Find more words! Whats a sentence for blossomed? Please show me example sentences with sink in. Desolate sentence example. Story writing is an art. - Cineuropa, Chelsea's Forgotten pleasure Gardens - Londonist, Chelsea's Forgotten pleasure GardensLondonist, UIM pleasure Navigation Archives Powerboat Racing World - Powerboat Racing World, UIM pleasure Navigation Archives Powerboat Racing WorldPowerboat Racing World, pleasure Practices with Sami Schalk: Get appetized Tone Madison -, pleasure Practices with Sami Schalk: Get appetized Tone, The key to safe sex education is understanding pleasure. Acknowledging pleasure as a key driver of sexual behaviour has more success in teaching safe sex than traditional sex education as well as promoting STI/HIV risk reduction Researchers find that sex Robert Dessaix's paean for the pleasures of leisure - Daily Review, Robert Dessaix's paean for the pleasures of leisureDaily Review, pleasure Boats Flyers - Customs and Border Protection, pleasure Boats FlyersCustoms and Border Protection, How to Experience pleasure in Meditation - Tricycle, How to Experience pleasure in MeditationTricycle, Fuel used in private pleasure craft and for private pleasure flying (Excise Notice 554) - GOV.UK, Fuel used in private pleasure craft and for private pleasure flying (Excise Notice 554)GOV.UK, Black Womens pleasure Guide: Black Sex & pleasure Experts Youll Want to Know in 2022 - SheKnows, Black Womens pleasure Guide: Black Sex & pleasure Experts Youll Want to Know in 2022SheKnows, pleasure and our brain: what happens when the pursuit of pleasure turns into addiction - ABC Online, pleasure and our brain: what happens when the pursuit of pleasure turns into addictionABC Online, Female size and sexual pleasure - NIGERIAN TRIBUNE, Female size and sexual pleasureNIGERIAN TRIBUNE, History Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands - Palm Springs Life, History Annenberg Retreat at SunnylandsPalm Springs Life, If You Lose the Feeling of pleasure, It May Be an Early Sign of Dementia - Best Life, If You Lose the Feeling of pleasure, It May Be an Early Sign of DementiaBest Life, Towards the path of pleasure? Question about English (US) Please show me example sentences with lobby for . Nglish: Translation of pleasure for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of pleasure for Arabic Speakers, Encyclopedia article about pleasure. From short pleasure long repentance. 10- He combines work with pleasure. Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! All of these things will cheer you up though! It is an uncommon pleasure for me to agree with Harry Prentiss. Versatile, lighthearted, boastful and pleasure-loving, he contrasts. (He looked at his blushing daughter.) an expression said when people who know each other well meet, Hot air and bad blood (Idioms found in newspapers), 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Expert Answers: Indolence sentence example. Count Anteoni, it is a pleasure to see you. For me, a guilty pleasure example could be eating an entire bag of Doritos, but for you it could be keeping up with the Kardashians! -u0013 It is my pleasure and honor to nominate Nmajdan for Adminship. The Guardian. (15) Why not take a pleasure trip to some tourist resorts? 4 : a particular desire What is your pleasure? Tell me as many daily expressions as possible. But his incurable indolence and love of pleasure prevented him from taking any active part in affairs. If she could only restore pleasure here, or at least the semblance of peace! (13) This is not a pleasure trip. What does hallack mean? ., The Spectacular Rise of Ornamental Plants - The MIT Press Reader, The Spectacular Rise of Ornamental PlantsThe MIT Press Reader, Divers in Italy Are Searching for Caligulas Last, Lost pleasure Ship - Atlas Obscura, Divers in Italy Are Searching for Caligulas Last, Lost pleasure ShipAtlas Obscura, Science Denial versus Science pleasure - Scientific American, Science Denial versus Science pleasureScientific American, 10 Best Guilty pleasure Horror Movies, According To Reddit - Screen Rant, 10 Best Guilty pleasure Horror Movies, According To RedditScreen Rant, To teach safe sex, don't forget about pleasure, study suggests. pleasure (n): a happy or satisfied feeling; something that makes a person feel happy or satisfied Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with verbs: " She gets pleasure from her job. 2 warranted to be used solely for private pleasure purposes and not for hire charter or reward , unless specially agreed by the underwriters Enjoyment is a word for the pleasure that comes from enjoyable activities. 3 She could not suffer his husband's sadism. ; And it was indeed a pleasure. CK 1 64346 It has always been a pleasure to work with you. 5. Business sweetens pleasure, and labour sweetens rest. Note that if you begin the sentence with any of these sentences, the rules for comma placement change. Sentence examples for It's a pleasure to join you from inspiring English sources. It was a pleasure speaking with you over the phone. English Madam President, it is a pleasure to listen to you. 5- Reading affords us pleasure. It's difficult to see my pleasure in a sentence . 127- Say something like "It was my pleasure " or "I'll be happy to take care of that." 128- Chacon said 99 tourists and 10 crew were on the pleasure cruise when it capsized. 13- She abandoned herself to pleasure. What's an example of hedonism? Everest is anything but a pleasure trip. From the. What is sadism in a sentence? (49) a malicious pleasure; (50) no, it's my pleasure. 2 There's a streak of sadism in his nature. - The Times Hub, Towards the path of pleasure? 2 The support was considerable and very gratifying. In summer I have the pleasure of being part of the Timberwolf Team, guiding people through some of the most spectacular areas of Western Canada. Though I'm worried about John leaving the team, it is also my pleasure to recommend him for the managerial position in this organization. Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbs savor and savour which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts. 225+47 sentence examples: 1. : It is a book of hard-won wisdom and stark pleasure in the form of 500 lyrical aphorisms and epigrams. (44) It's a pleasure, sir. Juicing removes indigestible parts of the beets but preserves their natural sugars and fresh, clean taste. . Last Update: May 30, 2022. There are times in life where you come to a fork in the road, and one must decide which path to take. 293- Diehard Liverpool fan Ben Tollitt had the distinct pleasure of watching his beloved Pool Boys in person yesterday during a preseason friendly against Tranmere. Pleasure means the state of being pleased, delighted or gratified. It is a pleasure to meet you, blake. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference. A total of 10,000 horses are needed to sustain the industry, and it is an industry which gives immense pleasure to millions of people. 3. Middle English plesure, alteration of plesir, from Anglo-French plaisir, from plaisir to please, 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1, 1537, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1. Example #2 She takes pleasure in entertaining guests. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation . You can. Now, we have got a complete detailed . . It was indeed a pleasure to read it. The greatest pleasure of life is love. Whats a sentence with the word indolence?, How to read Shakespeare for pleasure - The Conversation, How to read Shakespeare for pleasureThe Conversation, On Goodreads and reading for pleasure - Varsity Online, On Goodreads and reading for pleasureVarsity Online, The Best Guilty pleasure Sci-Fi Movies - Looper, The Best Guilty pleasure Sci-Fi MoviesLooper, Blaze teams double their pleasure - Foster's Daily Democrat, Blaze teams double their pleasureFoster's Daily Democrat, Canaletto's Venice: a city for pleasure seekers -, Canaletto's Venice: a city for pleasure, Opinion | Love People, Not pleasure - New York Times, Opinion | Love People, Not pleasureNew York Times, The endless pleasure of potted ivies - The Guardian, The endless pleasure of potted iviesThe Guardian, 2022 Sentence Using Words. To give pleasure or enjoyment to; gratify: Our host pleasured us with his company. Please show me example sentences with in a huff. (42) pleasure, gentlemen. Last Update: October 15, 2022. The pleasure with which he received Mary's letters was the single satisfaction that she carried away with her. Police swoop on country park after bones found by walker by as experts test to see if they are human POLICE have swooped onto a country park after bones were found by a walker as experts test to see Jessie Ware asks 'What's Your pleasure?' -Ladies and Gents it is my pleasure to nominate Nancy for adminship. You can abandon yourself to pleasure but need to keep an eye on over-indulgence. The pleasure was all mine! It seemed as if his desperate condition had given him a large quiet leisure for introspection. The dream of love was over, and the reign of pleasure at an end. It is a book of hard-won wisdom and stark, For Socrates, the appetitive hedonist is a blissfully ignorant Sisyphus forever doomed to the cruel, Outside, he could hear the sound of the river and a slap of waves against the riverbank as the occasional, In the middle the open water of the fairway is crowded with pinnaces, jolly-boats, cutters, and, He looks such an angelic lad but he's really uncontrollable and takes great, It was a shamelessly leading question, but I still took exquisite, Inhalation of amyl nitrite, as well as isobutyl nitrite, purportedly enhances sexual, Definitely one of the purest reposados I've had the, Hurry while stocks last and enjoy the work of a scholar who took great pride and, His writings are a model of lucidity and a, They can, therefore, operate according to Freud's reality principle, and defer, Throughout the text, Graubard's lapidary prose is lucid and provocative, likely to induce a glow of, This arhythmical bouncing of the backpack ruins the, Ultimately this scheme has to do with the architects', Turning off at the village, one is confronted by a beautifully asphalted and signposted road which heralds driving, News of his death has caused deep sadness among all who had the, There's a terrible scene where he is chained to a whipping post and flogged with sadistic, We have a vast number of Puritanical sadists in Congress whose entire mission in life is to deny, And then there are sailboats and power boats disguised as, Traffic on the River Ouse consists almost entirely of, Existing requirements governing mechanically propelled, Under the act, an age restriction regulation applies to the operator of jet skis and other, He doesn't need to steal, so the only motivation can be, It taught me the pleasures of taking people's money but without the reciprocal, Although he does not see Thomasin when traveling around the heath, selling reddle, he takes, This would be a lamentable end for such an illustrious name and would bring no, Time will winnow the wheat from the chaff but it won't diminish the, This evening I'm rediscovering the autumnal, Which means that all of us who aren't prowling Manhattan's East Village for white labels will have the, The effects of man's exposition to these laws may vary between, The God whom Paul found was not rapt with, Nevertheless his finest works are among the most significant of their time and remain capable of giving, In Judaism, Shabbat represents our opportunity to enjoy all the classes of, There is every bit as great a need for anti-piracy training for yachts and large, Such features are very prominent in nursery rhymes and ballads, where frequently, Rebecca came and stood behind him watching with great, I have played in games where it was a sheer, The members of the Orpington Friendship Club often look forward with, Thank you for that magnificent speech yesterday, and it is my, Mr Barkman deserves his well-earned retirement and will be missed by those who had the, Each time she thought of his name, a mix of, You are welcome to stay with me if you please, for it's a, Tom Hamilton has produced an acute and insightful response to my post on euthanasia, of a kind with which it is a, Do addicts of the demon weed, tobacco, experience increased, In front of the goals, Malcolm Ross accepted the ball with, He sometimes orders pancakes, just for the, I was walking in queenly honor and majesty feeling enormous, Mirrors reflect burnished silver candelabras, enhancing the, There is no need to tell you what immense, Penelope describes what this means and the agony and, I am convinced that anyone who admires abstractionism will take great, So next time you fly away for business or, A special thank you to all the enthusiastic young waiting staff who worked so hard and were a, Over the last couple of years, I've had the great, Perhaps I started doing it because I'm anorgasmic, and it's a way to feel a rush of, It alternates the physical thrills of a long, bouncy roller coaster ride with the restorative, Personally, I would be sorry to see leap seconds go because that would cost me the, As the child internalizes and submits to the father's prohibition, it turns from the, When we make a clearing, we should do so not in order to enjoy the, So long as a single woman recognizes these things, she may derive enough, Later, after dirk refuses to service Christine, she calls up every man in her phone until someone will come over and, As a professional who talks for a living, I am continually amazed that the world is full of people yammering away all for the sheer, Why not produce an anthology of Aussie sonnets for the sheer, Johnson was seconded by futurists and utopians for whom a society of spontaneous, Those tired of modern, antiseptic museums with a very strong flow of tourists will discover a rare, No wonder women were grilled about whether they experienced, Create an atmosphere for those working in the government and their associated agencies that they are working for the people of Canada, and serve at the, They find places where heroin use is rampant and feed off the endorphins of, If the nest is lined with soft or rotting bits of wood secured in the internal angles, the pair will derive endless, Here Monty enacts a fantasy of benign American imperialism, touring Europe and Africa in his, When I am put into a position of control by a social phenomenon like the Sims, where I get insane, I began by reading aloud an anacreontic, adding to its beauties by the modulation of my voice, and keenly enjoying her, It is considered the warmest place on the south-west coast, as oranges, lemons, and American aloes bloom in the open air, in the, After the drubbing I gave James Turrell's Guggenheim mess, it's a, My poetry rejects all excessive remoteness from reality and takes, As usual, it's overwhelmingly the rich who get the, At first, there is pure joy and giddiness, because, yes, that is exactly what, There are young tigers frolicking in and out of the pools provided for them in their pens, and it's a, People will always scratch and save if a sudden burst of unrestrained, The last time we chatted was in the central lobby at the House of Commons, and looking at his sheer, It celebrated the frivolity and camaraderie, pain, and, He saw no virtue in stubbornness, and he could never have taken, Besides the above-mentioned roles, I also had the, We have been pawning the family silver to, In every month the tourist will find some aesthetic, When I see people struggling to light their smokes up in a stinking back alley in the dead of winter, in the rain, I really can't see that is their little, They thrive on packed schedules, they say, and take, As we will see, his works display an acute awareness of human faults and frailties and his writing exhibits a vividness and an elegance that makes it a, We are consenting adults in an active collaboration for the, Traditional wherries were converted to carry people by enterprising wherrymen and by the turn of the century special, Real goes further, saying this quest for personal, He was ultimately a coward, and he took no, These modern versions of ancient traditions are often created out of whole cloth, but they offer the, Over the last few generations, our cravings for comfort and physical, The minister said as well as bringing in regulations covering drinking aboard, Mrs Christie, kiddiewinks, was a lady who wrote books that people read for, Together the two kindred souls find common, Roth was almost a kindred spirit, but his attitude toward life came from simply not caring, instead of the malicious, Today, the Voga alla Veneta is not only the way the Gondolier row tourists around Venice but also the way Venetians row for, No duty exists where the relationship is one of master and servant, or where the individual holds office at the, It is only since the late eighteenth century that people have visited the mountain for, The result has been a body of work which continues to give, Commercial carrying above Nottingham ceased during the 1950s, to be replaced by, The Irwell is used for recreational activities, such as, Macclesfield's cycling club Macclesfield Wheelers is a local club for all cycling activities, from, Another famous early exponent of walking for, Who is against upgrades, jump cuts, more channels, better speakers, the Sensurround, I think anybody who experiences some of the western sloppery with, Turning right instead of left at Brighton, the Doctor and Romana arrive on desolate, Schadenfreude, which means 'satisfaction or, Three plywood portable trifolds covered with burlap were assembled with hinges to divide the room at the, Hume was concerned with the way spectators find, There is nothing glorious about the Glorious Twelfth, when ritualised killing is used for the, And, yes, it probably would give us some perverse, Wilde believed that the artist should hold forth higher ideals, and that, Bocci is adamant that men and women can both derive, But the process of reconditioning is thorough and restorers take pride and, Prof. Jain would mix all his food into one glob at lunch so as to be more yogically detached from, This is where Albie's new sack barrow was called into use and Brian had the, And most saliently, his life of luxury and, Weakened heart, summer tomatoes the splash of red mouthsome, In this case, the prime minister serves at the, This type of play allows some people to relax and enjoy being given, Recreational and sport fishing are fishing primarily for, The appreciation of microtiming seems to be an exclusive, The board was headed by a president, appointed by and serving at the, When they were found guilty at Preston court court that November, they were ordered to be detained at Her Majesty's, This element in the tale has given perhaps more, He is one of the most unselfish individuals that I have had the, I have only missed one Liverpool away game this season, and have not had the, The newly empowered middle class also found a new dimension of smoking as a harmless, In turn, Kosovar president said '' It gives me an immense, Beside it stood the pier which was built in 1872 for the, A footbridge from the harbour area was constructed, although it had to be able to open and close to still allow the small, Irvine Harbour is now officially closed as a commercial port and houses a small number of privately owned, The provincial colony was governed by commissions created at, Moore's strategy was to show that it is intuitively implausible that, In such a world, would one want to be hooked up to a, Lest you incur me much more damage in my fame than you have done me, Lenerengo, as usual, forgot everything else in the fiercer, Without these deprivations we would have missed the exquisite, Marshall viewed aesthetics as a special branch of introspective psychology dealing with algedonics, the science of, However this stretch of the river has little traffic, other than small, Pixies are drawn to horses, riding them for, Although Johnson was treated as a servant, he found, He lays down a set of criteria for measuring the extent of pain or, I was walking westward up the Strand, and though it was coldish I went slowly to get the, The difficulty of an argument adds to the, In some cases the cost can linger long after the, As a result, the harbour is not suitable for large ships and is used mainly by mussel dredgers and, Regular Mersey Ferry crossings operate to Liverpool from both Woodside and Seacombe, providing a commuter shuttle and, The Allais shipyard, of Dieppe, has established a subsidiary, ICAN, dedicated to civilian boats and. 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