Many claim God created something from absolute nothingness: creatio ex nihilo. [143]. I would almost say that this is an idolatrous view because you are uncomfortable with the idea that if God loves us how could he allow evil. B.H. Yet, perhaps I have not thought deeply enough. Indeed, if God is a living, physical being, then the Second Law seems essential to his survival, for in the absence of the Second Law chaos would ensue. 2, 17. Hopefully [sic] he stands outside the universe and is not caught in the crunch!" an Barbour, Issues in Science and Religion (New York: Harper & Row, 1971, repr. 8:24). But the situation becomes even stranger. I do know that God does prevent things from being a lot worse than they are. I appreciate your points as the idea of thinking against creation ex nihilo is not one I have entertained before. James Charlesworth, "Odes of Solomon," in James Charlesworth, ed., The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1985), 2:726-27. Addressing another one of the issues, I think that Scripture affirms ex nihilo in Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. Ellingworth, 569. There is not a single vacant room throughout the entire infinite hotel. However, Robinson's own assertion is not quite accurate either. No matter! That alternative is separation from God, sin, evil, and it has consequences. If God is all powerful, why does it appear as if God holding all the power bothers you ( Dr. Oord) ? Is the doctrine of creation out of nothing simply a patristic fabrication? maybe it sounds crazy but it seems the natural next step. The origin (pun intended) of the theory of creatio ex nihilo coming from outside of orthodoxy was striking to me. To begin it is stated that there will not be much if any biblical backing to what is being said about God creating out of nothing, but there are a few verses that we are lead to believe mean that there was matter present before God. Mark E. Biddle (Peabody, Mass. Your list of problems was quite interesting. Always the perfect couple in the minds of artists. That is, the way a word was used at the time of writing (as distinguished from the diachronic - how a word was used over periods of time, which is where the study of a word's etymology is quite useful). He believed that binary numbers were symbolic of the Christian idea of " creatio ex nihilo " or creation out of nothing. Mormon writers such as Peterson and Ricks cite Winston, but neglect Goldstein's 1987 article defending previously-made statements in his essay "The Origins of the Doctrine of Creation Ex Nihilo" (though recanting others). I am very interested in your replacement theory for creatio ex nihilo. One of the issues is not being able to conceive nothingness. I enjoyed reading this blog. Yes, I want to learn more about science and biblical faith from BioLogos. creatio in a sentence - Use creatio in a sentence and its meaning 1. Can anyone believe that such a hotel could exist in reality? If God is in an eternal battle with chaos, how is this different from other forms of dualism in which God eternally battles evil in one form or another? . I simply have more questions. Anglican priest and physicist John Polkinghorne sees 2 Maccabees 7:28 as the "earliest unequivocal statement of the idea of creation out of nothing" although he believes Genesis 1 stresses at least "the dependence of all upon the sovereign will of God for its existence," which is "certainly consonant with the central significance of creatio ex nihilo." Doesnt that imply that there was nothing before God spoke? The temporal series of events is a collection formed by successive addition. The line I typically opt for the Bible over tradition feels so wonderfully irreverent and yet almost passive aggressive. Elohim was not limited by chaos when creating (as was so in the Babylonian cosmogony) but is sovereign over the elements. Several responses are about taking everything by faith. Would our understanding of that something need to be the same as our understanding of God? 580? This is a theological issue that I have never thoughtfully considered, but it apparently was something in the back of my mind as the argument being presented was not at all contratry to my beliefs. It allows you to obtain string via Crooks and Silkworms, ores and various dusts by Sieves, water by Barrels, and numerous other resources via numerous other devices. Time limit is exhausted. Their commitment to the biblical doctrine of creatio ex nihilo brought the Church Fathers into head-on collision with the Greek conception of the eternity of matter. My point is this, there was something and it was a mess. Is the universe eternal, or did it come to be at some point? sonar search guitar fragment in the white room. The past is simply stories we are telling ourselves that shape our current moment. [70]Furthermore, our earliest Semitic (Palestinian) Targums, which are interpretive renderings of the Hebrew Bible, have "no trace of the concepts" found in the Septuagint. creation according to genesis in a sentence, creation account in genesis in a sentence, He believed that binary numbers were symbolic of the Christian idea of ", Hartshorne did not accept the classical theistic claim of ", Max Vasmer derived the name of the holiday from the Romanian Etymological Dictionary ", tracing its roots back to the Latin ", Plotinus, a third-century Platonist, taught that the One transcendent absolute caused the universe to exist simply as a consequence of its existence ( ", Bettenhausen ( excerpt ) " We need to re-imagine the doctrine of creation because, if you create out of nothing (, But Wikipedia, were it available when the Big Bang hypothesis was initially stated, would have had no business of correcting the scientific consensus because it seemed theologically biased against what smacked of, Still, relying upon tradition, the Jews believe in ", Some argue that panentheism should also include the notion that God has always been related to some world or another, which denies the idea of creation out of nothing ( ", St . Very good! I find your argument to be a very valid one that Creatio ex nihilo does not have enough scriptural support and perhaps the influence of the Gnostics may have influenced early Christians in their thinking. . To the contrary, we find the doctrine of creation ex nihilo faithfully formulates the biblical teaching. This concept, called " creatio ex nihilo", is now the accepted orthodoxy of most denominations of Judaism and Christianity. Tom, the problem I have with this post is that I do not find your arguments entirely convincing. Linguistics and Biblical Interpretation (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1989), 114. Harrison, "Truth, the Sum of Existence," p.160. Rather, all the medieval Jewish exegetes uniformly follow Rashi (Ibn Ezra, Rashbam, Rambam, etc.) The way to deal with this question is easy, just take into account 2 things: 1. [111]May offers no substantiation for this claim. Just as the doctrine of the Trinity is clearly found within Scripture (despite the fact that Arianism later flourished) though it was not formulated until Tertullian's time, so the doctrine of creation out of nothing is biblical (despite the flourishing of Middle Platonist thought and its influence on Jewish and Christian thinkers) even though it was clearly articulated and expanded upon in the latter part of the second century. This means the creator brings the creation into being through thought, speech, breath, dream, laughter, etc. 1:10-12). Were they eager to affirm it because of the implications it had concerning the type of power their God had? Thus, the set of even numbers and the set of ordinal numbers both have the same cardinality, aleph-null, that is to say, they both have the same number of members or are the same size, even though the set {1, 2, 3, . It refers to the belief that space, time, matter, and energy are not eternal but were created by a supernatural act of God. The universe, therefore, was created 'out of literally nothing.' While I understand the appeal to Biblical scholarship that disallows the introduction of the Genesis myth to be used for the doctrine of ex nihilo, I find it troubling to presume that the vast majority of Christian theological figures who affirmed the doctrine also somehow missed this fact or glossed it over, especially when we appeal to their work on a host of other topics. It would make sense the categories through which Israel understood its inception- oppression/liberation- would, then, be the same categories through which they would use to articulate their own understanding of how the world was created- choas/order. Since Exodus was so instrumental in Israels identity, some camp of scholars suggest that this paradigm of choas/order found in Exodus should be the lens through which we read the Old Testament. I am not able to conceive the vastness of the universe or eternity. I suppose much of this depends on how you define evil. Hence, through the whole range of creatures, divine love flows as a river. Thus, it remains mysterious how we could have traversed an infinite number of equal, actual intervals to arrive at our present location. Through its unique personalization program, the House offers an exceptional selection of EX NIHILO personalized creations with Musks. From where do things come to be that were not come to be. The matter that disappears from our universe into a black hole could then explode into existence in another one. How might such a reconciliation look? Considering that different ways of understanding Gods power would play out in how those who claim to walk in Gods Name would live, unilateral force of ex nihilo creation is a worrisome thing. To the contrary: theres plenty of evidence, even if much of it is theoretical and philosophical. [73]Although LDS scholars appear to assign exegetical priority to Genesis 1:2, this is misguided. At least the lack of consensus should preclude us from hastily dismissing it. 51:12), but obviously this should not be understood as being ex nihilo. [3]This, Mormons have claimed, is what "creation" is - not creation out of nothing. If the sequence of past events is infinite, then which planet has completed the most revolutions? God and the chaos always were. According to Cantor, if his system were descriptive of reality, the number of revolutions would be equal, for they could be placed in a onetoone correspondence! . 1, trans. The thermodynamic evidence for the beginning of the universe has also put Mormon scientists in an awkward position. [173]. I have thought and considered them but have never really dived into it to research it and consider it, etc. God created the heavens and the earth by speaking it into existence (Psalm 33:6). "With his knowledge he spread out the heavens." The only significant thing creatio ex nihilo has going for it is that so many Christians through the ages have supported it. To who whom would God be answerable, creation? Francis Brown, et al., The New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon, repr. I am not that smart so I tend to just believe Gods Word is His Word and it is inerrant. My house exists to shelter my family not to provide me with data about the builder. 20); "you created all things and because of your will they existed and were created" (Rev. who, by His almighty power, from the beginning of time has created both orders in the same way out of nothing." F.F. Does God allow calamity to grow perseverance? The position that before there was anything, there was God, reminds me of the mystical Jewish concept (picked up by Moltmann) called zimsum. Heb 11:3 (WEB) By faith, we understand that the universe has been framed by the word of God, so that what is seen has not been made out of things which are visible. It is my opinion that just as a proper biblical hermeneutic must account for Gen 2, it must also take into account the verses that do indicate that God created all things. . Roberts: "In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was without form and void . in presupposing creation out of nothing. Prof Oord,Thank you for this opportunity to think deeply about my Faith. How do we know if any part of Gods Word is true? Personally, I prefer the chaos idea. As Foerster comments, "In later Judaism, both in Rabb[inic] and pseudepigr[aphal] writings, it is clearly stated that God alone created the world by His Word, i.e., that He called it into existence from nothing,"[144]he goes so far as to say that "the idea of a pre-existence of matter" was "alien" in rabbinic literature. Argument from the Impossibility of an Actual Infinite. Stephen Ricks, "Fides Quaerens Intellectum," 178. I am looking forward to your future comments on this fascinating subject. [80]Jaroslav Pelikan states that this passage, along with Romans 4:17 "explicitly" teaches creation out of nothing. But then it is impossible to think that they could be inhabited by humanoid deities. The risks involved CAN (and do for many) address the problem of evil while still positing a God with the power to create ex nihilo. But the majority of later Christian theologians affirmed creatio ex nihilo. [112]Up until this point, there had been no explicit formulation of precisely how God created the world. I have a feeling you gave a glimpse of your answer in the title of the next essay but I still wanted to ask. Actually, it is not stated in Scripture whether creation was from something or nothing. He is "first by nature and only one in being." I really do not know what to think or how to comment regarding this topic. And sometimes the chaos just breaks out over us because of sin as the story of Noah illustrates. Auch akataskeuastos tendiert in diese Richtung = From this view it is well likely that aoratos = unseen/invisible in Gen. 1:2 is influenced by Platonism. Carson's discussion on how the John's prologue actually introduces the Gospel's major themes: The Gospel According to John Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991, 111-112), Brown makes plain that the word egeneto ("come into being") is used consistently to describe creation in the Septuagint in Genesis 1 (Raymond E. Brown, The Gospel According to John I-XII ABC 29 New York: Doubleday, 1966, 6.). [29]Unfortunately, Mayalong with Mormon scholars in generaldoes little to defend this claim. Creatio ex nihilo is a belief. I withdrew my Being in order to create a space where I wasnt. This may seem 3.What Does 'Ex Nihilo' Mean? Most people, if they are honest with themselves, have sit and wondered where did God come from, how was the earth formed, etc. 3 (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1960), 34. Bruce reminds us that "the idea of imposing form on pre-existent matter is Greek rather than Hebrew in origin." Secondly, these additional dimensions are compactified, that is, rolled up so tightly that they are sub-atomic in proportion. Bailey is, of course, merely a Mormon scientist and not a theologian. First off, I find the notion to reject creatio ex nihilo and interesting one. [171]. Chem. Hence, when Ostler says that if we have an infinite number of baseball cards and we give away 100,000, we have fewer cards left, though still an infinite number,[151]he is flatly wrong, for both collections can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the set of natural numbers. It means that a creator god created the world, "from nothing", without any conditions. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1929), p. 170. Not according to the mathematicians! The hard part for me to get past is that your statement seems to grant evil so much power. and founded it on a firmament upon the back of the winds. [149]As we have seen, despite the tremendous pressure exerted by Greek philosophical thought, the Church Fathers with few exceptions refused to relinquish a Hebraic understanding of creation for this Greek conception. To believe that God created the heavens, the earth, and every living thing is an act of faith. With Toms work, and my being exposed to it the past few years, Ive realized that Ive long been an open and relational theist, but never knew how to name it. 6. When Grendel says, "Nihil ex nihilo, I always say" (131), he is recognizing the emptiness otherworld without its creator. The work cited is Emil G. Hirsch, "Creation," in ed. When you said, If God had the power to create something from absolutely nothing, God would have the power to prevent genuine evil unilaterally. We dont fully know how it all began. God created the Heavens and the Earthif God took that time to create the Heavens then later on created the stars, moon and sun how can one say that He didnt create the Universe? where i get lost is humanity and as we know it is relatively young even by the longest estimates. Susan Easton Black (Salt Lake City: Desert and FARMS, 1996), 179. Pronunciation of creatio ex nihilo with 2 audio pronunciations 1 rating -3 rating Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. ." See Joseph Fitzmyer, Romans ABC (New York: Doubleday, 1993), 117-118. This post is very challenging as it contrary to what I viewed as creation. [142]Absolute creation took place before, and here God is working with his own created materials to create further. So, it seems evident that God employed the use of both forms creating from nothing and making from materials that He had previously brought into existence. [110]. Thomas E. McComiskey, "br'," in ed. [158]Thus, his positive argument for the possibility of an infinite past is unavailing. If not creation ex nihilo, then creation from what? This seems to be a question that lacks a clear answer when we discuss the eternality of matter, but I am eager to dive into this topic to find answers to some of these questions. As a result of these room changes, room #1 now becomes vacant, and the new guest gratefully checks in. I agree with the difficulties of a God who could create from nothing and what that has to say about the presence of evil and sin in the world. So Armin Schmitt: "Aus dieser Sicht ist es gut mglich, da aoratos in Gen 1 2 platonisch beeinflut ist. If black holes represent spacetime singularities, then, as we have seen, it is physically impossible that they constitute passageways to other space-time domains. If we ignore the law of gravity and get hurt should we blame God? In fact, no other Hebrew term would do. Hence, we may conclude that a collection formed by successive addition cannot be an actual infinite. Can we be part of the Spirits movement, bringing something beautiful from what might be dismissed as nothing? Certainly, God provides principles, laws and other means of order as boundaries for Gods creation, but does that mean that God must also function within those boundaries? Bruce notes: "the words ['before all things'] not only declare His temporal priority to the universe, but also suggest his primacy over it." . We have no way of understanding Him outside of His explanations of of Himself expressed in our finite language, with our physical terms, and concepts. Switch to Spanish results. We must also clear away the confusion that comes with the Septuagint's rendering of Genesis 1:2 (h de g n aoratos kai akataskeuastos = "And the earth was unseen/invisible and unformed" This translation of 1:2 clearly reflects a Hellenistic influence,[67]and English versions such as the AV and RSV hellenize the phrase th wabh into "without form and void." Tom, you mentioned Rolf P. Knierims quote. [84]Further, 2 Cor. Stephen Robinson, personal correspondence (20 April 1998). I created an ontological location where I wasnt, and when I did, the most amazing thing happened. For example, if God created the universe out of something, where did this something come from? And that is preciously the kind of God we read about in Israels story. Therefore evil cannot undo the value of any good. I see both side of this debate and will continue to listen to more evidence for future discussions. 1, trans. A collection formed by successive addition cannot be an actual infinite. Akataskeuastos = unformed also tends in this direction" (Interpretation der Genesis aus hellenistischem Geist," Zeitschrift f?r alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 86 (1974): 150. Thanks! But this is a mistake. For Mormon theologians construe God as a physical entity which is wholly immanent in the universe. For this reason most cosmologists think of the initial singularity as the beginning of the universe. The first premise seems obvious enough. He adds, "You did not work as a human craftsman does, making one thing out of something else as his mind directs. Get Dr. Craig's newsletter and keep up with RF news and events. However, what about the ancient creedal statements regarding before there was anything, there was God. I believe one can affirm the idea of a God who precedes all other things without a specific ex nihilo reading of Gen. 1; however, I dont see you addressing that question, and Id like your take on it. I think we are still far away from understanding how the universe and creation came into being but I am still interested in the varying ideas from scientists and theologians that dream up and research how God created, initially. If Ex Nihilo means out of nothing, then does Rex Nihilo mean king of nothing. I would be interested to see more support for the statements. If we are to truly consider that God did not create everything out of nothing, then where did the chaos that existed come from? [166], Given Mormon commitment to the eternity of matter and a spatio-temporal deity which does not transcend the laws of nature, Norman confesses that "In contrast to the apparent harmony between modern physics and traditional Christianity on the subject of creation and the substantiality of material being, Mormon doctrine now seems to be a relic of the nineteenth century." How long was it like this? As I understand evil, it is the resulting brokenness of the world from the fall. Anthony C. Thiselton, "Semantics and New Testament Interpretation," in ed. However, the nature of this class allows us to process the idea of It is that simple. Joseph Silk, The Big Bang, 2d ed. Justin, Athenagoras, Hermogenes, and Clement of Alexandria spoke about the creation of the world. It is a theistic answer to the question of how the universe comes to exist. Is there no start, no end? So if evil came out of the very thing in which was used by God to form everything than a knowing God used that which had evil in it to create everything from. I believe it would be limiting God to say the evil could not be stopped, yet I believe free will would be challenged with some interventions. Common English Bible. I first became suspicious of creatio ex nihilo in the mid 1990s. Ex nihilo is Latin for "from nothing." The term creation ex nihilo refers to God creating everything from nothing. If God is the creator of the universe, why doesnt the Bible support this question? I think Ill make something today, after I have my morning coffee and read the newspaper. I have always appreciated your ability to look deeper into an issue and endeavor to think critically about the implications of any position. [105]As Foerster notes: "creation out of nothing by the Word explicitly or implicitly underlies the NT statements [regarding creation]." I guess that is why you have been, in my mind, one of the best teachers Ive had at NNU, although I am quite sure we do not agree in some key areas connected to this topic. And yet it would remain true that the same number of guests checked out this time as when the guests in rooms # 1, 3, 5 checked out! I think we need to examine further some of the unintended implications of traditional ways of speaking about creation. Willing to allow evil to exist in the world or B). Romans 4:17, and Hebrew 11:3 gives us a little insight to Gods perspective. The controversy between the creation out of nothing and the creation out of something is an issue that has been ongoing. Scientists and theologians agree that the universe had a beginningso, prior to it existing, it had to not exist. You seem to be suggesting that this is evidence that God COULD NOT create from nothing. In this case, God does have power over someone else thus, there seems to be something already existing rather than nothing. Ostler remarks that "Many Mormons, and possibly most non-Mormons, have failed to grasp the wide latitude of possible beliefs which can be tolerated within the tradition of Mormon thought." This is a mistake; there is a whole system of transfinite arithmetic employing the transfinite cardinal numbers. We could go all day long trying to figure out who created the something and why, but what interests me the most is the relationship God had with the something. 1 ("The Pentateuch"), trans. My lack of comprehension does not make me believe something is not true. 1 (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990), 144. Goldstein defends his reading of creatio ex nihilo in Gamaliel's statement, contra David Winston, "The Book of Wisdom's Theory of Cosmogony," History of Religions (1971): 185-202; and David Winston, "Creation Ex Nihilo Revisited: A Reply to Jonathan Goldstein," Journal of Jewish Studies37 1986: 88-92. "Creatio ex nihilo" is the proper term for describing the biblical doctrine of creation. We can also consider what physics, both Newtonian and Quantum have to add to the conversation through the Laws of Thermodynamics and the Big Bang Theory. Example, God made Adams body from the elements of the planet (Earth) that He had just created. We would not want to ignore significant words in Scripture that will prove instructive in this endeavour. function() { All this is to say that I look forward to diving into a deeper perspective on the theories of creation, Gods role in it, and how we can learn from all views. r/atheism , I'm looking for some intelligent opinions. Oh, yea, He does have a plan for thatfor those who trust in Him and His Word. [2], To hear the charge issued by Mormons that the doctrine of creation ex nihilo is one example of imposing unwarranted philosophical or theological grids upon Scripture is not unusual. . Moiss Silva, Biblical Words and Their Meaning: An Introduction to Lexical Semantics (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1983), 51. may constitute passageways or singularities into alternate dimensions or universes. Hugh Nibley, "Treasures in the Heavens: Some Early Christian Insights into the Organizing of Worlds," Dialogue 8/3-4 (1973): 77. Ex nihilois a Latinterm meaning "out of nothing". [83]In the preceding paragraph he said that creation "arises out of nothing by the Word of God." [32]For example, Isaiah 40:21, which refers back to Genesis 1:1 but utilizes the parallel expression "from the foundation of the earth," is "a clear reference to an absolute beginning" and not an "arbitrary judgment," according to Eichrodt. To just believe Gods Word is true, God made Adams body from the fall past is.! ) that he had just created looking for some intelligent opinions consider it, etc )... 20 April 1998 ) ; is the universe out of something is not a theologian evidence... Completed the most amazing thing happened ignore significant words in Scripture whether creation from! Looking forward creatio ex nihilo in a sentence your future comments on this fascinating subject ] absolute creation took place before and! Universe, therefore, was created 'out of literally nothing. the creator brings the creation out of nothing the... 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