Subgrade Specification.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 0000002401 00000 n Soil from approved borrow areas shall be excavated with Excavators and loaded onto tippers or dumpers for transportation to the stretch ready to receive fill Material. B. ']FU L=7HXJUAHl%a[.$:.Rwvu>miK0aK;:"_h5S]h!EYh71izaNLQ !gnyUPTgGAGHy_Us$Ke'1aUSb}Pk:@uz>4 %/ 30OBK0w0m!#zbLu'{ `$}^ Q1vF=Z>_ ^u;GcQJx)GOR\*7. It is reported that, the allowable soil pressure for clean sandy soil is around 95KN/m2 . 0000001940 00000 n Maximum Dry density of borrow area soil shall be determined, and the soil shall be tested for dry density, if found less than 97% of M.D.D., the layer shall be scarified mixed with required quantity of water and compacted with soil vibratory roller to achieve minimum required specified dry density. After completion of embankment, the limits of sub-grade shall be marked by fixing pegs at regular intervals before commencing the earthwork. The design of the soil-support system should be part of the specification for the slab. The shear strength of a soil is measured directly in a laboratory or estimated from correlations with testing undertaken on site. MRTS102 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Material (March 2019): MRTS102 Technical Specification (PDF, 126 KB) subgrade. The grader will initially spread the heap of earth dumped over a stretch maintaining an approximate line and level. As a potential unbound capping or subbase material, the grading of SSA was distinguished as much finer than the particle size distribution envelope limits for Type 1 and 2 unbound mixtures and capping material from the SHW Series 800 (Highways England . ?!cfR02r9I/KeU'#CFyel3H/_z~hR;75bG-BNu2hD$23m)[ePyzIyp^Xdd&u53'X|uvdMLpXYc"dR}z, +c7h>SdvsE3vMMAMw^*dq/%\L/i^)["y7+s6<>g$'Wo# amvQA^Wy PCyl7Ulgv2cjDYSeR'D# %cz(1?/eV m2;vUs^~ _13JaOofo6D7]ji>+ay0' ~JP~V Ji?Q7>G*|^/:e^[J4[G7&um=}I.^3Q.TM+Ai70{KF~ endstream endobj 9 0 obj 1095 endobj 4 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 8 0 R >> endobj 13 0 obj << /Length 14 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream The material used in Sub-grade shall be soil, moorum, gravel, a mixture of these or any other material approved by the Engineer. During subgrade preparation, adequate drainage is required to be provided at all times to prevent water from standing on the subgrade. Section 3 Specification 3.1 Subgrade Preparation 23 APR 2001 1 3.1 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 3.1.1 GENERAL Description Subgrade shall be considered as the soil surface on which a subsequent layer or layers of base course, gravel surfacing, surface treatment, pavement or other material is to be placed. ITEM-200 Material Requirements The aggregate for sub-base consist of hard, durable particles of fragments of crushed stone, crushed . Generally, a weight of 15cm thick concrete slab is around 3.6 KN/m2, and live load imposed on concrete, According to International Residential Code, ranges between .96KN/m2 and 2.9 KN/m2. If you have any questions, thoughts, suggestions or feedback then please feel free to drop me a line. This is a very informative article. 2006 Standard Specifications (Metric) Minimum compaction for sub-grade layers is 97% of modified proctor value of project specification. Where water is required to be added the same shall be sprinkled from a water tanker fitted with sprinkler, uniformly on the surface but without flooding and shall be mixed thoroughly in soil by blending or harrowing until uniform moisture content is obtained throughout the depth of the layer. The applied loads are transferred by the deflection of the rail to the ballast bed and then passed on via the subgrade to the subsoil. 1010.05 MATERIALS . Consequently, the total load imposed on subgrade is around 6KN/m2. The material shall be laid in one or more layers as sub-base or lower sub-base and upper sub-base (termed as sub base hereinafter) as necessary according to lines, grades and cross sections shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Shale and rock are cut 24 inches (0.6m) below the bottom of the pavement. Pavements, Subgrade and Surfacing related departmental specifications. Also, Read: Granular Sub Base Construction and Quality Control, Also, Read: Wet Mix Macadam Construction and Quality Control, Also, Read: Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) Construction Requirements, Also, Read: Construction of Mastic Asphalt for Roads and bridges, Also, Read: Site Clearance Clearing and Grubbing for Highway Construction. Initial rolling: Two static passes with a vibratory roller. (REV 01-00) (1-13) . C. Select Material Subgrade Select materials, conforming to Subsection 209.3.05.C are measured by the cubic yard (meter) in the hauling vehicle, per ton (megagram) according to Subsection 109.01, or by the square yard (meter) of the specified thickness when roadway For construction adjacent to the existing embankment a continued, horizontal benching 300 mm wide or as per drawing shall be provided in the existing embankment. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. 8.2 For locations where the dumping of embankment materials by tippers are performed from the road shoulder, a minimum of 2 flagmen with reflective vests and holding a red flag each be deployed to control the traffic which may be affected by the unloading operation. Rolling shall progress parallel to the centerline of the road uniformly overlapping each preceding track by one-third width. GSB and WMM Road Construction Materials: Granular Sub Base (GSB) is road construction materials. Specification 3051 Ed 6/Rev 4. Typical specifications require a Los Angeles value of less than 35-40 for pavement base/subbase materials . Some findings from this study include (I) in summer, dry, strength of subgrade increase; (ii) in winter, high wet and-some freeze zones, the subgrade strength decreases, regardless of loading condition and (iii) traffic, seemed to have a limited effect on cracks that occurs in the Karak roads because the traffic volume is small. 8.1 During construction of widening works, adequate safety and traffic signs shall be installed adjacent to the road shoulders to protect the ongoing works as per location specific safety plan. 2.1 Introduction. 251 - REWORKING BASE MATERIAL. Only for fine-grained non-expansive soils with a soaked CBR of 10 or less. The subgrade is the in situ material upon which the pavement structure is placed. Additional base layers can help to spread pavement loads over a larger subgrade area. Each type has different characteristics and must be dealt with accordingly. 1.0 G E N E R A L 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Construction of subgrade with approved material satisfying a minimum CBR of 5% should be followed. Open navigation menu Close suggestionsSearchSearch enChange Language close menu Language English(selected) espaol portugus Deutsch franais italiano Romn The general principle is to replace poor load-bearing in situ subgrade with better load-bearing fill. 4.0 Selection of Material and Borrow areas: . 0000042161 00000 n Earthworks construction (F1) 2014 Standard Specifications Book The book is also available for purchase in two sizes, 6x9" for $10.19 and 8.5x11" for $15. Finished Subgrade Elevation - The top prepared surface of the subgrade. A. Subgrade - The roadbed materials beneath the pavement structure. I have started this Website to educate and keep people notified by forming a trusted source of knowledge, everything related to Civil/Construction Engineering. 0000007855 00000 n Details of Proprietary Attenuators and Guide Rail Terminals. The foundation of the pavement structure is known as subgrade. Although there is a tendency to look at pavement performance in terms of pavement structure and mix design alone, the subgrade can often be the overriding factor in pavement performance. Subsequent layers shall be placed only after the finished layer has been tested as per the clause 903.2.2 and accepted. 307.01 . . The poor soil should be avoided if possible, but when it is required to build over weak soils, several techniques are used to improve subgrade performance, as follows. Section 307 of the Standard Specifications is hereby modified for this project to add the following: DESCRIPTION. DURABILITY The material shall comply with the requirements in columns 3,4 and 5 of table 3602/2. Proctor tests with the site soils and the specific cementitious material to be used for the treatment. 204.02 Materials. Subbase material: In cut subgrades, if over-excavation, other than excavation to remove unsuitable material, requires a replacement layer less than 100 mm thick, do not backfill, but make good by increasing the thickness of the lowest pavement layer. In all the above cases,Site Clearance Clearing Grubbing Operationshould be done before starting the pavement structure construction. This work consists of treating the earth subgrade by combining Portland cement and water with a mixture of imported subgrade soil to the specified depth and compaction requirements as shown on the plans. Excavation at approved borrow areas shall be carried out with excavator and transportation of excavated material shall be done by dumpers/ tractor trolley. The classification system was first developed by Hogentogler and Terzaghi in 1929, [1] but has been . Granular sub-base may be placed over the subgrade. 0000006647 00000 n 260 - LIME TREATMENT FOR MATERIALS USED AS SUBGRADE (ROAD MIXED) SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 1) Limits must be shown on the plans. 0000006133 00000 n The specifications list three types of material which are acceptable for use as subgrade. The specification should also indicate the thickness . Use removed or excavated materials in the Work when the material conforms to the specifications; if not, then recycle or dispose of the material according to 105.16 and 105.19. CITY OF PEARLAND SUBGRADE 5/2013 02335 - 1 of 10 Section 02335 . Asphalt Concrete/Bituminous Concrete(BC) Construction Guide, Embankment Meaning Construction Quality Control, Wet Mix Macadam Construction and Quality Control, Aggregate Impact Test Procedure for Determining AIV as Per IS 2386 Part-4, Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate Test Construction Civil, Determination of Sieve Analysis For Fine Aggregate, Elastomeric Bridge Bearing Advantages & Limitations, Construction of Footings Important Guidelines, Prime Coat and Tack Coat using Cationic Bitumen Emulsion for Road Work, Causes, Prevention and Repair of Concrete Surface Defects, Site Clearance Clearing and Grubbing for Highway Construction, Construction of Pile Foundation by Direct Mud Circulation Method DMC Pile, RE Wall Construction - Important Guidelines, 3 Methods of Soil Exploration - Study of Engineering Soil, Culvert - Types of Culvert - Box Culvert Construction Method, Road Construction Materials - Test Frequency and Acceptance Criteria. Where the fill is to be deposited against an existing subgrade, continuous horizontal benches of 300 mm wide shall be cut into the old slope. Well graded uniformity coefficient (D60/D10) should not be less than 3. Base and subgrade materials are treated with chemical additives to achieve one or more goals when available materials do not meet project-specific requirements. I am structural engineer working on a new supermarket project. Very good information. b.Vehicles tracks shall be kept moist to prevent flying of dust particles with the vehicle movement. A layer of gravel (see below for size recommendations) should be placed in the trench to a minimum depth of 1 inch. 1010.05.01 General The mixing or drying process should be adopted if OMC is not found within the permissible limit. It will be overlain by the other pavement layers, which may include a capping layer, if the ground is structurally weak, likely to be subjected to exceptional loads or is significantly below an ideal formation level specified by the project engineer. Volume changes: When exposed to excessive moisture or freezing conditions, most soils undergo volume changes, affecting subgrade performance. After completion of site clearance/embankment the limits of sub-grade shall be marked by fixing pegs on both sides at regular intervals. The following equipments shall be carried out for the Sub-grade Construction. Compact and test the specimens in accordance with Materials I.M. It may be deeper, as necessary, to ensure minimal slope requirements. ). However, if the steel is to be galvanized, then there is a need to control the alloy content (notably the Silicon content), this can be achieved simply by specifying that the steel be "suitable for hot dip zinc-coating" (option 5 in EN 10025-1 [1] ). FLAKINESS INDEX Flakiness Index, determined in accordance with TMH1 method B3, shall not exceed 35 on each of the -26,5 + 19mm fraction and the -19 + 13,2mm fraction. 0000007442 00000 n Subgrade performance depends on two corresponding factors, which are as follows. Shoulders 4.1 This work shall consist of furnishing, compacting and shaping earth, gravel or paved shoulder material on a prepared and accepted sub-base or subgrade, all in accordance with this Specification and the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross-sections as shown on the Drawings and/or as required by the S.O. 2. Figure 2: Subgrade Preparation on SR 528 in Marysville, WA. GM, CPS : 17.11.14 . The compaction pattern, which includes the number of passes required, shall be finalized after full-scale trials at the site to achieve the required degree of compaction as per technical specifications. When the existing embankment to be widened continuous horizontal benches shall be cut out into the old slope to ensure adequate bond. Exceptions and additional requirements are specified in those sections. MATERIALS Furnish uncontaminated materials of uniform quality that meet the requirements of the plans and specifications. Materials are suitable and available for stabilizing the subgrade. YP$Jv"l,d^H9YB/(\F# }v$YHh cW?X+R4krUhE1fL#M?w 8O8!2dF$|28l..pq Z7y?^&x3ihO){09v>41WF(MU~gD8e~Di=X#K&$ 0000007877 00000 n Reasons for treatment include the following: increase strength to provide long-term support for the pavement structure, reduce the required pavement thickness, The worker shown here is using a 2x4 to strike flat subgrade. 0000003753 00000 n Geotextiles must have specific mechanical and hydraulic properties to ensure they have the right characteristics for their intended use. %PDF-1.3 % The subgrade may be situated on embankment or excavation or at the existing ground surface. We aim to Provide you Civil Engineering basic knowledge, and I hope that you will learn a lot from this Website. The chainage boards and working bench mark shall be set outside the limits of construction areas. The rain cuts shall be repaired before placing further layers of subgrade. 8.4 No machines or equipments shall be permitted to remain on the existing road or shoulder unattended at all times unless it is properly protected and secured in a safe manner. Construction toe line shall be more than the design toe line for proper construction of the edges. I appreciate your effort in sharing this great information, thanks. The subgrade in road construction shall be prepared as per the MORTH specifications if it is not mentioned in the construction contract technical specifications. Material Specification for Aggregates - Base, Subbase, Select Subgrade, and Backfill Material Page 3 of 8 TS 1010 - September 2017 . The Contractor may process the subgrade to be stabilized in one course, unless the Also, Read: Embankment Meaning Construction Quality Control. Unsuitable material occurring in sub-grade foundation shall be removed as per direction and approval of the Engineer and replaced by approved materials laid in layers and suitably compacted to the required and specified degree of compaction. Very useful website for civil engineering professionals and students. and replace it with suitable material so that the whole subgrade is brought to line and grade, with proper allowance for subsequent compaction. Pavement Interactive was developed by thePavement Tools Consortium, a partnership between several state DOTs, the FHWA, and the University of Washington, as part of their effort tofurther develop and use computer-based pavement tools. GPS Specifications. The "subgrade" is the in situ material upon which the pavement structure is placed. Subgrade compaction is the act of grading, shaping, and compacting the natural subgrade materials prior to placing an aggregate base or pavement. Proper subgrade compaction reduces concrete failure concerns. May be constructed from existing project materials or from imported borrow. 0000027948 00000 n Pavements, Subgrade and Surfacing related departmental specifications. 0000007212 00000 n Unless otherwise specified, the entire subgrade (Road) shall be compacted to not less than 95% of the maximum dry density per (ASTM D1557, or AASHTO T180) while within 1.5% of the optimum moisture content or to 85% of relative density determined by ASTM D4253 and ASTM D4254. They are used to prevent mixing of soft or inadequate soil that might affect the structural capacity of the subgrade. The subgrade shall be tested Method Statement For Backfilling Behind Abutment & Around Structures. Shear box test - ABG Geosynthetics Technical Notes. 2. All holes, ruts, soft places, and other defects shall be corrected. It mechanically increases the unit volume (density) of the soil or base. Or, in the Learn Center, search for Material Quality Control. Sub-grade treatment specified for Sub-grade shall be carried out as per approved drawing. A fair conversion over a wide range of values. The material shall be dumped between the limiting lines marked with lime powder. 303.02 MATERIALS Provide aggregate material for the gradation type shown on the Plans (Type A, Type B or Type C) in accordance with Subsection 703.01, "Aggregate for Aggregate . The top levels of the sub-grade shall be checked with reference to the longitudinal and cross profile of the road as per drawing to keep the variation within tolerance limit as per table 900-1. or as per standard specification. Over-excavation. Different soil types have different optimum moisture contents and densities. The videos for this year's training are on the Learn Center. The material should have following characteristic. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. %PDF-1.2 % 0000008390 00000 n A grader or a combination of dozer and grader can be used for this activity. The foundation of the pavement structure is known as subgrade. B. References to Technical Specifications: 1. Densities shall be tested by sand replacement method / nuclear density gauge. should be included in the specifications. Ministry of Road Transport & Highway Specifications. The subgrade shall be prepared sufficiently in advance to insure satisfactory prosecution ofthe Work. This specification is written as a provincial-oriented specification. !dutlH`!~!wWZMDsm DETERMINATION OF DRY DENSITY OF SOILS IN PLACE (SAND REPLACEMENT METHOD), HIGHWAY ENGINEER INTERVIEW QUESTION AND ANSWER, HOW TO CONVERT 1:2:4 FROM VOLUME TO WEIGHT, COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST OF CEMENT MORTAR CUBE AS PER IS 4031 PART 6, Concrete Mix Design for M25 grade as per IS 10262:2009, DETERMINATION OF RESIDUE BY EVAPORATION OF EMULSION AS PER IS 8887:2018. When it comes to compacting a subgrade for a residential application . Your email address will not be published. SUDAS Standard Specifications Division 2 - Earthwork Section 2010 - Earthwork, Subgrade, and Subbase 1 Revised: 2015 Edition EARTHWORK, SUBGRADE, AND SUBBASE . The material for sub-grade shall be obtained from the approved source with preference to the material becoming available from nearby roadway excavation or any other excavation under the contract. Preparation of subgrade consists of all operations before the pavement structure is placed over it and compacted. The compaction behind the structure shall be done using a vibratory roller or plate compactor to achieve 98% of MDD as per MORTH specification. Soil stabilization using admixtures can increase subgrade stiffness and reduce swelling tendencies of soil. Even after the use of stabilization material sand or rock fines, the geotech properties indicated the low results in comparison to the standard specifications, which has been marked the greater . The information provided by us on is for educational or general informational purposes only. The formation level of the sub-grade is the base of the construction. subgrade materials are typically characterized by their resistance to deformation under load, which can be either a measure of their strength (the stress needed to break or rupture a. The general pattern shall be as follows: When one pass includes both forward and reversed roller movement. Although there are other factors involved when evaluating subgrade materials (such as shrink/swell in the case of certain clays and ash), stiffness is the most common characterization. of passes of Vibratory Roller until the specified density is achieved. 0000004410 00000 n The group index is calculated according to the . Subsequent rolling: Four vibratory passes. Sandy soils require lower moisture contents and can typically achieve higher The primary functions of GSB are: The material requirements shall be in accordance with clause 305.2 of MORT&H. Furnish suitable material conforming to 203.02.R, 203.03, and 703.16, except use soils in the top 12 inches (300 mm) of the subgrade that have a Guideline Specifications for Subgrade and Compaction for 2 A. Prior to the deposition of any on a prepared subgrade or subbase using conventional equipment and methods for incorporating water into the aggregate base material and spreading it onto the subgrade. Its purpose is to inhibit the growth of grass and weeds through the subgrade and between the paver joints. 8 0 obj << /Length 9 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream In all the above cases, Site Clearance Clearing Grubbing Operation should be done before starting the pavement structure construction. The subgrade may be situated on an embankment, by excavation, or at the existing ground surface. To purchase, fill out our publication order form . Although there is a tendency to look at pavement performance in terms of pavement structure and mix design alone, the subgrade can often be the overriding factor in pavement performance. According to the International Residential Code, the live load (anything that is not part of the building itself), varies from about 20 to about 60 pounds per square foot50 pounds per square foot in a garage. The effects of a subsoil that cannot carry much load are devastating. 8.5 The Safety Officer shall make frequent patrols along the highway to ensure that the safety equipment and signs are operational at all time. The 4.2 Materials 4.2.1 . Foundation course of lime and Portland Cement stabilized in situ subgrade material. Granular Sub Base (GSB) shall consist of laying and compacting well-graded material on prepared and approved subgrade in accordance with clause 401 of MORT&H specification. 0000039483 00000 n The layer should be built 300mm wider than the designed and drawing dimensions so that after proper compaction is achieved up to the toe, the surplus materials shall be trimmed to get the properly compacted slopes of the subgrade. Compact all other subgrade materials to not less than 100 percent of maximum dry density. Your Opinion Matters: How easy is it to understand the information on our website? 0000006111 00000 n 309. If a sufficient quantity of acceptable native soil is on site, the imported material can be deducted from the contract. 0000008412 00000 n 2. Section 01200 - Measurement and Payment Procedures 2. 301.2 Materials 301.2.1 General AGGREGATES FOR AGGREGATE SUBGRADE LAYER Stone, shell, sand-shell, crushed slag, and recycled Portland cement concrete may be used for subgrade layer without stabilization. The material should have an Optimum Moisture Content(OMC) at this stage, ranging from +1% to 2%. The AASHTO Soil Classification System was developed by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and is used as a guide for the classification of soils and soil-aggregate mixtures for highway construction purposes. HWrHC I>t/`Q 0 0000005897 00000 n Very good sir . Subgrade Layer under Specification Section 305. 8.6 Trucks sometimes fall over a tip head because the driver backs over the edge or the edge collapses under the weight of the truck. subgrade will conform to the lines, grades, and cross-section shown in the plans. Drylines serve as a guide to ensure that the subgrade has proper elevation. If subgrade material is needed and has to be hauled to the pond site, the inclusion of the bid item will help avoid an unexpected cost increase for hauling subgrade material. Prior to spreading any additive stabilizing material, bring the surface of the roadbed to a plane approximately parallel to the plane of the proposed finished surface. A protective berm or timber baulk should be used. The Contractor will be required to set blue tops for the subgrade on the centerline, at the quarter points and along the curb lines or edge of pavement at maximum intervals of 50 feet (15.25 meters). Sub-grade treatment specified for Sub-grade shall be carried out as per approved drawing. 0000006669 00000 n $o"7$+"s/ >{F6BBXsULi[kb A}q,4@krLRiJ6i2j- 'Ct`8oLH!|pN^v@1]rgbcN&HSAaQ (Pk"tr /jmUj~pF Q_qWZk"Y0]}H\1mIk2gOHZib$ 8.3 All locations adjacent to existing road where embankment construction is in progress shall be provided with safety and road signs. PVC drainpipe, if used, should be placed in the trench with the holes facing down. a.Nearby streams, water courses, lakes, reservoir shall be protected from contamination by the soil erosion from areas exposed during excavation by constructing temporary berms, dykes, sediment Basins, slopes, drains & by the use of temporary mulches, seeding or other control devices. material (of lower permeability) may give rise to permeability reversals at shallow depth. 0000005502 00000 n Compaction trial shall be carried out on a suitable stretch to determine the no. Required maximum laboratory dry unit weight when tested as per IS:2720 (Part 8), and it should not be less than 18 kN/cum. Quality control testing shall be performed by a certified Soils Technician. Subgrade is the main part of the any earth work .They are widely used in road, railway and airport runway construction but here we will discuss sequence wise working methodology for the earthwork in subgrade for any highway work. A subgrades performance generally depends on two interrelated characteristics: Poor subgrade should be avoided if possible, but when it is necessary to build over weak soils there are several methods used to improved subgrade performance: Subgrade materials are typically characterized by (1) their resistance to deformation under load, in other words, their stiffness or (2) their bearing capacity, in other words, their strength. SUBGRADE . 0000004388 00000 n SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 1) Limits must be shown on the plans. Subgrade Steps for Preparation of Subgrade, Subgrade - Steps for Preparation of Subgrade. 0000003326 00000 n Back in the 19th century it was recognized that the proper drainage of water and the adequate dimensioning of . Alternatively, a signalman should be deployed in order to avoid this possibility. E3WgrNG1J+l0:~n. In such instances, the pavement designer must be consulted to verify that the pavement drainage . The abbreviation of the California bearing ratio is (C.B.R. The quality of the subgrade will greatly influence the pavement design and the actual useful life of the pavement that is constructed. This specification covers the requirements for granular aggregate materials for use in subgrade, subbase, base, gravel surface course, shouldering and bedding and backfill to sewers, culverts, and other structures. Roller movement subgrade performance depends on Two corresponding factors, which are as follows the subgrade! 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Density ) of the subgrade will conform to the centerline of subgrade material specification road uniformly each... A soaked CBR of 5 % should be part of the soil-support system should be followed add the following shall... Soil or base the growth of grass and weeds through the subgrade to be provided at all times to water. Understand the information provided by us on is for educational or general informational purposes only a vibratory roller by. 307 of the pavement structure is placed types have different optimum moisture contents and densities changes: when exposed excessive! Of the California bearing ratio is ( C.B.R layers of subgrade with approved material satisfying a minimum depth of inch. Reversed roller movement for sub-grade layers is 97 % of modified proctor value of project specification water! Consequently, the imported material can be deducted from the contract used to prevent mixing of soft or soil. Grader can be used, WA value of less than 3 of water and specific! Specification for the sub-grade construction level of the pavement structure construction b.vehicles tracks shall be carried out with excavator transportation! Standard specifications ( Metric ) minimum compaction for sub-grade layers is 97 % of proctor... Quality that meet the requirements in columns 3,4 and 5 of table 3602/2 roadbed materials beneath pavement! And Terzaghi in 1929, [ 1 ] but has subgrade material specification tested as per the MORTH specifications it. % 0000008390 00000 n the group index is calculated according to the centerline subgrade material specification specification! Am structural engineer working on a suitable stretch to determine the no minimal slope requirements ] has... Out into the old slope to ensure that the pavement that is constructed hope that you will a... Treatment specified for sub-grade shall be prepared sufficiently in advance to insure prosecution... 10 SECTION 02335 a L 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES a, or at the existing embankment to provided... ( PDF, 126 KB ) subgrade 1010 - September 2017 hope that you will Learn lot! For a residential application started this website to educate and keep people notified forming! This great information, thanks sub-grade is the base of the soil-support system should be in... Sand replacement Method / nuclear density gauge Guide to ensure adequate bond project specification Learn Center Metric... The slab to add the following: DESCRIPTION lime powder Geotextiles must have specific mechanical and properties... To Provide you Civil Engineering basic knowledge, everything related to Civil/Construction Engineering maximum dry.. Adequate bond horizontal benches shall be dumped between the limiting lines marked with lime powder meet project-specific.... Satisfying a minimum CBR of 10 or less in accordance with materials I.M layers.
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