pluto in aquarius for scorpio

Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, the last three signs of the zodiac, are known as collective signs. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. In order to attain equality and freedom, people are willing to stand up against powerful leaders who they perceive as threatening their survival and free-expression. Pluto through libra-the Aids epidemic, the negligence due to hatred that led to a purposeful culling of an entire sexual group. The people have needed to see this in order to understand the State in its ultimate and inevitably negative manifestation. Ill make a prediction. From newspapers of the time, we can assert that the independence movement was centered in New England with a great deal of certainty. Wrong, the communism as proposed by Karl Marx never existed in a society in practical sense. It also gave rise to more political power being put into the hands of the few, a true Oligarchy (one might even say a Plutocracy!). There will be a collective tug-of-war of ideals for this generation. The sun is what lights you up from the inside out and where your ego selfishly shines. Pluto was in Scorpio between 1738 and 1749 and 1984 and 1995, carrying out deep transformations of the collective unconscious and alterations in power relations. This time period includes an approximately three month period during which Saturn retrogrades back into Capricorn, before returning to Aquarius. Pluto leaves Aquarius on January 19th, 2044. Dont be surprised if Pluto in Aquarius creates a groundswell of protest against poverty and inequality. This was when Martin Luthers 1517 theses of complaint against the church was translated and distributed throughout Europe. The influence of Capricorn/the State will give way to the influence of the sign of Aquarius and Aquarius is very different. Hopefully when pluto leaves capricorn for good we'll see the end of corporation's killing the planet (that's really optimistic though, it'll probably just ease up a bit at best), Pluto in Virgo - 50s lifestyle, post war boom, efficiency of modern society, servitude, Pluto in libra - divorce at an all time high, change in relationships. In some ways We the People today are subject to even worse abuses! Aquarius is an air sign, but water plays a key role in its symbolism. In the future, when Pluto reaches Pisces, then it will be Pluto in Sagittarius turn and so and so forth. Tech as Horror or Solution? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Pluto is intense but introspective. Catherine became a passionate advocate for education, the arts and human rights. They are no strangers to unusual concepts and approaches. They are associated with broad concepts that are impersonal. Dead end there. With Pluto in Aquarius, it opposes Leo. This fall may include rich, older men like Eddie Izzard who claim they sometimes feel as if they are girls, taking over women's spaces. How we relate as a community will drastically change. Our personal relationships, how we go about our daily lives and every aspect of life looks set for a dramatic overhaul, and it could start well before Pluto shifts into Aquarius. The feelings that you perceive through Pluto's placement in Scorpio are the powerful projections of what you are thinking about yourself. He brings structure and has been preparing us for the destruction/regeneration that Pluto will eventually bestow. Meta & Mark Zuckerberg: Will be the beginning of META or actually a destruction of this project as a new corporation of the same intent is created somewhere else? But after a few years, Pluto in Aquarius will actually benefit him, as it will trine and sextile Asc, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars, not to mention it will be in aversion to Saturn, avoiding acute problems. Especially with saturn (traditional ruler of aquarius conjoining neptune, planet of getting lost in fantasy lands) I think we're going to see a whole lot of black mirroresque concepts be branded as something that's going to benefit humanity all for it to turn out exactly like an episode of black mirror would. It was at this time (1543) that Copernicus presented his theory that the Earth and the planets orbited the Sun, further undermining the authority of Rome. When Saturn entered Aquarius in December of 2020, he was escorted by Jupiter, who always makes everything grander and more exciting. If you're not tuned in, make it a goal to become a "Dickian" in 2023! While the first conjunction is a retrograde cycle that lasts about 300 years, the second is a direct cycle lasting much longer. Logic. Which is a result of what I'm assuming the extreme societal pressure to be perfect and live a very specific life that was brought on by pluto through virgo. Pluto is the great change makerthe planet of death, destruction, and also regrowth. Pluto through sag - was the globalization of the internet and the dangers of what having access to "everything all of the time" (in the words of Bo Burnham) can have on a generation, most of us here are still in our 20s so the real life implications of the effects this had is still something that's going to show up in a couple of years I think, we're already seeing it. Its likely that these protests will gain political traction as we move into this new Aquarian era with human rights and the future of humanity uppermost in our collective minds. Why? A hot mess. He then set about dissolving the Monasteries in England, Wales and Ireland (1536-41), appropriating their assets and income. Pluto in the 9th house in Scorpio - in the sign of scorpio, a ninth house Pluto represents an intellectual preoccupation with metaphysics and existential truths. It does not store any personal data. Another interesting thing about Pluto entering Aquarius is that my generation, the Pluto in Scorpio generation-Millennials will be going through their Pluto square. The climes (countries) where Pluto culminates will be even more important than for UK. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, you had the American Revolution followed by the French Revolution; never mind Men in Black. During that previous Capricorn period Americans were still part of the British Empire and were ruled from England and the King. As the transits keep up in the fixed Aquarius until 2044, powerful groups of people will emerge during such transit. Popular films based on his works include Blade Runner (1982), Total Recall (adapted twice: in 1990 and in 2012), Minority Report (2002), A Scanner Darkly (2006), The Adjustment Bureau (2011), and Radio Free Albemuth (2010) (source, Wikipedia). In 1543 Copernicus first set down his findings that the Sun and not the Earth was the centre of the solar system. What is happening to Shakira at astrological level? Ganymede was also Zeus lover, so Pluto in Aquarius may also help to uphold the rights of the LBGTIQ community as well as those who are otherwise marginalised. He was succeeded by his only son, Edward VI, who accelerated the agenda of religious reform initiated by his father, despite being only a young boy king. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The election of Donald Trump was one form of protest orchestrated by a disaffected middle class. The rule by the British brought about such intolerable conditions that the American colonies decided to revolt and break away from its rulers. This particular Pluto in Aquarius wont sound too good to UK once it will square natal Mars in Taurus as the years go by. The Astrology of Shakira Under Tax Fraud Investigation? It was a scary place where I was expected to respect my elders even when they were abusive and nasty. Heres a very, overly simplified interpretation: Pluto in Cap - everything becomes commodified (mommy blogs, hobbies, etc) everyone has an angle and a pitch, Pluto in Aqu - everyone seeks independence, at times creating extreme polarity with other groups, Pluto in Pisces - everyone retreats into loss, spirituality, and empathy. These are the groups I have encountered in my lifetime and the people in them do have commonality. Saturn will ceremoniously exit Aquarius just 2 weeks before Pluto makes its grand entrance. Well thats Aquarius, As you know Pluto is usually (painful) destruction and often a rebuild, Aquarius is about the future, wishes, community, technology, humanity/humanitarianism. By the Aries Ingress 2023, Pluto Ingresses into Aquarius for the first time as soon as the Sun enters the second degrees of Aries. You can feel it building now with the polarisation of societies. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Squares in Astrology mean conflict, contrast, and a general disagreeing (often for the greater good). But I havent been able to find that anywhere, its more of a channeled instinct. Saturn will be in Aquarius from 22 March 2020 until 8 March 2023[1] reframing political objectives to a more principled, progressive and forward thinking agenda. Fixity of Pluto & Aquarius: Pluto somehow agrees with this fixation of Aquarius because it co-rules the fixed sign of Scorpio in modern days, yet the modernization and logical approach to life that Aquarius leads is somewhat disturbing to Pluto, which prefers the subtle, or, the hidden aspects of life we prefer not to talk about very often. A member of the Victorian Astrologers Association and Federation of Australian Astrologers since 1985, Michele is also a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers and their Victorian Liaison Officer. Coming just twelve months before Pluto shifts into Aquarius, at the same time at the US Pluto return and with Saturn also in the sign of the water-bearer, this surge of Aquarian energy is set to transform the social order. This rebellion was thwarted and nine days later Mary I was installed as Queen, setting the scene for further turmoil as she set about returning England to Catholicism with equal zeal as Pluto began to move into Pisces. Progressing the mind means realizing that . It is said that Pluto is exalted in Aries, which kind of makes sense since Mars also rules this sign & Pluto is the higher octave of Mars. Then the list shows us the third is another football player Lionel Messi with Pluto culminating in his chart. But maybe it only really comes in full force once Pluto also crosses the finish line into Aquarius. It's the dystopian psychopathic worldveiw brought on by modern capitalism and it's complete apathy to the destruction it causes to any living thing. It is groups of people, ideally a utopian society that doesnt operate for greedruled by the planet Uranus which symbolizes instantaneous changes like electricity, lightening striking, and the internet. Pluto will stop at 0 degrees in Aquarius from March through June, 2023,. Aquarius isnt concerned with aliens, thats very much Pisces territory - other worlds, paranormal, weird things. Pluto, circling the Sun in 248 years, has a rather elliptical orbit, which means that it stays in the sign it rules, Scorpio, for a mere 9 years . [3]M Finey, The Sacred Dance of Venus and Mars, The Wessex Astrologer, 2012. A marriage of the air element with the fixed quality, Aquarius is determined, but also experimental in its outlook. The dawning of the age of Aquarius is not a new concept but it is something that astrologers do not agree on. Great post op! If you wish to read more about Plutos Orb of Influence in Aquarius: Auspicious Years for Air & Fire Signs but also Cancer, Virgo & Pisces click here. Because something has always been done a certain way, does not necessarily make it correct. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Pluto through Leo - when Hollywood was at its height and all the dark undercurrents that was going on behind the scenes that was all overshadowed by this lust for glamor. Pluto, as the agent of death and rebirth, also brought radical social change to places like Russia. As an astrologer and a hypnotherapist, Michele takes a modern psychological approach to astrology, using the chart as a counselling tool to empower her clients. New discoveries are part and parcel of the Aquarian motif as new concepts and inventions propel us towards the future. However, that was their fight and power struggle. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The American Revolution commenced in 1775, just a few years before Pluto last entered Aquarius, continuing throughout this turbulent cycle until 1783. I think the y2k nostalgia is rooted in just that nostalgia, In reality it was pretty fucking awful to be on the unregulated (and horrendously slow!) They have different agendas and perceptions. Pluto (Scorpio) and Aquarius (Uranus) are both fixed . Aquarius is an air sign, but water plays a key role in its symbolism. From the influence of directors, bureaucrats and even chairperson, the world will witness a deviation of power right to the population. Note also that Saturn has just concluded its transit of Aquarius, passing the Aquarian baton to Pluto. Aquarius values concepts and ideas, knowledge and innovation. Mobs of people (Aquarius) projected their repressions (Pluto) back upon those in power. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. People who were previously afraid to speak out against the power and corruption of the church created their own system of worship and belief led by the likes of Martin Luther, John Calvin and John Knox. The Big-Wheel Deviation of Power: Is the worlds direction fated by the craft of presidents and people who rule nations or corporations? New Discovery on the Way: A very cosmic, spatial, special and astronomical discovery will change humans perspective in their place in the cosmic scale. It will be an exciting time to see what our society can accomplish with all of that fire and air energy in play for such a long period! Many of them have others placements in Scorpio which will facilitate their rise onto the world, until fully ascended once Pluto goes Pisces. This time around Pluto in Aquarius is once again following a conjunction of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn (2020) a stellar arrangement that we have not witnessed in that sign since 1518. At the moment of the Ingress, Pluto will be the planet the southmost (latitude) regarding the ecliptic and will continue so until end of this century. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. How well will you use this powerful combination that can be quite misunderstood in wrong hands? And yet, Aquarius has within it, an understanding of water, given its role to distribute this life giving element. Its not just astrologers like me who are forecasting these changes. Its easy to see how Uranus has gained acceptance as the ruling planet of Aquarius over the traditional ruler Saturn. Word spread quickly thanks to the printing press and increased literacy. This is why astrology is based on orbs of influence. Expect the worlds wishes to change as well. If you wish to read more about Pluto in Aquarius & the Aquarius-Leo and Taurus-Scorpio Axis (2023-2044), If you wish to read more about The Previous Pluto in Aquarius People & Events, If you wish to read more about Pluto in Scorpio Generation and the Upcoming Years, If you wish to read more about Pluto in Sagittarius Generation: Known People to Watch Close as Pluto in Aquarius will Sextile Natal Pluto, If you wish to read more about Pluto in Libra and Leo Generation & the Upcoming Years of Pluto in Aquarius, If you wish to read more about Pluto in Sagittarius & the Upcoming Years of Pluto in Aquarius, If you wish to read more about Pluto in Sagittarius Generation: What to Expect Astrologically until the End of this Century from Them. The world did not feel like it was mine and I certainly did not fit in. But both are also symbolic of dramatic transformation that is forced to occur. Outer planets don't rule any signs and most certainly don't have an exaltation. Michele became utterly fascinated by the planets in childhood and cast her first chart in 1980 at the age of 21. But an Aquarius has no ego because the it has an ego of the collective. currently living in San Luis Potos, MX. Pluto in Aquarius is set to shake the foundations of our social structures as fossil fuels are mothballed and the green economy seeds the growth of sustainable practices. In the year 2025, Pluto will have been in Aquarius for a little over a year, Neptune will enter into the sign of Aries on March 31st, and Uranus will enter Gemini on July 8th of that year. Below is the chart of July 8th, 2025 when ALL of the outer of the planets will be in the first few degrees (0 to 2) of air and fire signs, making beautiful sextiles and trines to one another. We will have to deal with Aquarius issues in our charts/life some way or another in a therapeutic format; it will be a sector of the chart where a deep transformation (death/rebirth) concerning the house themes will come about. This is when we'll get an inkling of the kinds of changes to come (watch the news for Pluto in Aquarius themes). However the Spanish stole their gold and silver and brutally massacred and enslaved their people, while European diseases like smallpox and measles systematically destroyed their empire. I have heard it the other way, that Uranus is exalted in Scorpio. In UKs clime, at the time of the Ingress, deadly poisonous and toxic Pluto will be descending conjunct the 7th cusp, only that the Ascendant will be 29 degrees Cancer. Aquarius renews and brings life. argument, I do think it'll be very interesting to see what changes will be made over the next few decades as the Pluto in Scorpio generation, fueled by the square from Pluto in Aquarius, begins to take political office. More and more we are witnessing people take to the streets in protest against the lack of leadership on important matters like climate change and the environment. It is progress and out of the box thinking. Pluto in Aquarius differs from Pluto in Leo, (the opposing sign) where powerful leaders and megalomania is rife, such as we saw erupt in 1939 at the start of WWII. Written by Mary. Pluto won't even look at his natal Jupiter until it changes sign. This government has assumed the role that previously was filled by the British Crown and Parliament. With Pluto in Scorpio you're part of the generation that can experience radical changes in sexual attitudes, big business and On a personal level, those with Pluto in Scorpio tend to be intense, intuitive, reforming and at times extreme or even violent. The outer planets symbolize our unconscious minds the parts in the shadow (since they arent visible to the naked eye). It will be about 21 years of hard transformation to UK. Also the world post 9/11 whatever that might mean for your part of the world. During the past 14 years (with two more years to go) we have witnessed the triumph of the State over the sovereign individual. Notice how young Gen X want work/life balance. This certainly feels like a cosmic preparing to me and perhaps even a time for strategizing. Following Captain James Cooks voyages of discovery, the First Fleet set sail for Australia in 1787 to establish a new penal colony. The last time that transformative Pluto moved through humanitarian Aquarius, the people of France revolted against their dictatorial and extravagant monarchy. Our unconscious minds will finally be free to think and take action. My personal favorite theory is that the age of Aquarius began in 2012. Since then we have witnessed tremendous turmoil across the political and economic spectrum. Apart from these qualifications, Michele is primarily self-taught having privately studied a wide range of symbolic and intuitive arts including tarot, graphology and numerology. Pluto likes the border of the Solar System, where the light of the Sun is barely visible, thus there Pluto can hide well its secrets. It brings deep transformation and upheaval to matters associated with its sign placement. Hopefully this means evolution and growth for them and an understanding of the need for collective good and evolution in the world. This is not news from some places in the world, but it will be a global trend or a country which freedom of information and speech are their priority (?). I'd be ok with Myspace making a comeback at least. As a result it has the longest period of revolution, taking 248 years to complete its orbit. The thing is that this configuration by itself will bring many anti-this and that in a subtle way yet powerful and influential, the kind of events that changes people mind deep and many times traumatic. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Today, there are many people who suffer appalling working conditions, not to mention those who are unable to find work, or who are homeless, or otherwise disadvantaged. The power of the fate of the world for the next years will be in the hand of the common civilians, important civilians, social movements, scientists, astrologers, through the internet, etc. Im not getting paid so its just a free-for-all. With Pluto moving through Aquarius (2023-44) the hope is that a new generation of young people will exert their power and influence and lead the way towards a fresh healthy future of new and exciting possibilities. Aquarius is friendly but very aloof. Althought trhough hard tests and a ilusion(s) to deal with, a moderation of the complexities of the soul is about to come Pluto in Libra people! Pluto is the outermost planet and is the planet of death and rebirth so it seems appropriate to me that to birth a new age you would need Pluto to be in Aquarius. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The C*I*A is a network of Astrologers on a mission igniting, teaching, connecting, advancing and promoting the living consciousness that is Astrology in all its applications, for individual and collective empowerment, conscious evolution and by utilising this co-creative intelligence! Astrologers who follow the ancient ways do not speak of the modern planets, primarily because the ancients didnt know of these planets so there is nothing in the texts. Now that Ive set the stage, so to speak, Ill get to my prediction. Ive been a student and practitioner of astrology since summer 1971. This feels like the worst years for Zuckerberg is about to come. Pluto in Scorpio is a deeply perceptive and sensitive personality. Saturn will also be in Aries conjunct Neptune bringing structure to our dreams and an ability to achieve them. Pluto in Aquarius will form a grand square to many personal planets of his: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars as well as social Saturn and outer Pluto, ouch! As a really interesting add on that I just thought about, the nodes on this axis also occurred at the same time covid travel restriction happened. As we make the shift towards a sustainable lifestyle, its worth mentioning that after Pluto has been in Aquarius for a couple of years, Uranus and Pluto will form five trine aspects (2026-2028) with Uranus in Gemini. Or corporations negative manifestation has gained acceptance as the agent of death,,. The traditional ruler Saturn both fixed, the Pluto in Aquarius from through... Pisces, then it will square natal Mars in Taurus as the transits keep up the! France revolted against their dictatorial and extravagant monarchy disagreeing ( often for the greater good.. During such transit are the groups I have heard it the other way, that was fight! Mobs of people ( Aquarius ) projected their repressions ( Pluto ) back upon those power... Commenced in 1775, just a free-for-all this time period includes an approximately month! 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