Jupiter the Divine Guru will be transiting to his own sign Pisces on 13 April 2022, just one day after Rahu and Ketu changes sign. There will be a stark improvement in your personality and presence. Remedy: Offer food to Brahmins on Thursday. Between 6 April to 15 September, the planet will remain in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, which may create health-related problems for you. From the end of April till mid-July Jupiter will be hemmed between two strong malefics, Saturn in the previous sign of Aquarius, just entered and Rahu in the next sign of Aries, again just entered. You will come across as a knowledgeable person. Jupiter retrogrades in Aries September 16, 2023 Mercury turns direct in Leo September 17, 2023 Sun enters Virgo October 1, 2023 Mercury enters Virgo October 2, 2023 Venus enters Leo October 3, 2023 Mars enters Libra October 18, 2023 Sun enters Libra October 19, 2023 Mercury enters Libra October 30, 2023 Rahu enters Pisces November 3, 2023 On the other hand, married natives may also get blessed with a baby at this time. Your savings will be high. Monetary situation improves. For some of you enrolling in foreign universities will also be there. You need to especially keep an eye on your father's health because problems concerning the same can trouble him. 2023 Yearly Horoscope for Cancer, Leo &Virgo, 2023 Yearly Horoscope for Aries, Taurus &Gemini, November 2022 Astrology Transit Analysis | Lunar Eclipse November2022, Deepavali Solar Eclipse 25 Oct 2022 Intensely Karmic andSpiritual, October 2022 Planetary transits & AstrologicalAnalysis, Saturn in the 7th House of Your BirthChart. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. If you are applying for a loan at this time, then you will be successful in your endeavours. Possibility of name and fame related to your work is very much there. The married couples who are trying for a baby, their wish will come true. Were You Born Under The Raj Yoga? Your creativity will be very high. This lethargy can create obstacles in your assignments. Some of you may go on journeys to a place of spiritual interest. Renting or selling some property will bring monetary benefits for you. Oct 28, 2022 1:10 AM Jupiter Rx enters Pisces. According to AAPS the following Jupiter transit dates await us in the future: Alina Latic Founder Pisces is the sign of eternity, highest and purest form of spirituality. New business partnerships can be there too. Link to the Video on Jupiters transit to Pisces on YouTube: https://youtu.be/lV14BWjn7uc. Your father can also suffer from some problems in this duration. Fate will also remain in your favour throughout this time. Relocation or change of residence can be there. Your reputation and image in society will improve, and so will your economic front, as the time is favourable for you financially. You will also gain name and respect in society. However, since Jupiter will be in his own sign, the intensity of the results will not be that negative. Your social circle will expand and you will come in contact with several knowledgeable people. When Jupiter comes here in April it marks the completion of Jupiters journey through the entire zodiac cycle. Jupiter is the Lord of the twelfth and third houses for the zodiac sign Capricorn. Between 6 April to 15 September, the planet will remain in the seventh house of your zodiac sign, bringing many favourable results for Leo natives in love. Health may cause a bit of worry. Jupiter is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses for the zodiac sign Aquarius. Again it enters into Aquarius on Saturday 20 November at 11.23 am. If you have been suffering from any previous health issues, you will recover well. Despite that, yogas promise happiness for your children. This year will be very productive if you are an author. Loans may be sanctioned in your favour. You may tend to overspend, especially concerning business. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Jupiter promises all good things for you. Jun 9, 2025 5:02 PM Jupiter enters Cancer. Jupiter will be in his own sign of Pisces. Employed people will do well. From 15 September to 20 November, Jupiter will remain in your third house, which will bring success in your trips. Your social network will increase. Jul 26, 2027 12:49 AM Jupiter enters Virgo. May 25, 2024 7:14 PM Jupiter enters Gemini. They will prove to be helpful in your career or in fulfilling your ambition. Health issues can come, but you will come out of it. Therefore this transit will bring some positivity even if Pisces sign falls in your negative houses.Now coming to a slightly troublesome part. Jupiter is the Lord of the third and sixth houses for the zodiac sign Libra. My predictions will cover all of these to bring out a holistic result. Aries:On 13 April Jupiter will move from your 11th house to your 12th house. Due to this, Jupiter Transit 2021 is expected to bring you many favourable outcomes. The transit of Jupiter will occur on April 13, 2022. Since Jupiter is in his own sign, these expenses will be for benevolent causes or for productive reasons like education, creative pursuits, foreign travel etc. Happiness and bliss will prevail in the household of Capricorn natives. As for the married natives of this sign, some tensions in their lives can decrease the joy in their bond. Check Jupiter Transit Timing for 2023. There can be opportunities for you in a foreign country or a different city. Some Pisces natives who are in a relationship may also tie the know now. Try to keep a harmonious relation with your boss and co-workers both. A new member may grace your family, or a marriage function may create a festival-like atmosphere at home. . Therefore it would be best to remain practical and not really fly with your ambitions. From 15 September to 20 November, Jupiter will remain in your fifth house and may cause health-related problems for your children. As such, natives who wish to receive the grace of their elders, senior officials, etc. These predictions are based on your Moon Sign. During this time, you will gain respect from the people, and your inclination towards religious tasks will increase. Many will take up yoga exercises and meditation as a part of their life. Saturns influence further increases these traits. Monetary profits are also on the cards for many. Students will do very well in this transit of Jupiter. More than one source of income is indicated, and your desires and ambitions will be fulfilled now. An expansive planet like Jupiter in the 12th house of expenses will increase your expenditure. This duration brings strong yogas of benefits from your childrens side, as well as indications of an increase in your salary. He is considered the most benefic planet, pious, expansive and rewarding in nature. This time is going to be a bit difficult for you, so you are advised to work hard at this time. This duration will be tremendously advantageous for natives. Health of elders in the family may need attention. Other links related to Planet Jupiter. Marriage is a strong possibility for many eligible Virgos. Due to this, Jupiter Transit 2021 is expected to bring positive results for the natives. Between 6 April to 15 September, the planet will remain in the ninth house of your zodiac sign, which brings slight possibilities of Fate turning in your favour. If you are planning to pay off some of your loans and debts, utilise this phase for that. Jupiter Transit 2022 Dates. If you are planning for marriage, it will be fruitful. Any Libran moving ahead towards higher education will also receive profits in their endeavours. From 15 September to 20 November, Jupiter will remain posited in your ninth house and will form yogas of many journeys. Jupiter is the Lord of the fifth and eighth houses for the zodiac sign Leo. Jupiter Transit 2022 dates In Vedic astrology, the transit of Jupiter is considered to be auspicious for most of the natives as it brings happiness and joy in their life. Work wise, you will do well. There may be some road blocks in the career. Avoid difference in opinions with your friends and siblings. Follow. 20 November onwards, Jupiter will once again be posited in your tenth house. There are also indications of new modes of income opening up for you. Money will come and go. You may have mental anxiety, professional and financial worries, but at the same time, the solution to these problems will also come to you. However, keep your head on a swivel in terms of your fathers health, as he can suffer from some issues concerning the same. It would be best to avoid court cases, conflicts and arguments. Therefore, you must remain as careful as possible. Apart from that, you will be inclined towards spiritual activities, and will not hesitate in spending money for the same. As a result, it would be a fair time for you as professionally you may achieve your desired goals and opportunities. See how this Jupiter in Aries transit affects the signs of the zodiac later in the page. Transit Jupiter Transit Jupiter Transit for 2023 Previous Year Next Year Jupiter Transit Predictions Jupiter (Guru) is regarded as the 'Preceptor of the Celestial Beings' and the embodiment of learning and wisdom. Check Jupiter Transit Timing for 2024 Tweet Follow (LogOut/ Also, this time is bringing you the opportunity to enjoy delicious cuisines. Your interest in spirituality and religious deeds will increase. Change). From 15 September to 20 November, Jupiter will remain posited in your eleventh house, which will bring tremendous yogas of success for your workplace. 20 November onwards, Jupiter will once again be posited in your ninth house, which will once again turn Fate in your favour, and your pending tasks will be accomplished now. Your father can suffer from some health problems during this period; therefore, keep an eye on him. Your decision-making skills will improve, and on the whole, this time duration will be quite advantageous for you in terms of knowledge attainment. Trust your intuition. Remedy: Offer jaggery and wheat to a cow (Gau mata). However, this period may not be beneficial for your children, and they may even have to go somewhere far from home now. If you are in research field or in astrology, occult, insurance etc. Jupiter Transit 2021 will be a major event in the lives of the natives of all zodiac signs due to several reasons. This will be the beginning of an excellent period for you promising all round progress and success. Due to this, Jupiter Transit 2021 is expected to bring mixed results throughout the year for the natives. Jupiter's Transit of Taurus 2011-12, 2023-24 | Cafe Astrology .com Jupiter's Transit through Taurus 2011 and 2012, 2023 and 2024 What Jupiter's transit through Taurus means to you Jupiter enters Taurus on June 4th, 2011, and stays in this fixed earth sign until June 11th, 2012. Your relationship with your spouse will continue to be pleasant. Follow These Jupiter Remedies To Appease Lord Brihaspati. From 15 September to 20 November, Jupiter will remain in your second house, which may finally bring some peace after the unrest in your family. It is also the last sign of the zodiac. See how this transit affects each zodiac sign below. Jupiter is the Lord of the eighth and eleventh houses for the zodiac sign Taurus. Your finances will also remain strong due to monetary profits from foreign sources. Saturns influence on the transit Jupiter in your 6th house indicates you need to be more disciplined regarding your health and daily routine to alleviate the adverse effects of this transit. Aquarius:For Aquarius Jupiter will move to your second house in April. From 15 September to 20 November, Jupiter will remain posited in your eighth house, which can bring some health-related problems for you. Some issue in property matters can be there, but will also get resolved. Remedy: Make yellow rice on Thursday, and distribute among the people. The first thing that improves is your business and your relationship with your spouse. You are expected to gain name and fame at this time, and simultaneously, monetary profits are also indicated. At work you need to put in extra effort to see success. Moving on to natives who are still on the lookout for their soulmate, may finally reach the end of their search. From 20 November onwards, when Jupiter enters your seventh house, you will need to keep an eye on your health because a decline in the same is indicated. As for working professionals, your relationship with your superiors will remain positive, which will benefit you. Remedy: Offer reading material to students on Thursday. Pisces is the sign of eternity, highest and purest form of spirituality. However, the duration requires that you give up your laziness. At work front you need to take care to maintain a good relation with your superiors, otherwise there can be an unfavourable change. Jupiter enters Aries on May 10th, 2022, stays in this cardinal fire sign until October 28th, 2022, and then continues its transit later in another chapter: from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. If you have investments in shares etc. If you feel irritable, negative thoughts keep bothering you, calm your mind with meditation, music, poetry or art whatever appeals to you. Your inclination towards spiritual practices and benevolent deeds will increase. Tweet. Due to this, Jupiter Transit 2021 is expected to bring some ups and downs in your life. The people who fall in love are also likely to get success in their love relationships. You will actively participate in religious activities now. Remain sympathetic towards your family members at this time. Remedy: Feed chickpeas to a brown-coloured cow. This retrograde motion of Jupiter will once again change as the planet becomes direct and enters Aquarius on Saturday, 20 November, at 11:23 am. Remedy: Apply a tilak of saffron on your forehead every day. However, I personally do not see a huge impact on Jupiter because degree-wise all three planets will be very far from each other and from June Saturn will be in retrograde motion. If you are in business, there may be some finance related difficulties. Aries Overall Jupiter promises a very good phase for you after April. Libra:In April Jupiter will move to the 6th house. On the flip side, things are positive for Aquarians in a relationship, as success in your love affairs is indicated. Jupiter Transits to Pisces 13 Apr 2022 - 22 Apr 2023. Jupiter the Divine Guru will be transiting to his own sign Pisces on 13 April 2022, just one day after Rahu and Ketu changes sign. Your economic front will strengthen because there are indications of an increase in your income at this time. However, on the flip side, your family life will remain peaceful. Possibility of marriage will be there. Normally when Jupiter goes over the birth Moon, it creates difficulties in life and lack of mental happiness. You will need to keep an eye on the health of the members of your spouses family because predictions indicate that one of your in-laws can fall ill at this time. With Saturns aspect on the Jupiter you will need to work harder to maintain the family happiness and wealth that Jupiter is promising in this transit. Due to this, Jupiter Transit 2021 is expected to bring you mixed results. Based on this Jupiter Transit 2023 Effects calculation occurs. It also indicates having a philosophical mind set, meditation etc. Get your personalised horoscope based on your sign. You are likely to go on several short journeys and those will bring gain for you. Jupiter is the Lord of the second and fifth houses for the zodiac sign Scorpio. Jupiter Retrograde 2023 - Astrology Online Calendar ( UT/GMT) Time | Change to your local timezone Mercury Shadow periods Stationary Calendar 2023 Graphic Retrograde Calendar 2023 Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Nod Lil Chi | All Retrograde Planets 1800-2100 Some amount of emotional negativity or a feeling of disappointment can be there, particularly because of Saturns influence. Property disputes are also on the cards for Virgos. Pisces:Once Jupiter moves to your sign in April, Pisces moon signs will get moderate results. After April you may find yourself lacking a bit in enthusiasm. These are the most important dates of the Jupiter in Aries transit: May 11th, 2022 - Jupiter Enters Aries. Jupiter will stay here till 22 April 2023. Between 6 April to 15 September, the planet will remain in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, which may bring some problems within your family. Your mother may also be fundamental in bringing you profits. If you are married, there will be chances having new member in the family. Moreover, you will receive the complete support of your spouse, which will help you succeed in all your tasks. However, since Jupiter will be in his own sign, you will see reduced intensity of troubles and solution will also come quite easily. This applies for students pursuing higher studies as well. If you are planning for a baby, Jupiter is supporting that too. Copyright 2022 AstroCAMP.com All Rights Reserved, GPSHorary.Com Online Horary Astrology Software. In Panchang day starts and ends with sunrise. It is also the last sign of the zodiac. As for the married natives of this sign, romance, happiness, and prosperity will fill your lives. You will be more inclined towards religious tasks at this time. Try to maintain cordiality with close friends, spouse and spouses family. This is also a financially challenging time for you because your expenses may increase. Some of you can even go on a pilgrimage. There are also strong yogas of attainment of happiness from your younger siblings as well as their support at this time for Capricorn natives. Additionally, this time is also favourable for your finances as monetary profits are strongly indicated. Leos can suffer from some issues through their maternal relatives. Home life looks happy and harmonious. Jupiter bestows benevolent results in Pisces sign. November 24th, 2022 - Jupiter goes direct at 28 Pisces. In short Jupiter in Pisces is strong, but also afflicted by Saturn throughout the stay.Overall, this is a positive transit which will prompt selfless actions in people, interest in higher knowledge will increase. From 20 November onwards, when Jupiter enters your fourth house, the long-standing problems or disputes within your family may finally end. Between 6 April to 15 September, the planet will remain in the second house of your zodiac sign, during which, you will receive the complete support of your younger siblings. You will have to put in more efforts to get success. Jyotish is supposed to show us the path of our life, it is not meant for twisting the path as per our desire. Financially, this time is going to be a bit challenging for you due to an increase in your expenses. Your decision-making abilities will also improve now. Aquarians in love will be successful in their relationship. Your mothers expenses may increase in this duration. Note that wherever Pisces is placed in your chart, that house related matters will get activated. Your work situation will improve, your efforts will get noticed and you may get elevation in your post. Due to this, Jupiter Transit 2021 is expected to bring mixed results for the natives. Even the retrogression will also happen in Pisces. Jupiter enters Revati Nakshatra on 24th Feb, 2023 07:14 am Jupiter enters Aries on 22nd Apr, 2023 05:14 am Jupiter enters Bharani Nakshatra on 21st Jun, 2023 07:56 am Jupiter starts moving retrograde in Aries on 4th Sep, 2023 07:44 pm Movement change at : 21.40 This is a time to seek true spiritual knowledge beyond the man made boundaries of religion. This will be a time for foreign travel, foreign relocation for many. Socially you will enjoy good status. With Saturns influence on Jupiter you will sometimes feel some obstructions popping up in your way to progress and prosperity. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. From 15 September to 20 November, Jupiter will remain in your twelfth house, which will bring an immense increase in your expenses. Your spiritual inclinations will increase. Financially, this duration may remain problematic for you. As a result, positive yogas are being formed . There are also strong yogas of a trip being formed for Sagittarians. Student natives will also accomplish their goals in higher studies. Mothers health can cause worries too. Your health will be in great shape. Jupiter transit 2023 in 8th house When planet Jupiter will move into the eighth house from the natal Moon in 2023, you will have to work harder than others to be successful. This duration will be auspicious from the economic aspect because your income will increase. Marriage is a strong possibility for the eligible Capricorn moon signs. Moreover, your parents' health will also remain well. This transitory motion is casting a shadow of doubt on your chances of success in competitions at this time. I would rather be more concerned when Saturn goes back to Capricorn from 12 July and casts third aspect on Jupiter from there. It will actually help to put some structure on this highly creative Jupiter and bring out more productivity. Promotion is very likely for many of you. Take good care of health. Jupiter transits for 2023 Change year How Jupiter is observed to move in year 2023? Possibility of romance, marriage both will be there for the right people. Your interest in religious matters will grow. Discover Now With Your Raj Yoga Report. It is a very good time for spirituality for you. Therefore, Pisceans need to keep an eye on the same. Money will accumulate but high expenditure will also be there. Any decision that you make at this time will remain successful. View all posts by Rajshree - Mohana Astrology. Saturns influence can actually increase this chance. This duration can also result in an increase in your current salary. You will successfully repay your debts at this time; however, you will also need to keep an eye on your health as a significant illness is indicated. Jupiter here can give stomach or liver related issues as well. Relocation, living away from family, visits to the foreign countries, spending time in spiritual retreats or ashrams, all these are indicated during this transit. Your father can gain profits at this time. So, no huge reduction in Jupiters results can come during these two and a half months. . Foreign travel related to work can be there too. Jupiter is the Lord of the twelfth and third houses for the zodiac sign Pisces. This can happen because of cheating on the part of an employee. However, recovery and gaining back health will also happen. Your spouse will succeed in the workplace. At the same time recovery is also promised since Jupiter is in Pisces. Your religious and spiritual inclinations are going to increase. On the flip side, you will lead a blissful family life during this transit period. Between 6 April to 15 September, the planet will remain in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign, due to which you can attain profits in your financial life. There will be a lot of soul searching in people. (LogOut/ This page provides Jupiter Transit date and timings in the year 2022 for Boydton, Virginia, United States. If you are waiting for a promotion or a big professional opportunity, you are going to get it. If you have a career in the performing art, music theatre etc. Try to manage your mental stress and anxiety. Your expenses will be high, but most of it will be for some useful or benevolent reasons. Health issues and possibility of hospital visits remain as well. Aquarius. Yogas indicate that happiness will soon enter the lives of married natives of this sign. This event will be visible from most parts of the world, so make sure to mark your calendars! From 20 November onwards, when Jupiter enters your sign, i.e., your ascendant house once again, any decision that you make now will be successful. Jupiter transit 2022-2023 Prediction for Virgo Ascendant/Moon Sign/Rashi This Jupiter transit of 2022-2023 from April 13, 2022 onwards is going to bring good news in terms of marriage and partnership, Virgo moon sign/ascendant native will get chance to marry or atlaest get suitable match if looking for alliance if in marriageable age. Financially your troubles will go away. Your friends circle will expand and they will be helpful to you. Let us now take a look at the effects this Jupiter Transit 2021 will have on all zodiac signs. You also need to keep your head on a swivel in financial matters, as a decline in your income is possible in this duration, and so is monetary losses. Between 6 April to 15 September, the planet will remain in the tenth house of your zodiac sign, which will bring many obstacles in your professional life. As a result, positive yogas are being formed, which are indicating a decrease in your mental stress. Do not let your efforts dim anywhere because continuous hard work is the only thing that will bring you prosperity. Shrewdness is suggested in terms of your financial transactions because your expenses will rise exponentially at this time. After 20 November, the planet Jupiter will once again transit to enter your eleventh house and bring an exceptional time for Arians. However, in spite of this, the love between you two will remain constant, and the intimacy in your relationship will also persevere. Due to this, Jupiter Transit 2021 is expected to bring positive results for the natives. Jupiter is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses for the zodiac sign Aquarius. From 15 September to 20 November, the planet will remain in your tenth house, which can bring an increase in problems at your workplace. Remedy: Chant the beej mantra of Jupiter: /o gr gr grau sa guruve nama, For Astrological Remedies including Gemstones, Yantra, etc., Visit: AstroCAMP Online Shopping Store. Between 6 April to 15 September, the planet will remain in the zodiac sign Aquarius, i.e., your first house. This transit can bring some worries related to profession and finance for you. Guru Nakshatra Gochar. Take care of health of the elders in the family. Jupiter Transit 2022 Dates and Time As per the Hindu calendar, Jupiter will set (Astha) in Aquarius on February 19, 2022. you will do very well. Any pending tasks or scheme that has been unresolved for a long time may finally restart now. Mothers health can cause concern. Aug 24, 2028 1:08 AM Jupiter enters Libra. We'll explore the reason for this back-and-forth below. Aquarians are suggested caution in terms of their health especially, as some problems concerning the same, as well as diseases are indicated. The good part is Jupiter will be in his own sign of Pisces, so there can be sudden gains from inheritance, insurance, gambling, lottery etc. Jupiter Transit 2021 is expected to create disruptive situations in the lives of the natives, which will bring mixed results for them. Come true stomach or liver related issues as well as diseases are indicated,. Your tasks or a big professional opportunity, you are commenting using your Facebook account occult! Health will also remain well your finances will also gain name and fame at this time atmosphere at home work. Your salary and wheat to a cow ( Gau mata ) be opportunities for you financially the thing... Houses.Now coming to a slightly troublesome part occult, insurance etc also tie the know now year 2023 economic will. In: you are likely to go on several short journeys and those bring... Actually help to put some structure on this Jupiter Transit 2021 is expected to bring mixed results them. 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