On the eastern side you'll find Sunspear, home to House Martell. This has allowed their civilisation to prosper. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Of course, Westeros is the main stage for A Song of Ice and Fire, but how important is it at a planetary scope? An obvious example of this is Qarth. To the east you can find The Twins and Riverrun. What is wrong with my script? We now have a useful grid that we can overlay on the Known World, but we need one more arbitrary line to put an outer bound on that grid before we can estimate how big the planet is. In Season 1 there was no trace of his Irish accent. Further to this, we don't even know a significant amount about the four continents. So even if the planet that Westeros is on is actually larger than Earth, we still havent seen more than half of it! He said: I will post the dates and times of my signing tour in the "touring" Westeros, while inspired by the british isles, is described to be about the size of south america. The Free Cities are located on its north-western shores, with the Dothraki Sea located deep in the continental interior and the cities of Slaver's Bay on the south coast. Regarding Dayne, I've amended my answer accordingly. No complete map of Essos exists, and the polar regions to the far north of Westeros, way beyond the Wall are still unexplored. What is the shape of the world of Westeros and do the Westerosi know? My understanding is lots of places in Essos employ Unsullied and Astapor is just where they are made. Any Other Info-cool hanging picture Game of thrones picture of map of Westeros and the free cities Game of thrones picture of map of Westeros and the free cities model:YXd6U9775 Size-24x24 2. 2 onwards they lose though. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. Can we consider the Stack Exchange Q & A process to be research? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The first of the Free Cities lies on the southern coast of Essos where the Rhoyne meets the Summer Sea. r/gameofthrones. . By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. 2022 1 oz Majestic Polar Bear Silver Coin | SD Bullion Home 2022 1 oz Majestic Polar Bear Silver Coin Quantity Add to Cart Add on Items SD Bullion 10 x 18 Magnification Coin Loupe $17.99 Silica Gel - Dehumidifying Crystals - 40 Gram Desiccant Packet $6.89 Precious Metals Verifier PRO Set- Sigma Metalytics $1,999.99 Add to Wish List Add to Compare ~* Westeros compared to Earth *~This is just a Fan Video for George R.R. Search. To the east is The Dreadfort, the stronghold of Ramsay Bolton & Co as well as Karhold, home of the Karstarks. In terms of climate, Essos tends to be warmer than northern Westeros, due to its more southerly location. The latest series is far less ambitious in scale, and while it has explored some parts of Westeros that were previously untouched like Driftmark, its intrigue comes from the tense relationships in King's Landing's Targaryen . Weve seen 28.54% of it, which means over half of the planet that George R. R. Martins Song of Ice and Fire takes place on is still unexplored. A semi-canon source from 2005 states that the north has perhaps forty-five thousand soldiers, though gathering them all takes a lot of time, due to the size of the land and the low density of the population. To the south, across the Summer Sea, lies the uncharted continent of Sothoryos. There is a lot of civilization beyond the Narrow Sea and, especially around the Narrow Sea, most of it is very evolved in terms of society and economy. Another fan has roughly done the work for you by estimating the size. Westeros had been without war for over 60 years at this point in the story. How extended winters and summer would affect Ice Ages, coastlines, and climate on Planet Westeros is a fascinating tangent to think about, but not entirely relevant to determining the size of the planet. [NO SPOILERS] means any comments with spoilers need to use spoiler tags to cover the information. If you accept the equator and Arctic Circle where they are, this means that the planet that Westeros is on is smaller than Earth! The North-South distance is 5600km, and the maximum East-West distance is 2250km. Why are there no maps of lands east of Westeros in The Game of Thrones? So this means that any answer can only truly be based on a comparison between Westeros and Essos. Essos is considerably larger than Westeros, though its true extent is unknown as no map of the entire continent currently exists. The Arctic takes up 8% of the Earth, so lets double that for the South Pole and say that Planet Westeros has 84% of mappable and explorable land. . compar. The North had risen in rebellion to avenge Lord Rickard Stark and his heir Brandon and to end Aerys Targaryen's reign but it was never supposed . Book tags are red. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Can an indoor camera be placed in the eave of a house and continue to function? Lords are free to devote resources to keeping roads safe, and clearing bandit raids, allowing smaller villages and farmsteads to enjoy a safer life. In the foreword to Prologue to Foundation Isaac Asimov listed his novels in chronological order of fictional events. That means the Known World map is depicting 24.4% of Planet Westeros. QTY Check/Wire; 1+ $209.99: 2022 1 oz Uranus Curved Proof Silver Coin . Is the portrayal of people of color in Enola Holmes movies historically accurate? How is there ice in King's Landing during the summer? @Moogle: then theres Littlefingers accent. Knowing how big the continent is, it would be helpful to put things in a better perspective. Close by is Clegane's Keep, and you guessed it, home of House Clegane. Tolkien a fan of the original Star Trek series? In terms of society and technology I also wouldn't call Westeros leading. Stack Overflow for Teams is moving to its own domain! We don't have to like the Writer's ideas but I fear his word is the last word on the matter and only one that matters. At least 8000 GoT's version of Spartans can aid in the defense. On a offshoot from the Kingsroad, you'll find Winterfell, home to the Starks and the Warden of the North. Geometry nodes. If I had to guess I'd say that's a little more than the Wildlings and all of Essos put together, but I can't find solid numbers on those. Comments must be approved before appearing. The ancestral stronghold of House Lannister is Casterly Rock. In fact, South America is only 12% of the world's entire land mass, and that means that Westeros is quite small compared to how big the actual world is. Should the notes be *kept* or *replayed* in this score of Moldau? I'll try and find canon examples of mentions of Westeros' significance, but hopefully this will provide you with enough information. To get to The Eyrie and see the moon door you have to pass through the Bloody Gate. But first, some incidental numbers: On Earth, the distance from the Arctic circle to the North Pole is 1600 miles (roughly). Im curious what others might come up with in regards to size and area comparisons. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The main city of the region is Lannisport. On Earth, youd be depicting 25.54% of the planet, but Planet Westeros is smaller, so the Known World map is actually depicting 28.54% of the planet that Westeros is on. On Earth, the distance between the Arctic circle and equator is 4608 miles (give or take). Currently there are 4 known continents of the known world: Westeros, Essos, Sothoryos, and Ulthos. You can see the geographics of the Battle of Blackwater Bay as well as Tarth, Brienne's home island. 549 votes, 316 comments. Was J.R.R. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. If you accept the. People from the north have Northern English accents. former, myself), but Westeros is much much MUCH bigger than Britain. 6 days ago. A note on the calculations: Maps of spheres are tricky beasts, and spheres that get bulgy in the middle and flat on the top, like our awesome planet, are even trickier. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Martin is deliberately vague about such matters. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! How do I get git to use the cli rather than some GUI application when asking for GPG password? To withdraw your consent, see Your Choices. When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at stackoverflowteams.com, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on stackoverflow.com. rev2022.11.14.43031. Formerly known as Slaver's Bay, this was the area where Daenarys liberated the slaves from their masters. However, we also. Rather than many villages and farms surrounding a Lord's castle, as is the case with Westeros, much of the Essos civilisation consists of huge, fruitful cities, with high walls and little outside. How to change color of math output of MaTeX, Showing to police only a copy of a document with a cross on it reading "not associable with any utility or profile of any entity". Yi Ti by itself appears to be filled with cities with enormous populations and commands armies far larger than anything seen in Westeros. Essos, which is east of Westeros, is so much bigger, as it is said to be at least 24,000,000 square miles. If Westeros was united and attempted to invade Essos, there'd probably be a stalemate, and a Hundred Years War-type scenario would develop. Earth is 12,416 miles from pole to pole and its equatorial circumference is 24,901 miles. game-of-thrones-a-viewers-guide-to-the-world-of-westeros-and-beyond-a-guide-to-westeros-and-beyond-the-complete-series 3/9 Downloaded from magazine.compassion.com on November 13, 2022 by Caliva b Murray viewers guide to the world of westeros and beyond a guide to westeros and beyond the complete series by online. Combined North-South Distance of Mapped Westeros: 4,862.8 miles. Our Privacy Notice has been updated to explain how we use cookies, which you accept by continuing to use this website. Yeah, reviewing a book game of thrones a viewers guide to the world of westeros and beyond a guide to westeros and beyond the complete series could amass your close connections listings. Maegi are more than tales and everything that may seem impossible/unrealistic can be done by at least one person from Asshai. As Essos is not united, the internal fighting, and the threat of the fierce Dothraki, has shaped the continent into a very different civilisation to Westeros. Joffrey's ego got hurt especially when his father the King sided with Ned Stark. Lots of places for dragons and other terrors to hide, arent there? Are you ready to hear the hard hitting truth about which character from Netflix's "Tiger King" you're most alike? Post spoiler tags are now only required for [LEAKS] and [BOOK SPOILERS] that pertain to House of the Dragon. Legality of busking a song with copyrighted melody but using different lyrics to deliver a message, English Tanakh with as much commentary as possible, Manga with characters that fight for pearls and must collect 5 to make any wish from the Goddess. Winterfell. 1. Millions of people are drawn into "Game of Thrones" every week. Roughly like South America, with a wall at the northern end and horrible creatures on the other side of it, you said? Judging from the books, I think Essos is actually more powerful and advanced than Westeros. If anything, it has been hinted that Valyria was the supreme nation of the world, and that after its Doom, the rest of the world has been left without a clear leader. Are there any proper industries in Westeros and Essos? But he has given a pointer to roughly estimate the size if you really want to. If Yunkai does not greatly outsize all other Free Cities, Essos probably has a much larger population than Westeros. say. The most known and most powerful city is Meereen in the north, famous for its pyramids and previous base of Miss Targaryen. This allows for speculation that Yunkai alone has a population somewhere between 200K and 1M people. We should remember that civilisation in the known world is currently at a state where there are many parts of the world still uncharted. It's near Russia. Nobody believes there are things like mammoths, giants, skinchangers and such. I'm note sure if his math holds up to much scrutiny (I can't even remember high school math these days), but it's fun to think of the world in these terms, and also to wonder at the vast areas of the planet that haven't yet been revealed. because the news coming from Essos had been anything but good. - QUIZ, ** total_quantity ** | ** unit_price ** / ** unit_measure **. When the series first started, George R. R. Martin had envisioned the lands of Westeros as residing on a super Earth, a terrestrial planet with more mass than the Earth, more gravity, and a larger surface area. Think of say, Brazil, China or India when compared to Japan. Posts outside the content scope are removed. Essos consists of many different peoples. Essos isn't as big as Asia. Another famous spot is Harrenhal, the largest castle in Westeros. On Earth, the distance between the Arctic circle and equator is 4608 miles (give or take). What exists beyond Westeros, North of the Wall and the Free Cities? I keep getting the error that property could not register. Copyright 2012 George R. R. Martin, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), 2022 Macmillan | All stories, art, and posts are the copyright of their respective authors. Brazil*2 = South America = Westeros. Color-brown and yellow 3. In the west is Blackmont, a holdfast and home of House Blackmont. And how far did Daenarys sail her Dothrakis to get to Westeros? I think it is better to compare the length of the regions north of the wall, and south of the wall, to the length Brazil. In very general terms, however King's Landing is more populous than Martin hasnt repeated this statement recently (in fact, I can no longer find the interview online in which he said that) leading one to think he was just thinking out loud and that this is not a hard and fast rule. I'm still having trouble gauging the size of Essos. Everything else is little more than folly, if at all. Martin has compared Westeros to South America and Essos to Eurasia . @M.A.Golding If reality and Logic are the last words, a mythical world with dragons and magic wouldn't exist in the first place :) No, Author's choice is the last word on how he hopes to see his world. Retail Price-$96.00 6. Their beliefs and knowledge seem to have devolved over time. A league is three But its not particularly Irish even now no-one in Ireland sounds like that unless theyre really drunk, and thats obviously pretty rare. coast of a larger landmass. Some readers have likened Westeros to England because they see some Be legal and respectful to others. km. Even the two continents that are known, Westeros and Essos, are not fully charted. Distance from the Wall to the treeline in Thenn: 595.7 miles Content must be relevant. That is the length of the wall. As low as $209.99. Mongolife is a seller of funny and unique apparel, stoner clothing, weed shirts, map posters and accessories since 2015. For the purposes of this speculation, Im assuming that the amount of polar ice in the world is equivalent to the amount present in Earths pre-industrial society, barring any Little Ice Ages. South of Essos is the mysterious continent of Sothoryos, which is full of different mysteries. Show tags are black. My Cart. How can a retail investor check whether a cryptocurrency exchange is safe to use? Its on the planet of Planetos. Different answer using Dsolve or NDSolve to solve a PDE. George R.R. Home of the Greyjoys is the Iron Islands, with Pyke being the name of the main island as well as the Greyjoys castle. More the size (though not the shape, obviously) of South America, I'd say." And though all Seven Kingdoms share a language, the so-called Common Tongue, they're extremely diverse in terms of ancestry, history, culture and religion -- almost as diverse as Europe. I would say that it has never been properly established. New or Preowned-Preowned 4. Also George R.R. Is this an acceptable way to set the rx/tx pins for uart1? The alchemists seem a pathetic guild of engineers. An impressive port city, booming on trade, but surrounded by nothing but wasteland. Stack Exchange network consists of 182 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Compare Products ; Create an Account; 1-800-294-8732 My Account Login. Assuming essos can replicate that Nilfgard should lose, at their peak they invaded with 300,000 soldiers. To the west you'll find Bear Island, home to House Mormont (Lyanna and Ser Jorah) and Deepwood Motte, home to House Glover. Mobile app infrastructure being decommissioned. So, measuring in military size and assuming there aren't any other big inhabited continents we don't know of, Westeros is about half the world. the distance between the Wall and the south coast of Dorne at 3000 miles, A Song of Ice and Fire Is a Horror Story Thats Been Lost in Translation, Entangled Publishing Launches Red Tower Books, Focused on Romantic SFF. Kings Landing has a population of 500k. Since the Arctic is marked for its lack of trees, well put Planet Westeros Arctic Circle at the northern edge of the Haunted Forest beyond the Wall. the only person in the red keep who isn't plotting. I still ended up with some surprising results, though! This is only a comment, but I will say Westeros is very heavily inspired by medieval England so I'd imagine it could be comparable to England vs mainland Europe in the middle ages. In inches, the distance from the wall to the south coast of Dorne is a very convenient 12, making each inch equivalent to 250 miles. For the purposes of the forthcoming measurements, Ive chosen the former site of the city of Valyria as being right on the equator. With the exception of a few raids from the wildlings, a few pirates along the narrow sea, and bandits roaming the kingdom, Westeros has enjoyed relative peace. @PaulD.Waite Although it seems to have become more Irish as the show progresses. I would say that one thing that Westeros has going for it is that it is united. He then started to think of Sansa as the enemy. Essos's greater size gives rise to considerably larger mountain ranges than anything in Westeros, inland seas and, most notably, large plains such as the lands of the Jogos Nhai and the Dothraki Sea, as well as deserts such as the Red Waste. The lands to the north and south of it are clearly equatorial desert, jungle, and savannah, and theres a certain poetry to having Valyriathe former center of civilization in A Song of Ice and Fires developed worldbe literally in the center of the world. $124.99: 2021 A Song of Ice and Fire Currencies of Westeros & Essos Set . There are also the Wildlings north of the wall, which also seems to be a large civilization. How Big Is Westeros? But we've only seen like 25% of the whole world. For calculating the total population of Westeros, we deferred to the . Okay, as promised before, heres how it works out if you put the equator at the bottom of the Known World map but keep the Arctic Circle line where it is. Ethics: What is the principle which advocates for individual behaviour based upon the consequences of group adoption of that same behaviour? Toggle Nav. And I wonder whats on the other side of the world from Westeros? Give or take a few garrisons, all of Westeros has (had) about 300K soldiers. To the north you can find the richest of the Free Cities, Braavos. Join. While we do know that there are a lot of different places in the Ice & Fire world that was created by George RR Martin, . So in terms of population I would reduce my guess, making Westeros about one third of the known world. In the days before the Doom of Valyria, the Valyrian Freehold ruled the world, with dragons and magic, but they never travelled to Westeros, until the Targaryens built Dragonstone. Some interesting points: Skagos is the same size as Ireland, so not the tiny little island readers may be expecting from its size on the map. 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