: No, the CARES Act and CRRSAA do not provide additional funding for RTAP. 5324). Similarly, FTA exempts all temporary fare changes enacted as a result of an emergency from the fare equity analysis requirement. Most of the Gujarati festivals are determined based on the position of the Sun and the Moon. CARES Act, CRRSAA, and ARPFunds FTA has regarded promotional, occasional fare-free days on fixed route service as a form of a discount, and has not also required paratransit service to be free during the limited time of the promotion. The Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) and its members believe that mobility is a basic human right. Some of these documents, particularly contracts, run to several thousand pages. in February, and the plan continued to focus on vaccinating the oldest and most vulnerable, supporting the Commonwealths nation-leading success in vaccinating these populations. A: No. Under DOT ADA regulations at 49 CFR 37.5(a), no entity may discriminate against an individual with a disability in connection with the provision of transportation service; per 49 CFR 37.165(b), individuals using wheelchairs must be transported in the agencys vehicles. Massachusetts COVID-19 vaccination plan was guided by the Commonwealths COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Group, a diverse group launched in October consisting of medical professionals, public health experts, elected officials, community leaders, and infectious disease specialists. CA9: Are CARES Act or CRRSAA funds administered under the Urbanized Area Formula Grants (Section 5307) program subject to Program of Projects (49 U.S.C. Federal transit law (49 U.S.C. Click CA49: I am interested in using ARP funds for expenses other than payroll and operations, including expenses of private providers of public transportation. 5311(f)(2)) if the previous consultation process concluded prior to April 2, 2020, when FTA apportioned CARES Act funds. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Per 49 CFR 37.165(g), ambulatory persons with disabilities also must be permitted to use the lift or ramp on request, and persons who are blind, for example, may require the use of the route identification mechanism required under 49 CFR 37.167(c) to identify the correct bus to board. The service equity analysis evaluates the impacts of the proposed service changes on Title VI-protected populations and low-income populations. DOT issued a subsequent memorandum on April 1, 2020, that further addresses electronic review and submission of certification documents. Welcome New Members. ); and adjustments for purchased-transportation cost allocations. Current CDC guidance includes recommendations for cloth face coverings and social distancing. AD23: What can I do if I need additional time to submit required final reports for the purpose of closing my award? Before FTA grants such relief, the recipient must commit to and propose a timeframe to conduct an updated passenger survey as FTAs permission to use data collected more than five years ago is not open-ended. These reports, however, must be submitted by the end of the extension period. Highlighting every time each star changes signs, as well as every planet moving in and out of retrograde, this astrology calendar is the most comprehensive overview you'll find online. Given the compelling need, operating expenses were eligible through January 20, 2022. 5307(d)(3)). Your booster does not need to be the same vaccine brand as your original COVID-19 vaccination, as long as it is an age appropriate vaccine (currently Pfizer for ages 5 and older, and either Pfizer or Moderna for ages 6 and older). The Emergency Relief docket remains open and available for requests for relief from FTA statutory and administrative requirements of Section 5307 and 5311 funding in states that have declared an emergency or the President has declared a disaster. CA36: Can a State use its allocated Small Urbanized Area funding (populations of 200,000 or less) in any small urban areas in the State, or only those listed in the Apportionment table? AD24: How should a recipient request an extension to the period of performance or a no-cost extension on the active award? Note:The Emergency Relief docket remains open and available for requests for relief from FTA statutory and administrative requirements of Section 5307 and 5311 funding in States that have declared an emergency or the President has declared a major disaster under Section 401 of the Stafford Act. CE12: Can Urbanized Area Formula Grant (Section 5307) recipients program operating funding above the FY2020 and FY2021 apportionment? WebWe work cooperatively with the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to develop, review, and implement fishery management plans in federal waters (from 3 to 200 nautical miles). Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) or the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP):CARES Act and CRRSAA funds used to pay for operating expenses do not need to be included in the TIP/STIP. Access to People You Want to Know. CR15: Due to the current public health emergency, may a transit agency hold paratransit eligibility hearings via telephone or video conference, or should it wait until restrictions are lifted so hearings can be held in person? China is building a rival Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone and port 80 kilometres (50mi) south of Sittwe. A: No. A. The one-year extension was only available for recipients whose indirect cost rate proposals were due by June 16, 2020. If in the event your agency did not collect a full 12-month sample, please contact your assigned NTD analyst to discuss reporting. Transit systems should have appropriate PPE for frontline workers and procedures in place such as rear-door entry to ensure that social distancing is being observed by the system and transit riders to protect transit operators and the public. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does not require an agency to exempt riders with disabilities from this local determination. AD19: Within my Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) metropolitan planning area boundary, there are multiple transit providers that are in various stages of developing their Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) plan and adopting safety targets. Under the DOT ADA regulations at 49 CFR 37.131(c), the fare for an ADA paratransit trip may not exceed more than twice the fare for a similar trip made using the fixed route system, without regard to discounts. CTAAs National Volunteer Transportation Center and the Volunteers Insurance Service Association, Inc. who teamed up to create this online course specifically designed for volunteer drivers. The CARES Act and CRRSAA requires that grants using funds made available under the CARES Actand CRRSAA receive DOL certification consistent with current Section 5307 and 5311 procedures. All components of the project, including Sittwe port and power, river dredging, Paletwa jetty, have been completed,[2][3] except the under construction Zorinpui-Paletwa road. The waiver for operating expenses expired on January 20, 2022. In February 2017, the project was in tendering stage. Reporting to the NTD is required by law. Do you know how to determine the 26/11/2020. A: Recipients have pre-award authority effective on the date that the Governor or appropriate state official declared a state of emergency, or an earlier incident date if the declaration specifies one. The DOT ADA regulations at 49 CFR 37.5(h) provide that an agency may deny service to a person with a disability who represents a direct threat to the health or safety of others. A direct threat is defined, in part, by 49 CFR 37.3, as a significant risk to the health or safety of others.. There is no specific deadline for recipients to draw down obligated funds for operating expenses incurred on or before January 20, 2022, but recipients are encouraged to draw down funds as soon as possible. In the meantime, both FHWA and FTA staff are available to answer any questions. The DOT DBE regulations (49 CFR 26.37(b)) require recipients to have a mechanism to verify that the work committed to DBEs at contract award is actually performed by the DBEs. A:Recipients should make use of race-neutral measures, such as small business programs, technical and financial assistance, and unbundling of contracts to increase the ability and capacity of DBEs and other small businesses to perform contracts with CARES Act funding (49 CFR 26.39, 26.51). A: Transit systems are free to suspend in-person assessments and use a remote or paper process for eligibility determinations. If the delay was due to the development and approval of a metropolitan TIP(s), the affected MPO(s) must provide supporting information, in writing, for the request. WebMassachusetts COVID-19 vaccination plan was guided by the Commonwealths COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Group, a diverse group launched in October consisting of medical professionals, public health experts, elected officials, community leaders, and infectious disease specialists.The plan consists of 3 phases, which reflect several priorities: Title Number Year Due to construction of this hydro electrical projects, navigation of boats could be effected. Use of Formula funds for operating activities that address COVID-19 at 100 percent federal share no longer are permitted after January 20, 2022. CE5: Is the operating portion of the capital cost of contracting eligible for reimbursement at the increased federal share? [4], The route of the project around Paletwa and along the Kaladan river is troubled with Chin conflict, Rohingya conflict and militant groups such as Arakan Army and Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA). 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