-(10/10) 16 - Justapoorchibi 5 years ago #3. Skill: Repeat Fire Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I kinda wish that instead of the Crossbow, they decided to give us that upgraded version of Way of White Corona that he uses throughout the fight a spell that actually releases like 10 discs that go in different directions could actually be really useful and could be a great way of controlling the spacing in a PvP situation. Upon exiting the latter, head . Its weapon skill allows players to spin it over one's head and bring it down in savage slashes . It does less damage than light crossbow, which is 4.5 units lighter and doesn't take 20 dex to wield. [8] Its comparatively short range limited its usage to primarily defensive positions, where its ability to rapidly discharge 7-10 bolts in 15-20 seconds was used to prevent assaults on gates and doorways. Now i feel stupid for not getting the GS. And then you can have the elemental ones as well, fire, exploding, lightning and so on. Two hand it and use your weapon art. I recently fell in love with the Repeating Crossbow (the one that Gael uses), because of its looks and cool WA. Dark Souls 3 - Repeating Crossbow PvP - The Ringed City DLC 45,252 views Apr 1, 2017 407 Dislike Share Save Crozyn 20.7K subscribers Fooling around with the Repeating Crossbow with a silly. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. . Ds3 cinders mod Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Repeat Fire Just reduce the damage a bit to balance. 100 This Chinese inspired crossbow is acquired through transmutation of Gael's soulclearly this is an PVP weapon onlySHAREfactoryhttps://store.playstation.com/#. Wooden, Standard, heavy and sniper bolts. There are buttons other than R1. The data displayed above are current as of Patch App 1.15 Regulation 1.35. Repeating Crossbow is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. It would have been cool to get "Gael's Lightning Storm," or something like that. Thank you Miyazaki for the beautiful physics of this game , Press J to jump to the feed. The weaponart could be the same as it is now but deal a shit ton more damage. You can fire a repeating crossbow with one hand or fire a repeating crossbow in each hand in the same . I am guessing they just didnt want to include a version of the spell that was outright better than the last DLC spell, but that would be a great spell for gank spanks. Not actually a greatsword, this halberd can still deal out great damage. - 1,000 Unfortunately it's just a sub par weapon there isnt all that much you can do to polish this turd. Avelyn is much better in general. As long as it holds bolts, you can reload it by pulling the reloading lever (a free action ). Nameless king gives us three options with his soul. Don't know about crossbows though. As well as if you have any tactics for a build around this crossbow. Wish the damn thing didn't take 20 dex.. #4. Really dumb it needs to be two handed. MaenaZ Jun 12, 2017 @ 6:16am. - - Despite its use as a weapon, this crossbow is also a priceless work of art, and it bears resemblance to a musical instrument. Make way through the initial section of the archives and to the third floor, passing by the big wax container and a darkened room. Repeating Crossbow View source History Talk (0) Repeating Crossbow; General Aux Effects; Standard/Thrust: 0: 120: 0: Yes: 0: Combat; Repeat Fire: 15-(20/30) 20: N/A: 1.5: N/A: 130: Damage . Inflict heavy damage by making all three shots count. It could have that magic explosion as the weapon art, which you could follow up into the air lunge or huge sweep. - Fires three successive bolts by means of an elaborate mechanism. Step 1 to making the Repeating Crossbow good: Make it not need to be reloaded ever. - Hit the correct button. Dark miracle that does dark damage on the AOE and skulls but lightning on the blue bolts. Skill Miscellaneous When do I start upgrading my armor? The Official Prosecutor Blackquill of All Boards. I, on the other hand, love the idea of a repeating crossbow but the execution is just terrible. Used in the battles of an endless journey, this crossbow is covered with twists and dinks, rusted with blood, and made extremely brittle from overuse. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 5 yr. ago Yeah I totally assumed it would hit like those archers the giants summon. The repeating crossbow had an effective range of 70 meters and a maximum range of 180 meters. - Using the avelyn though, the bolts splits into 8 shards most of the time (24 proyectiles per burst, way better aim so probably you'll hit with most of them.). Loading a new case of 5 bolts is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity . In-Game Description This crossbow, customized for repeat-firing to face mobs alone, was wielded by Slave Knight Gael. I think it was originally intended but ended up being too hard to balance. The crossbow it just feels a bit underwhelming when compared with everything else from the fight they could have given us, especially since Gael's GS, the other transposable weapon, is actually really useful and fun to use. Now it's actually a repeating crossbow. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. With repeating crossbow's wa, each shot splits into 4 or 5 shards (40-50 proyectiles in total, but most of them will miss the target due to the horrendous aim from that weapon art). For the Dark Souls II variant, see Avelyn (Dark Souls II). Crossbows are a type of Weapon in Dark Souls 3. Thanks. It is one of only two crossbows in the entire series to be made from a boss soul, the other being the. is bullshit. trying to think of a fun build that deviates somewhat from just str/dex. That's what I hoped it would be, a crossbow where you can just keep firing without reloading. I wish it would fire one bolt if you tap it, and would fire continuously up to 10 bolts if you held it down too. I wonder if you guys have any build suggestions, like rings, equipment etc. Ratnap 6 yr. ago. 0 I just want to be able to fight using a sniper crossbow on the same way marvelous chester did. - - By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. everything is viable. First shoot of my Fire Keeper cosplay, I hope you enjoy it, progress of my dogs cosplay as Slave Knight Gael. For the Dark Souls variant, see Avelyn. 49 They are generally more close ranged weapons, allowing players to "shoot from the hip" and reload on the move without entering a two-handed stance. RdRStar Apr 1, 2017 @ 12:23pm. Found in the Grand Archives, on top of a bookshelf on the right wing of the building. - All rights reserved. The Avelyn is a crossbow in Dark Souls III. I.E. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. An extremely rare rapid-firing crossbow. Zacharoni Sep 9, 2016 @ 8:03am. Press J to jump to the feed. - I personally like the light crossbow cause of how sleek and cool it is Yeah, but the 3 bows make it harder to dodge. 0 I really dont understand :(. Attack power Attribute requirement As well as if you have any tactics for a . Dark Souls Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. However, its damage feels sub-par, and the WA is not really easy to utilize. Yeah, this is how it should have worked. View Mobile Site Knight's Crossbow with lightning bolts These two are your best bet for damage. Used in the battles of an endless journey, this crossbow is covered with twists and dinks, rusted with blood, and made extremely brittle from overuse. If you must use it, equip explosive darts and use it to complement a melee weapon. [4] they should have totally went for a abyss watchers soul reward. When do I start upgrading my armor? Guard absorption -. Annoy those RKGS meta lords with my brand new build!My Patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3989310 I kinda wish instead of a burst of bolts, just holding down the attack fires bolts infinitely until stamina runs out. Or the greatsword as it is now, and an ultra greatsword of the one he uses in his second phase. I am thinking about a low SL (30-40) build since I feel lile a low SL would slightly offset the lacking damage output. Crossbows are a ranged weapon that have rather low Strength and Dexterity requirements and offer no scaling, making them ideal for builds that do not invest heavily into physical stats. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Instead it's one of the worst crossbows in the game. Skill: Repeat Fire Unlike bows and greatbows, crossbows can be held and fired in one hand, but require the player to reload . 0 N/A Outside of some occasional circumstances Avelyn is definitely the best . It's a very subpar crossbow otherwise. It can't fire in full auto if it's one handed. Pls from buff this thing, I love it's looks and I want a reason to use it over literally any other crossbow. - Hahah that cosplay sounds awesome! Skill: Tackle. It works alright to pressure an opponent into roll spamming, especially after a backstab/riposte. - Projectile Launch system + Tranquilizer round = OP? However, its damage feels sub-par, and the WA is not really easy to utilize. This crossbow, customized for repeat-firing to face mobs alone, was wielded by Slave Knight Gael. Or maybe a spell that releases these little flying skulls of death that Gael uses. I personally don't vote for avelyn since it is quite hard getting all the bolts to hit and it looks like havel mom or giant dad in one weapon. Compound Bow Weapon Concept (+ Bow and Arrow Mechanics). Yeah I totally assumed it would hit like those archers the giants summon. A community dedicated to everything about Dark Souls 3. 5,000 - Originally posted by Herbalacious: Fought a dude today using a bow and the tornado sword boss weapon I forget the name at the moment, but was impressed by the playstyle. 20 It is part of The Ringed City. Because it's as accurate as a feather filled catapult, on a windy day. Fooling around with the Repeating Crossbow with a silly build in arenas. Eh that would be really hard to execute as it would be really wonky in pve (when the enemy is much bigger than you) and highly unpractical in pvp, where you want crossbow to be a crossbow and sword to be a sword. -(13/13) If you really want to make a crossbow build and run here some hints: Buy all the bolts you can get and max them out (198) there are 4 type of "normal" bolts. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Crossbows are a type of weapon in Dark Souls III . Build INFO at end.My Social Media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Crozyn Livestream: https://www.twitch.tv/Crozyn Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Crozyn Music:nokbient - \"Pink 'n Floaty Beach Party\" - Kirby's Dreamland 'Float Islands' RemixSupport nokbient:https://www.youtube.com/user/LBPCraftsmanhttps://soundcloud.com/nokbienthttps://www.facebook.com/nokbienthttps://nokbient.bandcamp.com/All tracks licensed under a CC BY license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/Sources: https://soundcloud.com/nokbient/pink-n-floaty-beach-party Crossbow I would have made it have that repeated fire as a normal attack (similar to avelyn except you could release the trigger to stop fireing) but made it so that it does not stun you for longer than three shots. 0 83 Weapon art requires two hands, very slow, eats a lot of stamina and all of your bolts. Other that, I used it for a while, and cant see any other benefit in it, other than the swag or a cosplay. So first impressions.repeating crossbow is terrible. I was thinking the Carthus Shotel, blood infused and using splintering bolts. Pretty easy decision as to if this is worth it over Gael's Greatsword. What armor did you use for that?? You release a small AOE attack accompanied with a few red skulls that travel downwards. A community dedicated to everything about Dark Souls 3. fists and broken straight sword are viable in pveso yes. Avelyn is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. Additional effects 7/13 Splitleaf Greatsword. First shoot of my Fire Keeper cosplay, I hope you enjoy it, progress of my dogs cosplay as Slave Knight Gael. TL;DR Yes, bows are very viable and very effective in PVE. Seeing a lot more xbow users lately too, Well Im sorry I just like katanas and I enjoy my playstyle Why is everyone butthurt about certain weapons? Same with the Ledo knight summon thing that was cut. 20 Repeating Crossbow Build Suggestions. I had an sl60 Judge Dredd cosplay that only used the Repeating Crossbow for a while. You can use the WA to turbo-fuck people on ladders, that's about the only really useful thing it does. Could be good for making people roll off cliffs. All of them. The Repeating Crossbow is a soul-transposed crossbow in Dark Souls III: The Ringed City. Also, why the fuck do you have to reload after every shot with that thing? I recently fell in love with the Repeating Crossbow (the one that Gael uses), because of its looks and cool WA. 7.5 Have you ever tried that combo? Fought a dude today using a bow and the tornado sword boss weapon I forget the name at the moment, but was impressed by the playstyle. I wonder if you guys have any build suggestions, like rings, equipment etc. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Obtained by transposing the Soul of Slave Knight Gael with Ludleth of Courland for 5,000 souls. Once they hit the ground, that spot is marked for a blue lightning bolt. These Weapons usually do moderate damage and have less range than Bows. Attribute bonus Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. #4. What about splintering bolts? Or his hood which gives you a second attack couldave been unique. #4. Never realized you could bust this guys kneecaps like this. Also the weaponart can't be used unless you two hand the damn thing and only does ~350 damage on other players if you somehow hit it as it has terrible tracking and a pretty long startup. Valve Corporation. Repeating Crossbow Also moderately high stat requirements for a non scaling weapon (!) One reward is just his great sword as it is right now, the other is a paired weapon consisting of his crossbow and sword, alowing you to do moves involving both weapons, especially his in air roll that also fires out crossbow bolts. Instead it's one of the worst crossbows in the game. Thank you Miyazaki for the beautiful physics of this game . Why not both? That would've been pretty cancerous in PvP. The repeating light crossbow holds 5 crossbow bolts. Each bolt deals massively reduced damage (significantly less than avelyn). I can get more damage out of an arbalest with a leo ring counter and don't have to consume 10 bolts to do so. The heavy crossbow is really powerful with the Large bolts, you need to usecrossbows when you catch people off guard in the middle of a fight ( when they mid-fat roll, do some slow attack,when they're running) Yeah perfect for a "PVE" build. the weapon art. - Is not really easy to utilize guys kneecaps like this are viable in pveso yes one he in. Of stamina and all of your bolts cookies, Reddit may still use certain to! King gives US three options with his soul take 20 dex to.. 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