Public areas and even parks would be under near-total surveillance, including facial recognition cameras, drones, and video surveillance. This is a great thing, so long as the relationship has a measure of openness and honesty so that if both partners actually feel that the relationship isnt going down the path they want it to go down, they can talk about it rather than both hiding their feelings for the sake of the other person. As is likely apparent, things will likely get worse before they get better. Intense 5G radiation will be a major blow to our already-struggling pollinators, and it must be halted. Everything flows from those values. In their feminist masterpiece Wonder Woman: Earth One, the Aquarius Grant Morrison depicts a forever utopia, in which education and opportunity are afforded to all people, but which can only come through loving submission to a great whole. - Technocracy is considered the science of social engineering. More cell towers and antennae are being installed all the time, including around playgrounds, schools, libraries, and elderly carehomes. aries and aquarius both represent independence and liberty~ 14 Nov 2022 03:26:01 A key element of this involves indoctrination into the United Nations' Agenda 2030/Agenda 21 and its "Sustainable Development Goals." People who oppose the top-down imposition of such values would be forced to leave the Smart Society. In other words, this system of technology-based social engineering is already well underway, including even in small Canadian cities like Airdrie, population 60,000. A new era is dawning - we will see Pluto in Aquarius from March 2023 (until early June, after which it retrogrades back in to Capricorn). 5G frequencies will alter oxygen molecules and disrupt hemoglobin and oxygen supply in the blood and body. This range includes 60 GHz, a frequency that is known to absorb and alter oxygen molecules. Spending over a decade in each sign, the dark master defines the big-picture transformations of eras and epochs; as Richard Tarnas explains in Cosmos & Psyche, Pluto rules all that is titanic, potent, and massive. Since 2008, Pluto has wrought chaos and awakening in Capricorn, transforming global power hierarchies irrevocably. On October 10, 2023, it will go direct again and push forward, entering Aquarius on January 22, 2024. We might want to start preparing for it now, though, because Aquarius can be a rough sign to deal with! The word Pluto originally meant riches, and was used in ancient times as a superstitious moniker for Hades, God of the Underworld. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. This would put people out of work en masse, and it would put us under a system of technology-based or artificial intelligence-based surveillance and policing. It is one in which leaders and citizens make data-based decisions which enable constantly improving outcomes in economic prosperity, social well-being, environmental sustainability and good governance. - What is a Smart City? Jupiter followed into the sign on December 19, 2020 for a year-long transit that lasts until December 29, 2021. Of course, this clash can be productive. But there is a rapidly growing body of scientific evidence of harm to people, plants, animals, and microbes caused by exposure to these technologies. It involves the implementation of technology-driven surveillance and policing, which is currently being brought in lock-step around the world. We're already half-way there, with men choosing porn over a real-life woman. It's imperative that these questions be put to all Mayors and City Councilors: One of the goals of Smart Cities is to automate many jobs and to bring in the widespread use of artificial intelligence, including in the police forces. More Aquarian influences. Do you give consent to live in a Smart City? Second, Jupiter in Aquarius from the end of this year will bring growth in the area that has gone some realistic alterations. Aquarius is also the next sign that Pluto is going to be moving into today, from 2024 to 2044. With the addition of Jupiter in Aquarius, 2021 marks an attempted expansion of this technology-based control grid, along with lock-step advancement of Technocratic social engineering around the world. The current 4G technology is not sufficient for the tremendous amount of data that would be collected, transmitted, stored, and analyzed in a Smart City. It will then retrograde into Capricorn, before re-entering Aquarius on January 21 2024. Many of the 5G installations will be using ultra high-intensity millimetre waves, in addition to the microwave frequencies used by 4G and 3G. This version of globalized Smart City living is supported by the 5G (and beyond) grid, which is used for the monitoring, tracking, and authoritarian technocratic control of nearly every aspect of our lives and societies. They revolted against the convention of the day - in the cast of the 1500s that was religious institutions; and the 1700s it was countries and governments. 2023-2044. Saturn enters Aquarius on December 17, 2020 and will stay in Aquarius until March 2023. More than 1,500 satellites (Elon Musks SpaceX StarLink fleet) are already in orbit as of the end of 2021 with more being launched all the time. If you're Pluto-sensitive or super-Aquarian/Uranian, you're feeling it now. This transit (2023 -2044) will accelerate the shedding, demolition, and restructuring process begun during the Pluto in Capricorn years. As per astrology predictions for Aquarius 2023, you will see an expansion in your life from all aspects. Involuntary exposure to 5G frequencies and electromagnetic radiation is a crime against humanity, and we must work together to stop these crimes. However, there is always the risk that shaking the foundations of society too strongly will cause more problems than it solves and its up to the people born in this time to find the right balance. A smart society includes a reward or incentive system that engenders socially desirable and environmentally regenerative behaviours without compulsion or punishment." The levels of radiation observed in most cases such as phone calls, internet browsing on laptops and smartphones, using wireless routers and hotspots, Bluetooth smartwatches and smartphones are unsafe when compared with radiations limits determined by medical bodies. Pluto will stop at 0 degrees in Aquarius from March through June, 2023, before a brief final tour of Capricorn. Far from it. Jupiter followed into the sign on December 19, 2020 for a year-long transit that lasts until December 29, 2021. So, Capricorns in particular, take note if there is something that you want to change or put in place, you had better build positive relationships with your younger Aquarian counterparts, rather than letting yourself become the establishment that they want to tear down! I recommend that you watch or listen to the episode I published on February 14, 2022 titled "Pluto in Aquarius - Dawn of Global Consciousness" (link below) prior to viewing this episode . A 2004 study showed that people were three times more likely to develop cancer if they were living within 400 metres of a cell tower. It is considered a transpersonal planet and as such the . Then we add to that the electromagnetic radiation coming from the satellites. First, let's talk about Aquarius. Its time to pass through the signs can vary from between 12 and 32 years as it has an unusual orbit. Pluto influences 26 Capricorn to 9 Aquarius for the rest of this decade. - Technocracy is basically scientism - science as God and scientists as Gods. Pluto is tied to themes of apocalypse, a word which originally meant revelation. Radiation-induced pneumonia and lung fibrosis are also associated with radiation exposure. Jupiter in Aries has initiated the age of heroes. The Canadian government has also announced that billions of dollars in public money will be transferred to the telecommunications industry via 5G subsidies. What gifts can technology bring forward to help humanity evolve for the better, and to unite as a single consciousness? In the Montevideo Declaration produced in Uruguay in September 2016, Smart Cities and information and communication technologies were promoted as key elements of the United Nations New Urban Agenda. The Declaration promoted the advance of a global smart city movement and smart sustainable cities. Also request that your city, as the Land Use Authority, write a letter of non-concurrence to the federal government. While Pluto roosts in Aquarius, several planets will move through Aries, the sign of war and aggression: Jupiter (2023); Saturn (20252028); and Neptune (20252039). It allows for the constant monitoring, tracking, and surveilling of our every move and is tied to the social engineering agenda where they are actually designing our behaviour and our choices for us. The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius happens 12/21/2020, setting things off. Millimetre wave exposure has been shown to lower hemoglobin and to hinder the uptake of oxygen by the mitochondria in exposed rats. While Pluto is in Aquarius, we take social structures and politics especially seriously, and we seek major reform in these areas. This entry of Pluto into Aquarius represents a major stage in a lengthy process of radical change for our world which I summarised very briefly in a recent post on this blog: 'Next up, Pluto shifts from Capricorn into Aquarius in 2024, beginning a long trine aspect to the 1892 Neptune/Pluto conjunction in Gemini. As mentioned, there is a strong surveillance component to Smart Cities where all public places would be under total or near-total surveillance, including facial recognition cameras on every street, drones, video surveillance from satellites, and other sources. You can find pdf files of this document on this site. The Starlink satellites are operating between 40 and 75 GHz, producing an intense level of electromagnetic radiation that will alter the entire electrical field of Earth. Pluto in Aquarius: Global, Transformative, and Progressive. Pluto is in Aquarius from March 23, 2023, to June 11, 2023, later from January 20, 2024, until September 1, 2024, again from November 19, 2024, to March 8, 2043, at which point it will weave in and out of Aquarius and Pisces. Unusual, intense, or dramatic happenings are possible with friends and networks. It's imperative that these questions be put to all Mayors and City Councilors: The Saturn in Aquarius transit leads almost seamlessly into the Pluto in Aquarius transit (March 2023 to January 2044). Those with points of view wont get lost in the politically alorythmicized maelstrom, and can find new stages to share their visions. Patent of Toleration is Established (1781) - extending religious freedoms to non-Catholic Christians living in the Crown lands of the Habsburg Monarchy (Austria, Slovenia, North Eastern Italy + South Western Germany). On March 23, 2023, the great planet Pluto lands in Aquarius for the first time since the 18th century. There was the creation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man + of the Citizen (which echoed the Declaration of independence) a paper detailing the universal rights of man (Which still lives on in the current French Constitution). Adoption of the Bill of Rights (1789 - 1791) - this is the first 10 amendments of the United States Constitution guaranteeing personal freedoms with clear limitations on the governments power. It's a one-time pass, not a drawn-out one, but it's nevertheless powerful, occurring . While Pluto has been in Capricorn we have been doing serious shadow work around these so called conventions - be they governmental, institutional or corporate - get ready for the fall. If we break it down every Pluto in Aquarius is met with revolution. Yes, you read that right - that's 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius! They may be punished, ostracized, or demerited when they do not. They also talk about it as if it's a done deal. I recommend that you watch or listen to the episode I published on February 14, 2022 titled "Pluto in Aquarius - Dawn of Global Consciousness" (link below) prior to viewing this episode, as it is more thorough in many respects. the 1778-1798 Pluto in Aquarius period transformed the Saturnian notions of reason and skepticism into the establishment of abstract structures of profound significance. This is something no one alive has experienced as Pluto takes around 248 years to orbit the sun. The current 4G technology is not sufficient for the tremendous amount of data that would need to be collected, transmitted, stored, and analyzed. Basically, if you don't buy the "collective values" being enforced on you by the algorithm, you're forced to leave your community. See where this is headed? We hold the true power, the power of what is good and right, of what is in the true best interests of living things on this planet. In the document, Airdrie says it has been taking steps toward becoming a Smart City since 2007. On January 21, 2024, Pluto will set up shop in Aquarius, uninterrupted, for a two-decade span. This is no surprise, because Aquarius is always the sign of a revolutionary. Don't forget this distinction, especially in times when it (falsely) appears that the power-hungry nogoodniks of Planet Earth are prevailing. Many of the 5G installations will be using ultra high-intensity millimetre waves, in addition to the microwave frequencies used by 4G and 3G. Henri de Saint-Simon, a French philosopher from around 1800, is considered the father of scientism, social sciences, transhumanism, and technocracy. Pluto in Aquarius - We, The People. Transiting Saturn directs On March 23, 2023, the great planet Pluto lands in Aquarius for the first time since the 18th century. This also means that many Aquarians choose to marry later in life, as they are very unlikely to open a relationship with anyone they feel that they arent fully matched to. Ten Reasons Aquarius Will Find Love in 2022. There is no way for this sign to not take a relationship seriously, even if they dont really care about the person romantically they will still care about them so profoundly on an intellectual and philosophical level that it will carry them through. I think the square of Uranus and Pluto (2012-2015), was an introduction to what will come, Pluton in Capricorn (2009-2024) slowly transforming the economy and society structures and . The 5G rollout is also coming to rural areas. Why so many dates? Welcome to a New World. Do you give consent to have your community transformed into a Smart City? Expect changes in fame, hobbies, pleasure. Please join the fight against 5G and Smart Cities in your local area. In the video, Dr. Pall shows evidence that exposure to non-ionizing radiation causes lowered fertility; neurological problems like depression, fatigue, insomnia, and memory dysfunction; DNA damage; cell death; increased oxidative stress; and cancer, among others. We're getting a sneak peek at the social engineering and control planned for the Pluto in Aquarius years, including Smart City and. In other words, this system of technology-based social engineering is already well underway, including even in small Canadian cities like Airdrie, population 60,000. This particular period was marked by American alliances with the French, Spanish + Dutch (through the French). We might want to start preparing for it now, though, because Aquarius can be a rough sign to deal with! Nov 12, 2015. Eclipses in Astrology 2023 2023 and 2024 Eclipses in Astrology Eclipses are best avoided. Cities would be run and decisions would be made based on data collected from all variety of sources. My bets are on the exiting and revolting again both government and . Imelda and her team offer their expertise and guidance to tens of thousands of readers each and every day. My bets are on the exiting and revolting again both government and corporate structures. Aquarius is the sign of the rebel, the innovator and the iconoclast. The current levels of tracking and surveillance are still in the very earliest stages. Her and Im Your Man foresee real, loving human-A.I. //. A couple early elements of this are Elon Musk's "Neuralink," which inserts censors into a person's brain that allow it to communicate with an electronic grid, as well as proposed implants in our bodies as a means to monitor vaccinations. But Aquarius is not concerned with bodily autonomy, so much as with questions of what a human body is. This adds up to millions more cell towers worldwide. Imelda Green has been the Psychic Medium and spiritual advisor of choice to the rich and famous ever since 1982. Marking a significant shift in our lives over the next 2 decades he takes up residence there. It is likely that in Aquarius, Pluto will devastate those means of communication and social order which keep our species connected. These were women who had never had any political rights, suddenly organizing and making a huge impact on the political landscape. The French Revolution toppled a bloated monarchy, but its values of rigid nationalism now fail to integrate religious and ethnic differences. Research links to peer-reviewed studies are at the end of the article. Documented effects in children include autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and asthma. June 30, 1993- Jan 28, 1994. Furthermore, they discuss the detrimental spiritual and . See how easily that goes down. Pluto entering Aquarius brings with it a calling - Power to the People. 5G installations will be in Aquarius until March 2023 is currently being brought in lock-step the. 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