la suite de l'abandon du programme Constellation, l'arrt du dveloppement du vaisseau spatial est envisag. Cette substance s'est probablement forme partir d'un processus similaire la neige, bien que celui-ci se droule une temprature beaucoup plus leve. Le tableau suivant rcapitule d'autres proprits physiques relativement proches par rapport la Terre: Une partie des astronomes pensaient, avant l'envoi de sondes spatiales sa surface, que Vnus pouvait tre trs similaire la Terre sous ses pais nuages et peut-tre mme abriter la vie[127]. [233] Youth unemployment and underemployment in Kenya has become a problem. Institute of Aerospace Science and Technology. [55] On April 4, 2012, the Kepler mission was approved for extension through the fiscal year 2016,[17][56] but this also depended on all remaining reaction wheels staying healthy, which turned out not to be the case (see Reaction wheel issues below). It began on 1 January 2001 (MMI) and will end on 31 December 2100 (MMC).[1]. On October 30, 2018, NASA announced that the spacecraft was out of fuel and its mission was officially ended. Aussi, l'quateur de Vnus tourne 6,52km/h tandis que celui de la Terre tourne 1674km/h[142]. The new constitution also states that executive powers are exercised by the executive branch of government, headed by the president, who chairs a cabinet composed of people chosen from outside parliament. Vnus possde une atmosphre extrmement dense. Au XIesicle, l'astronome perse Avicenne affirme avoir observ un transit de Vnus[234], ce qui constituera une confirmation de la thorie de Ptolme pour les astronomes ultrieurs[235]. The two official languages, English and Swahili, are used in varying degrees of fluency for communication with other populations. The ruling was seen as a major defeat for both Kenyatta (soon to leave office), and Odinga (expected to seek the presidency), but a boon to Odinga's future presidential-election rival, Ruto. Vnus est notamment la plante la plus chaude du Systme solaire du fait de son atmosphre beaucoup plus dense que l'atmosphre terrestre[3]. [47] In 2012, NASA announced that the Kepler mission would be funded until 2016 at a cost of about $20 million per year. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan replaced the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. A resurgence in sales of vinyl records in the 2010s was driven by record collectors and audiophiles who prefer the sound of analog vinyl records to digital recordings. Kibaki was reelected in highly contested elections marred by political and ethnic violence. Space program of the People's Republic of China, This article is about the Chinese space program in general. [139] In March 2011, astronomers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) reported that about "1.4to 2.7 percent" of all Sun-like stars are expected to have Earth-size planets "within the habitable zones of their stars". [92][94] Following this win, Moi was constitutionally barred from another presidential term. Ye Peijian, Commander in Chief of the Chang'e program and an academic at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, added that China has the "full capacity to accomplish Mars exploration by 2013. Kisumu City is the third-largest city and also an inland port on Lake Victoria. masquer. "Humanitarian information systems and emergencies in the Greater Horn of Africa: logical components and logical linkages." On lui attribua ce nom car les gardiens de troupeaux dans les temps anciens en tenaient compte pour aller dans les pturages ou en revenir[321]. Aussi, des observations radar de Vnus sont effectues pour la premire fois dans les annes 1960 et fournissent les premires mesures de la priode de rotation, qui sont alors dj proches de la valeur exacte connue soixante ans plus tard[262]. Elle est comparable la Terre en taille et en masse, et souvent dcrite comme la sur ou jumelle de la Terre[1],[2]. En tant que plante infrieure de la Terre, son longation (c'est--dire l'angle marqu entre la plante et le soleil dans le ciel terrestre) connat une valeur maximale de 47[176]. Le premier test orbital du module de commande s'est droul le 5 dcembre 2014 et celui d'un vhicule complet est programm pour 2022. Kenyatta and his family were tied up with this corruption as they enriched themselves through the mass purchase of property after 1963. La NASA obtient des donnes supplmentaires en 1978 avec le projet Pioneer Venus qui comprend deux missions distinctes: Pioneer Venus Orbiter et Pioneer Venus Multiprobe[275],[276]. This is a list of sovereign states that have gained independence in the 21st century and have been recognized by the UN. However, even though at launch Kepler had the highest data rate of any NASA mission,[citation needed] the 29-minute sums of all 95 million pixels constituted more data than could be stored and sent back to Earth. It was the heaviest first satellite placed into orbit by a nation, exceeding the combined masses of the first satellites of the other four previous countries. The China National Space Administration, an agency within the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense currently headed by Zhang Kejian, is now responsible for launches. [103], The Kepler space telescope was in active operation from 2009 through 2013, with the first main results announced on January 4, 2010. [23], In 2001, Dennis Tito became the first space tourist, beginning the era of commercial spaceflight. There is free primary education. Kenya has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.555 (medium), ranked 145 out of 186 in the world. La NASA retient l'poque ce concept prouv et donc moins cher qui permet thoriquement de limiter les risques de retard: la NASA doit en effet disposer d'un moyen de transport pour remplacer la navette spatiale amricaine dont le retrait est effectif depuis 2011. In 2013, it launched a National Climate Change Action Plan, having acknowledged that omitting climate as a key development issue in Vision 2030 was an oversight failure. Current and upcoming robotic missions include: Chinese Deep Space Network relay satellites, for deep-space communication and exploration support network. [108][109], Because Kepler's detection of planets depends on seeing very small changes in brightness, stars that vary in brightness by themselves (variable stars) are not useful in this search. [94] The design was presented in detail in a paper for the Online Journal of Space Communication. [183] Exploration is still continuing to determine whether there are more reserves. The largest native ethnic groups were the Kikuyu (8,148,668), Luhya (6,823,842), Kalenjin (6,358,113), Luo (5,066,966), Kamba (4,663,910), Somali (2,780,502), Kisii (2,703,235), Mijikenda (2,488,691), Meru (1,975,869), Maasai (1,189,522), and Turkana (1,016,174). The Kenya Army, Kenya Navy, and Kenya Air Force compose the National Defence Forces. Lyrics are most often in Kiswahili or English. A second wheel had previously failed, and the telescope required three wheels (out of four total) to be operational for the instrument to function properly. [23] Another proposal was to modify the software on Kepler to compensate for the disabled reaction wheels. Kenya also exports textiles worth over $400 million under AGOA. These are absorbed and deployed into government service in accordance with the Scheme of Service for Nursing Personnel (2014), the Revised Scheme of Service for Clinical Personnel (2020) and the Revised Scheme of Service for Medical Officers and Dental Officers (2016). Cependant, aprs les premires missions d'exploration robotis, les rsultats montrent qu'aucune forme de vie n'y est possible la surface. Les caractristiques des diffrents engins spatiaux du programme Constellation sont rendues publiques le 19 septembre 2005. L'exploration de Vnus l'aide de sondes spatiales commence au dbut des annes 1960, peu aprs l'envoi du premier satellite artificiel en orbite, Spoutnik 1. Le continent sud est appel Aphrodite Terra, aprs la desse grecque de l'amour. Lately, there has been controversy in Kenyan athletics circles, with the defection of a number of Kenyan athletes to represent other countries, chiefly Bahrain and Qatar. Kenya has proven oil deposits in Turkana County. La composition de cette substance n'est pas connue avec certitude, mais il est suppos qu'elle puisse tre du tellure ou du galne (sulfure de plomb)[77]. Gustav Holst ddie le second mouvement de son pome symphonique Les Plantes (1918) Vnus, o elle incarne la paix[327]. Without three functioning wheels, the telescope could not be pointed accurately. [9][10] The spacecraft was deactivated with a "goodnight" command sent from the mission's control center at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics on November 15, 2018. This page was last edited on 7 November 2022, at 07:55. In 1992, authorization and funding was given for the first phase of Project 921, which was a plan to launch a crewed spacecraft. Il en dduit que la plante doit avoir une priode de rotation beaucoup plus longue qu'on ne le pensait auparavant[260]. Kenya's installed capacity increased from 1,142 megawatts between 2001 and 2003 to 2,341 in 2016. Although the effect is smallthe photometric precision required to see a close-in giant planet is about the same as to detect an Earth-sized planet in transit across a solar-type starJupiter-sized planets with an orbital period of a few days or less are detectable by sensitive space telescopes such as Kepler. Missions are launched on the Long March 2F rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. L'inclinaison de l'axe trs faible de Vnus moins de 3, contre 23 sur Terre minimise galement les variations saisonnires de temprature[73]. 5 584 jours / 365 jours = 8 ans, en faisant l'approximation d'une anne de 365 jours. Yang Liwei declared at the 16th Human in Space Symposium of International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) in Beijing, on May 22, 2007, that building a lunar base was a crucial step to realize a flight to Mars and farther planets.[85]. [citation needed] Preventable diseases like malaria, HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, diarrhoea, and malnutrition are the biggest burden, major child-killers, and responsible for much morbidity; weak policies, corruption, inadequate health workers, weak management, and poor leadership in the public health sector are largely to blame. [92], In 1996, KANU revised the constitution to allow Moi to remain president for another term. The World Today: Concepts and Regions in Geography 4th edition. [141][142] Kepler also recorded distant stellar super-flares, some of which are 10,000 times more powerful than the 1859 Carrington event. La dernire modification de cette page a t faite le 26 octobre 2022 20:22. [104] Other than the public schools, there are many private schools, mainly in urban areas. The discovery of 461 more candidates was announced on January 7, 2013. [249], Kenya has a diverse assortment of popular music forms, in addition to multiple types of folk music based on the variety of over 40 regional languages.[250]. They are renowned for their elaborate upper-body adornment and jewellery. This is the first lunar relay satellite ever placed in this location. [137] Later in the summer, Kenyatta visited China at the invitation of President Xi Jinping after a stop in Russia and not having visited the United States as president. L'tat du noyau dpend fortement de sa concentration de soufre, qui est actuellement inconnue et empche donc de lever les incertitudes[118]. [15] It was delayed again by four months in March 2006 due to fiscal problems. Cricket is another popular sport, also ranking as the most successful team sport. [32] In November 2013, astronomers estimated, based on Kepler space mission data, that there could be as many as 40 billion rocky Earth-size exoplanets orbiting in the habitable zones of Sun-like stars and red dwarfs within the Milky Way. Kenya has good relations with the United Kingdom. Vnus compte beaucoup plus de volcans que la Terre, dont 167 grands volcans de plus de 100km de diamtre; le seul complexe volcanique terrestre ayant au moins ce diamtre est la grande le d'Hawa[68]. [47] Together, LASP and Ball Aerospace control the spacecraft from a mission operations center located on the research campus of the University of Colorado. Kenya's irrigation sector is categorised into three organizational types: smallholder schemes, centrally-managed public schemes, and private/commercial irrigation schemes. We help you take charge with easy-to-use tools and clear choices. Public hospitals are fee-for-service establishments that generate a large portion of county and national government revenues, making them highly political enterprises. [citation needed], The probability of a random planetary orbit being along the line-of-sight to a star is the diameter of the star divided by the diameter of the orbit. [19][20] Kepler had not collected science data since May because it was not able to point with sufficient accuracy. Sur d'autres corps cratriss, comme la Terre et la Lune, les cratres montrent une gamme d'tats de dgradation. The high gain antenna is not steerable so data collection is interrupted for a day to reorient the whole spacecraft and the high gain antenna for communications to Earth. Le noyau de Vnus serait constitu de deux parties: un noyau externe constitu de fer et de nickel liquides qui reprsenterait environ 30% du rayon de la plante; un noyau interne compos de fer et de nickel solides qui reprsenterait environ 17% du rayon de Vnus[105]. Vnus dpasse la Terre tous les 584jours en ce qui concerne leur orbite autour du Soleil[6]. For other uses, see, It has been suggested that this article should be. [270] There are also many fish-and-chips shops. Le module de commande ou module d'quipage (Crew Vehicule), dont la section est de forme conique, transporte l'quipage, du fret et des instruments scientifiques. Leur observation a t faite pour la premire fois au dbut du XVIIesicle par Galile l'aide de sa lunette astronomique. [173] To speed their export, Nairobi airport has a terminal dedicated to the transport of flowers and vegetables.[173]. [110] The first new planet candidate observed by Kepler was originally marked as a false positive because of uncertainties in the mass of its parent star. Sans tectonique des plaques pour dissiper la chaleur de son manteau, Vnus subit plutt un processus cyclique dans lequel les tempratures du manteau augmentent jusqu' atteindre un niveau critique qui affaiblit la crote. Elle est parfois appele la plante sur de la Terre en raison des similitudes relatives de leurs diamtres, masses, proximits au Soleil et compositions. [95][96], In 2016, Lt Gen. Zhang Yulin, deputy chief of the PLA armament development department of the Central Military Commission, suggested that China would next begin to exploit Earth-Moon space for industrial development. [225] According to a 200809 survey by the Kenyan government, the total fertility rate was 4.6% and the contraception usage rate among married women was 46%. In this case, the Sun and Venus aligned on April 12, 1965, and since Venus wasnt retrograde on that date, it was a Superior Conjunction. Initially, in 2012, the mission was expected to be extended until 2016,[17] but on July 14, 2012, one of the spacecraft's four reaction wheels used for pointing the spacecraft stopped turning, and completing the mission would only be possible if all other reaction wheels remained reliable. Kepler's field of view covers 115 square degrees, around 0.25 percent of the sky, or "about two scoops of the Big Dipper". [164] Industry and manufacturing is the smallest sector, accounting for 16% of GDP. Quelques scientifiques ont mis l'hypothse de l'existence de microorganismes extrmophiles thermoacidophiles dans les couches suprieures acides basse temprature de l'atmosphre vnusienne[294],[295]. From these tables, you can determine whether you were born when Venus was a Morning Star or Evening Star, as well as determine whether past, current, and future events occurred/occur/will occur when Venus is a Morning Star or Evening Star. [64], From October 1952 to December 1959, Kenya was in a state of emergency arising from the Mau Mau rebellion against British rule. [30], During excavations at Lake Turkana in 1984, paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey, assisted by Kamoya Kimeu, discovered the Turkana Boy, a 1.6-million-year-old Homo erectus fossil. Le peintre indique galement explicitement la prsence de l'objet cleste dans ses lettres[331]. Currently, the analysis of Kepler candidates through this method is underway. Kenya's climate varies from tropical along the coast to temperate inland to arid in the north and northeast parts of the country. Kenya's capital and largest city is Nairobi, while its oldest, currently second largest city, and first capital is the coastal city of Mombasa. Trois des taches ont t observes lors de plusieurs orbites successives. [29], By January 2015, Kepler and its follow-up observations had found 1,013 confirmed exoplanets in about 440 star systems, along with a further 3,199 unconfirmed planet candidates. Malindi has traditionally been a friendly port city for foreign powers. [204], During a scheduled contact on April 7, 2016, Kepler was found to be operating in emergency mode, the lowest operational and most fuel intensive mode. [21][22][23][24] On November 18, 2013, the K2 "Second Light" proposal was reported. En effet, le climat vnusien empche l'eau de se conserver la surface, desschant irrversiblement les roches de la crote. During the 18th and 19th century C.E, the Masai people moved into what is now modern-day central Kenya, from a region north of Lake Rudolf (now Lake Turkana). It makes it possible to confirm a planet even when only a single candidate transit event for the host star has been detected. Its combination of themescolonialism, education, and lovehelped make it one of the best-known African novels. Un des symboles de la desse, l'toile huit branches, la reprsente comme l'toile du matin ou du soir[309]. Ce dernier module est largu avant la rentre atmosphrique. The focal plane of the spacecraft's camera is made out of forty-two 5025mm (21in) CCDs at 22001024 pixels each, possessing a total resolution of 94.6 megapixels,[45][46] which at the time made it the largest camera system launched into space. There are about 3,000 smallholder irrigation schemes covering a total area of 47,000 ha. [72][73] In this way, Kenya became an independent country under the Kenya Independence Act 1963 of the United Kingdom. La temprature de surface de Vnus varie peu selon les latitudes et longitudes (elle est isotherme)[72]. Un systme environnemental permet de contrler la temprature des composantes du vhicule et du fret. This lasts one to three years (KG1, KG2 and KG3) and is financed privately because there has been no government policy on pre-schooling until recently. [26][27][194] In this proposed mission plan, Kepler would search a much larger area in the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun. Kenya's best-known athletes include the four-time women's Boston Marathon winner and two-time world champion Catherine Ndereba, 800m world record holder David Rudisha, former marathon world record-holder Paul Tergat, and John Ngugi. Transit dates: 31 March 2020, 04 April 2022, 10 April 2024, 19 April 2026, 30 April 2028, 16 May 2030, 03 June 2032. [128] But there are several rather significant developments with regard to curbing corruption from the Kenyan government, for instance the establishment of a new and independent Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC). In cricket, the emergence of the Twenty20 format and the creation of the Indian Premier League led to changes in the nature of the sport. 22% of GDP still comes from the unreliable agricultural sector which employs 75% of the labour force (a consistent characteristic of under-developed economies that have not attained food securityan important catalyst of economic growth). Rudolph, Peter. Data on exoplanet candidates is submitted to the Kepler Follow-up Program, or KFOP, to conduct follow-up observations. Cette crote ne reprsenterait que 0,34% du rayon de la plante et les analyses faites par les diffrentes sondes Venera ont prouv que le matriau extrieur de Vnus est semblable au granite et au basalte terrestre (roches riches en silice et ferromagnsiennes). It crashed 1.85km (1.15mi) away from the launch pad into a nearby mountain village. [30] In November 1999, after the 50th anniversary of the PRC's founding, China launched the Shenzhou 1 spacecraft and recovered it after a flight of 21 hours. Celle-ci n'est connue que depuis 1962, date laquelle des observations radar menes par le Jet Propulsion Laboratory ont permis d'observer la surface de la plante au travers de l'paisse atmosphre[136]. "[153], In November 2008, WikiLeaks brought wide international attention[154] to The Cry of Blood report, which documents the extrajudicial killing of gangsters by the Kenyan police. [18] China's first spacecraft designed for human occupancy was named Shuguang-1 () in January 1968. Jusque dans les annes 2000, l'exploration de cette plante tait uniquement ralise par l'Union Sovitique et les tats-Unis. La dernire paire de transits s'est produite les 8 juin 2004 et 5-6 juin 2012. [193], Kenya had a population of approximately 48 million in January 2017. According to practice, since the whole project is only at a very early preparatory research phase, no official crewed Moon program has been announced yet by the authorities. D'un diamtre de cinq mtres, il est compos d'un nid-d'abeilles rempli d'une rsine charge en microfibres et billes de silice (copie du matriau Avcoat d'Apollo). On the second day, the research team identified a star system, later named K2-138, with a Sun-like star and four super-Earths in a tight orbit. A small portion of the population relies on food aid. The "long rains" season occurs from March/April to May/June. Aussi, elle est reprsente dans la fiction depuis le XIXesicle. Not all the planet candidates go through this process. Thus, the stars which Kepler observed are roughly the same distance from the galactic center as the Solar System, and also close to the galactic plane. Cependant, sur Vnus, environ 85% des cratres sont en parfait tat. These can sometimes be used to rule out hot Jupiter candidates as false positives caused by a star or a brown dwarf when these effects are too noticeable. [24] The Agikuyu, who inhabit the slopes of Mt. De nombreux quipements ne ncessitent pas de se trouver l'intrieur de la coque pressurise: avionique, rservoirs d'ergols, batteries, systmes de contrle de l'environnement. In contrast to previous work, roughly 74% of the planets are smaller than Neptune, most likely as a result of previous work finding large planets more easily than smaller ones. Trop volatile pour se condenser la surface de la plante, elle se serait ainsi leve sous forme gazeuse des altitudes plus leves pour finalement y prcipiter du fait des tempratures plus faibles. [132] All of the habitable zone candidates found thus far orbit stars significantly smaller and cooler than the Sun (habitable candidates around Sun-like stars will take several additional years to accumulate the three transits required for detection). Le module de service regroupe l'ensemble des quipements qui ne sont pas indispensables pour le retour sur Terre. In 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that restrictions on when its leader can be removed were unconstitutional, but rejected a plea to strike down the agency as a whole. On November 4, 2009, the Kepler project publicly released the light curves of the dropped stars. Most of the additional noise appears to be due to a larger-than-expected variability in the stars themselves (19.5ppm as opposed to the assumed 10.0ppm), with the rest due to instrumental noise sources slightly larger than predicted.[54][45]. The Vancouver Olympics, which took place in 2010, was being officially referred to by Vancouver 2010 as "the twenty-ten Olympics". According to 2009 estimates, HIV/AIDS prevalence is about 6.3% of the adult population. [149], Homosexual acts are illegal in Kenya and punishable by up to 14 years in prison, though the state often turns a blind eye to prosecuting gay people. Chaque type d'ergol est stock dans deux rservoirs qui sont relis en srie et disposent de systme de pressurisation indpendants. Les observateurs mettent l'hypothse que cela pourrait rsulter d'une activit lectrique dans l'atmosphre vnusienne, mais cela pourrait galement tre une illusion d'optique rsultant de l'effet physiologique de l'observation d'un objet brillant en forme de croissant[212],[213]. [203][204], According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), in 2019, Kenya had a total population of 47,564,296. Kenya, call it Krma Krnyaga in Kikuyu, while the Embu call it "Kirenyaa". "Sinc Developing countries with low adaptive capacity and high vulnerability to the phenomenon are disproportionately affected. Similarly, there are a number of international schools catering to various overseas educational systems. The FacebookCambridge Analytica data scandal drew international attention to the possible adverse effects of social media in influencing citizen's views, particularly regarding the 2016 United States presidential election. Dans la culture populaire occidentale, la plante Vnus est surnomme ltoile du berger car elle peut tre facilement visible dans le ciel du matin ( l'est), avant l'aurore, ou dans le ciel du soir ( l'ouest), aprs le crpuscule[178]. According to Sun Laiyan, administrator of the China National Space Administration, the project will involve three phases: orbiting the Moon; landing; and returning samples. The official name was changed to the Colony of Kenya in 1920. Foreign-rooted populations include Arabs, Asians, and Europeans. Le vaisseau Orion est conu pour pouvoir raliser des missions au-del de l'orbite terrestre. The Ministry of Aerospace Industry was founded on July 5, 1988. Les anciens Grecs pensrent galement que Vnus tait deux corps distincts, une toile du matin et une toile du soir. The SOC finally returns calibrated data products and scientific results back to the DMC for long-term archiving, and distribution to astronomers around the world through the Multimission Archive at STScI (MAST). Pline l'Ancien attribue la dcouverte qu'ils taient un seul objet cleste Pythagore au sixime sicle avant notre re[223], tandis que Diogne Lartius soutient que Parmnide fut probablement responsable de cette redcouverte[224]. la place, Vnus pourrait surtout rduire sa chaleur interne lors d'vnements de resurfaage majeurs[66]. [92] Following the passage of the new constitution, Kenya became a presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President of Kenya is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. More than 20 institutions offer business loans on a large scale, specific agriculture loans, education loans, and loans for other purposes. cette pression (9,3MPa) et cette temprature (740K), le CO2 n'est plus un gaz, mais un fluide supercritique (intermdiaire entre gaz et liquide), d'une masse volumique voisine de 65kg/m3. [207] It has been developing since colonisation and also contains certain elements of American English. After the launch of mankind's first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957, Mao Zedong decided during the National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party on May 17, 1958, to make China an equal with the superpowers (Chinese: ""; lit. Le moteur principal, d'une pousse de 181tonnes, est charg d'carter le module de commande du lanceur. La crote ocanique, sur Terre, est continuellement recycle par subduction aux limites des plaques tectoniques et a une moyenne d'ge d'environ 100millions d'annes[80] tandis que la surface vnusienne est estime 300600millions d'annes[66]. From another presidential term presidential term 6.3 % of the dropped stars 270. Approximately 48 million in January 2017 it was not able to point with sufficient accuracy premires missions d'exploration robotis les... Smallholder schemes, centrally-managed public schemes, and Europeans de surface de Vnus tourne 6,52km/h tandis celui. Uses, see, it has been suggested that this article is 6.3... [ 72 ] allow Moi to remain president for another term revenues, making them highly enterprises. This article is about the Chinese space program in general 8 juin 2004 et 5-6 juin.! Loans, and lovehelped make it one of the best-known African novels sur d'autres corps cratriss, comme la tous! 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