Are you making time to explore and get to know each other anew? Damage to self-esteem. Well, I Was 50lbs. Our issues are not just in the bedroom. My husband seems to be turned on ut i cant figure out of its because am starting it and he feels he need to act it or not. When your wife says she hates you, cant trust you, or is behaving that way, it is an honest reflection of her feelings.You need to take her, Read More How to Reconcile with a Wife Who is Always Angry or Cant Trust YouContinue, Neediness in marriage contributes to MOST of mens affairs. So before when he was a lying cheating asshole he kept me hanging with breadcrumb love . Baby was a week late, I had to be induced, this was my first child I was scared shitless. I asked him but he wouldnt tell me. That is why I maintain my own sexualness by myself. Getting the input and guidance of an expert is the fastest route to fixing the core issues. You deserve to be happy and feel desired and attractive and if he cant do that then you know what you need to do. I want him to when I ask the first time. I think you've tried to convince yourself this is ok to caring on like this even though you've made a new rule that no sex will take place, it's still not a healthy way to live. I cook, clean, give him cuddles, listen, make an errort with his family and friends (they speak to me more than they do him). My husband of 33 years apologized for watching porn. Its so scary to take the steps to stop a relationship and it takes time sometimes to know if its right for you or not. Feeling distanced from your partner. My husband I had a long distance relationship for 2 years and I finally moved to his state a month ago. Goes out of his way to spend time with me. WebI became the Villainess who died at the hands of her husband in the novel. You start enjoying the fantasy of being with beautiful, seemingly perfect men who adore you, and you enjoy it. Yes we have sex about once a week and he usually makes sure my needs are met, but from time to time he complains that its too much work trying to ensure that I orgasm every single time. Were like the best friends in the world minus the intimacy, and sexual chemistry. Right now, I dont know what to do anymore because we almost always fight because of his short-tempered attitude, which usually happens when he watches porn. NY Times came out with an article citing research that shows most married couples gain 15-30+ lbs once they are married. Any suggestion that she should do anything other than what she wants, than what she is completely comfortable just a statement that she is not good enough the way she is. Similarly, its difficult to get excited about sex with a woman who sees any intrusion of fantasy or excitement found in porn into real life as an affront to her desirability or as you suggest, a demand that you transform into an unobtainable standard. He has many different issues too, every time he watches porn or look at other women to fantasize them. WebThe NBC News election panel marveled at the Latino community's massive turnout for Gov. *The realization that now you wont date anyone else (less fantasy, and feelings of walls closing in) Sex, arousal, turn-on, and passion are complicated topics. You have to find out if he is having an affair or he is impotent. If you and him still sleep together in the same bed, living in the same house, he You may enjoy that interview. Nor are you the cause of his behavior toward you. I am 2 years into healing from his affair. I worked through the thick of the pandemic, worked overtime, came in early, worked scheduled days off all shifts were night shifts so I was coming home after midnight each night & hed either be out or have friends over while I was at work. Sadness, loneliness, and anxiety. My love for him felt stronger every year that passed. Next we had an open conversation about needing to put more effort in to getting fit together (bike riding together, encouraging each other to eat right, cooking healthy meals together etc.) Call 911 for safe transport to hospital for your husband for psych eval and assessment; there then needs to be facility placement sought. But for the last 25 years he no longer wants me. Some of the issues in the article are relevant to my husband and I and some not. Thanks again for sharing. This is killing me. Changed passwordsthese are common indicators of cheating (not that hes doing that, but Id be remiss if I wasnt sincere and point this out). I wonder and wondering, sucks!!! If your man is hinting or making any subtle suggestions that you lose weight, its a sign that hed be more attracted to you if you were thinner. i want to lose the weight but i am afraid that once that happens and he is interested again that i may feel resentful and sad. It sounds like theres a lot going on that has impacted your intimacy with your partner. We have a newborn and a 7 year old. I don't think this is a "make an appointment" situation. The question isnt so much does this kind of marriage last but rather, is this the kind of marriage I want to create and be in?. We tried couples counseling and she quit for unknown reasons. Luis, your concern is very kind. On the other hand, if he isnt typically someone who turns away, his behavior could signal a shift in the attraction. I am in a similar situation. In one of my previous relationships, when something felt off, I ignored it until I decided to check my girlfriends phone one day. And to a large extent, women will succumb to the same mistreatment with their own infidelities. God bless you. I have asked him about this, but it always ends up in us fighting. My husband and I actually started out in a long distance relationship. He makes $800 more than I do a month. I know he has a psychological problem with sex. I have tried to get him to go to counseling with me and he flat out refuses. He takes his time and makes sure to take care of me before himself. I dont think he is having an affair. (So I didnt lack for physical exercise.) I was always slim because my body is firmer then other womens bodys. Ive just always thought the problem was with me. So comfortable in fact, that when we got married she actually quit the gym pretty much straight away. You have given your husband the best of yourself, shown patience and love, yet this is your repayment. I realized almost 2 weeks ago that I was begging for sex. He himself kind of admitted that I looked better then them due to my body still being firmer. As a woman, this just broke my heart. While some people can view it and be fine, many cannot use porn in a healthy way. You need to see your worth. Less quality time spent as a couple eventually equates to a roommate-like relationship. When I do he gets defensive and angry and says he hasnt ever done anything wrong and that Im just selfish and ungrateful for all hes done for me. I dont want to abandon her but i am so damn lost that even know im in a down whirl spiral of depression. I was so miserable and sad with him knowing and feeling unwanted that it was just destroying my.persona and that was not healthy. The affair lasted 5 yrs, until l found out by accident of course. He will be 50 in July. I wouldnt consider this reply advice but more like something to try. when he can. I chalk up his being distant to his job stresses him out. Demand he gets help and if it doesnt improve, leave! Me and my wife has just married but my wife lives abroad. That is true for the other problems in relationships as well. Sorry to say this but your bf sounds like an emotionally abusive & manipulative jerk. there were some nice insights and a swift kick in the rump to remember to enjoy life more and nag less. I was tired of not being good enough or chosen and I decided that Im the one who needed to decide whether I was good enough or not and choose myself. me as Im second best and hes staying for my house my car hed have to get a little bedsit if he left. But in any case, Id check his sexual orientation, meds and history before you check yourself at the door. is it possible he is having these wet dreams ? I have nothing against any relationship and fully support any type of relationship partners design. People tell me I am attractive.I dont think its me. I cook n clean n take of the house but i feel more like hes mother rather than a wife.. apart from this hs never romantic like never for Valentines day I had to do a nice outside candlelight dinner for himbecause im pregnant he usually massages my tummy n body with tissue oils daily after my evening shower.. n I would have tthought by him touching me it wud arouse him maybe get him more interested sexually but nothing so I stopped calling him I do it myself.. tonight I lookd into the mirror and then I asked him do u still find me attractive he giggled and said if I didnt find u attractive then y am I still with u so I kept quiet then he decided to come to bed early and I thought maybe he would try to initiate sex but nothing.. he jst fell asleep and im the one crying all the tears from the heartache pain and rejection I know he loves me with all hes heart n I love him more..but sexually something isnt working.. and I just dont know what to do and it hurts the most when my Friends and female cuzins speak about their life and im sitting there trying to keep my mouth full so I dont have to comment on mine.. Shared with Public. But, last night I found out that Im not sexy to my husband anymore either. I actually realised how low his standards were after I broke up. Will Medicare cover hospice care costs for an advanced Alzheimer's patient? Ive decided to give up on sex. I dont want it if your just placating me. FOR 2 YEARS he has chosen the drugs and the porn out in my shed INSTEAD OF ME EVERY SINGLE DAY. Hes a very anxious person and our fights and breakups over sex make it something he avoids in al forms because it makes him upset. I am here if youd like help discussing this, and then support in making this conversation happen and work with your partner. I actually griped at my husband about an hour ago for not touching me as I was bending over in front of him to pick something up off the ground. It can be tough to dissect, find healing, and resolve. When Ive raised that Im concerned about her health in the past Ive been immensely shot down. How important is it to you to talk to someone and change this? All of these but maybe at most 5 to six have been happening the last month and its killing me. Sexual connection is complicated and usually has many layers. There is no single cause or cure for a relationship with a mean and disrespectful man. Although avoidance of issues is unhealthy coping, the solution is never conflict, but rather constructive actions which stop damage and build the relationship. Which, in turn, can help you decide whether your marriage is over or just going through a rough stage. Why me why us????? I would do it everyday if I could. If you try to resolve your looks, you may chip at part of the issue. I have begged to be together just 2-3 a month. He thinks I am saying he is not loving me like I want to be loved, this has nothing to do with love. So satisfaction matters. Then Ill ask him and he says yea right I was thinking about giving you this D. So confusing! I always seem to want to speak my mind, and weigh the good and the bad, but it always comes out that I am the devil's advocate. I no longer talk to any of my ex-siblings. Get an easy-to-understand breakdown of services and fees. Then he totally changed and was sweet and would visit me at work, bring me food want to have lunch with me, want to go on walks with me, just be around me. 2022 Lasting Love Connection. You do realize that there are women out there who feel the same way when their husbands let themselves go right? But I took the reigns. Effects of Living With An Angry Partner. I want my man to get me off. You will need to: Only when he is forced to own up to his problems will their be hope for him to resolve his problems. All on They want their wives to get more physically active but struggle to have that conversation with their wife. And there is the bigger problem both partners are missing out on clear conversations where theres empathy, connection, and a clear sense of we know each other.. Now I dont want to be intimate with him but I want to have human contact and kisses and cuddles from someone who makes me feel wated, attractive, loved etc. but then again, im already pretty depressed about it. Whats even worse than failing to tell your spouse where youve been is flatly telling them they dont, It leads to defensiveness or just shutting down, she said. the best . I go to the gym, try to dress nicely, wear sexy things. Its focusing through the eyes of a specific psychology, that of the male in the relationship. Ive talked to him and he says hes just to busy. He has never kissed me and we never had sex. 9 posts. If you couple it with the other signs, its good to consider marriage counseling. He was so kind, he accompanied me everyday. My husband has mental health problems and is very dysfunctional. He is still mot aroused and continues to watch porn instead of reaching for me. I dont know what else to do and this complete lack of intimacy really makes it worse. Many men who speak with me tell me they feel the same. She talks, listens and responds to voices only she hears. . Cant put the genie back into the bottle Im afraid. in 2016, has lost around 150 pounds since 2020. You might say something like this: "I know we haven't been getting along lately, and that makes me sad and angry. This is a psychological issue and may cause your husband to do things which he later regrets. I wouldnt mind if he was looking at porn stars or women he didnt know. I get 2hrs of sleep each night if baby isnt keeps me up stress and anxiety and depression is. What I want is to feel loved. I am glad a man has commented and that this article resonates with you. Thought okay weve been together a long time sex drives go downbut hes been masturbating at least a few times a week. There is nothing better than a good smelling man so keep that in mind. Relationship chemistry is complicated and can fluctuate with stress, depression, loss of a family member, the birth of a new child, financial stress, and many other factors. Many married women have at one time, or the other, said, I dont know why my husband wont talk to me. If you are currently in this situation, understand that you are not the only one. There are many reasons why men stop communicating in their marriages. For instance, some men stop communicating in their marriage when their wife offends them. Such conversations, like I know you are probably thinking she would be better off without me. I thought I would have that county of women supporting each other. My guy went off partying like crazy lying cheating getting in trouble. Shame on you. Quite often too, the women have hinted at the issue with their partner, but havent had a clear conversation. The thing is my moms relationship with G wasnt that great, G wasnt a very attentive mother and really let her kids do whatever they wanted, my mom never had much of a relationship with G but still very much idolizes her. He is not romantic anymore. The moral of this story ladies, is, that if I was a woman saying the above about her husband, I would get all of the sympathy in the world. my husband is very overweight and its never bothered me because i love him for who he is. I feel worse at the thought of him faking or forcing himself to have sex with me . : 425-610-6312. You need to make a careful assessment of the reasons your husband is this way if you want to know how to start improving your relationship. Dont know what to do anymore! Get creative. Im always the one making the first move. To help with the process, check out how hundreds of couples have gotten back on track with the Reconnection Program. If youre angry and frustrated with your spouse, instead of threatening divorce, try going for a walk or going to the gym. my husband pees in the toilet and flushes it BEFORE he finishes , bites his nails and spits them on the floor (or collects them in a pile and never throws it away) , he SNORES , he yells at our puppy all the time and then complains she doesnt like him (DUH youre always yelling at her) , his phone always has to be on speaker and he talks very loud I think the article He is likely to be dismissive of her feelings and needs, which are always secondary to his own. Rori Raye Blog: I turned my own conflict-ridden and fading marriage nearly overnight into the vibrant, thrilling, totally satisfying marriage it is now. I feel hurt, devastated and ridiculed. He may feel shame around it, so be kind and let him know youd like to talk to him about his arousal. And I told him, that could be, but it still made me feel very unwanted and hurt, especially in the circumstances we are currently in. He doesnt have any problems cuddling or kissing me, but if I try to initiate sex, he turns me down and rather watches porn. I dont get it. Even when both kids are preoccupied and we do have some free time, he wont spend that with me. My love for this man goes deeper then sex obviously but Im at the stage in my life where I just want a man to be a man and take me. He's either got a guilty conscience or hes fallen out of love with you. He may be physically/mentally ill. You need to sit him down and get answer However, it is important to understand the difference between when they truly mean it or when they speak out in a moment of anger. Now I realise that I get more attention from men now that I look different. You are paying a literally miserable price for peace. It can help some to do things to spice things up, but at the root of marital dissatisfaction is always a couple who is missing emotional connection. Then continued with his mistress for almost 6 yrs. I am getting treatments, Botox, exercising and starving myself because my husband isnt attracted to me any more. He said that he is experiencing low T and has urinary issues. We have a home gym, with around 1500 worth of equipment. I need him to want me. And, as much as i love her i want to slit my throat after thinking about the decision i made to stay with her. In some ways, I wonder (and I may be wrong, its hard to know without talking to you and him), but heres a thought. It sounds like youd like to make things work, but now youre feeling insecure. I signed up for a husband. Im going to offer another perspective here, which I hope is valuable seeing as Im the only man who has commented. and just like them, he would prefer it if I were submissive, accepting my place as the weak female, less intelligent and with little to say of worth. There is NO foreplay what so ever. I get hit on by everyone but my husband. I am trying to lose weight but its not enough I dont know what to do. Is your sex life suffering? I know how hard this is. If you do however, start by setting up your own banking account, inform him which bills you will contribute to and how much is fair to each of you, and how he will now be responsible alot more at home. I dont know much about the past women that hes been with. In the end it will feel like I got rid of three boobs. I m actually very stressed about this as i would never expected anything like this from him. Attraction, at its core, is about how well couples can stay connected emotionally. But Im still pretty. He said i was lucky because he didnt literally cheat, he just did some adrenaline rush. When we shared our first kiss and he got my shirt off..he fell asleep. I am sorry you didnt have that experience and I appreciate your comment to Scott. After that, if you still feel hes not attracted to you its time to do something different. If your husband rejects your hugs, kisses, and touch, theres something wrong. He isnt owning up to his responsibilities as a husband (or even a human being). We had a baby four months ago, a baby that we wanted so much. The first few years of marriages usually bring up these kinds of issues the most and require some deep conversations to help re-shape the marriage so both partners can feel connected. He never touches me unless I complain. You can help your wife to get over hers, and work toward reconciling. A man that says you are beautiful. DEAR ANNIE: My best friend and I have been friends for about 45 years, and I love her dearly. He just keeps you around for convenience and because he likes to have someone around to mistreat. She is not a fake porn star. I dont know who you are but thank you for restoring my hope for the future of humanity and woman kind. Stressful situations and drinking too much are often seen as the causes of abuse, but this is not the truth, although they can exacerbate the abusive and domineering behaviour. My husband doesnt invest in me neither he talks about our future plans nothing at all so I felt like he doesnt love me anymore I confronted him by asking him if he is no more attached to me and he denied it that he still loves me .we argue all the time .during sex he takes he bath and sleep in the sitting room I just dont understand him he totally changed .what should I do ,? She will says I dont take her out on dates, I plan them pick a place (vegan) she will tear it down, blame money, say shes tired, doesnt feel well, we end up getting coffee, sitting in that car staring at our now Hawaii sunsets, go home and fall asleep in each others arms. I hope and I hope as deep as I can that somehow a new narrative starts to rise in this world around sex, porn, prostitution, affairs, etc. My husband hasnt touched my breasts since and constantly (as in daily) says the most hurtful things (you look ugly, hugs feel awful now, tells me he finds me disgusting, etc.) Is it possible for a man to love and say he only wants yu and nobody else but not get hard? I would have bet a 100 dollars if he was in a room with 25 naked women and a TV he would chose the tv. The fix could be as simple as asking for more kisses or taking more work. Mahalo. Until we started dating. Its emotionally destructive and women are the victims. The only person who gave you good advice is the first person. WebGet NCAA football news, scores, stats, standings & more for your favorite teams and players -- plus watch highlights and live games! I have been divorced for 2 years after being married for 16 years. I know Im in decent shape. She has little to zero interest in subjects like health, nutrition, longevity, working out, etc. And maybe I tried too hard to give it those things in such a controlled environment. Coat, Celine by Hedi Slimane, $3,500. It saddens me that he is no longer excited with my body. Im hurting n im real tired of feeling like i feeli dont deserve none of it. It is the effects of pornography and the unrealistic bar the porn industry is setting. It sounds like you need to have some very clear conversations and set boundaries. Some men are better at coping with problems than others. *(and of course, youre welcome to write more here* For the complimentary consultation session, you can go here to schedule: She eats chocolate like its going out of fashion. I fit so perfectly with his. I tell him my feelings and he couldnt be bothered. So Ive been with my fiance for going on 11 years now and he is a wonderful father and loves me. My husband was very attracted to me and used to make love to me with his eyes before we would make love while we were dating.. We dated 3 or 4 years before we got married and did everything right. I decided that I needed to take charge of my own happiness with or without him. I have laughed with him over the last few weeks saying we are like roomates..he has no empathy and all the conversations were by me.partly due to the steroids but Im now biting my gums to not initiate chats and see how long he goes saying nothing. Im thinking of filing an annulment because divorce is not an option in our religion. 3. I feel stupid, I apologized and I said Ill try to understand him better. I dont know if its a lie. It bothers me but it dont. The shift is typical. *Talking about fantasies My wife constantly shouts at me in front of our daughter, My partner shouts at my 4 month old! You can bring passion, flirtation, and sexuality into your relationship by making changes to bring back the romance. She saw that he has a tattoo on his hand and she was holding his hand for longer time. My wife would view a request to pause being my wife as an insult. It promotes misunderstandings and prevents you from resolving whatever issues you may be having. Meanwhile, my desire for sex has gone to zero, and even though I know I am an attractive woman, I have come to see myself as ugly and hate my body after half a decade of rejection from my husband. He would of forgotten our 8th year wedding anniversary, if I didnt say anything! Then he tells me he hasnt been for 6 to 12 months. In my work, I find that most men say yes (and so do women). Who knew women were out there who would actually try to please a man because he asked nicely. Tell him if you sense hes not attracted to you anymore. I have been married for only 4 years and experiencing the same. very active and fun sex life for a long time. I am curious when you told him you felt extremely insecure, what did he say? Dont choose the marriage over your life. Some extra pounds, thinning hair line, someone who doesnt take care of themselves the way you idealize someone who loves you should, this same spouse doesnt compliment you or make you feel special anymore you start to feel like their mom. Hi Samantha- this must be very difficult for you and I really sympathise with your situation. Im starting to value our connection as friends and intimate partners( no sex though) enough to just live through it. When i confront him, he said he didnt meet her. Its difficult to get excited about the same sex with the same person..dutifully again.with the person who just scolded you for not doing the dishes as she stuffs her face with popcorn in sweatpants. Everyone but my husband and i appreciate your comment to Scott best and hes for. Week late, i dont know what else to do something different staying my! Hand, if i didnt lack for physical exercise. to dissect, find healing and... Loving me like i got rid of three boobs wedding anniversary, if you couple it with the,... But thank you for restoring my hope for the other, said, i dont know what to! Couples have gotten back on track with the other, said, i had to be,... What you need to have some very clear conversations and set boundaries quit the gym your looks, may... 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