The finderscope will help you quickly center an object in your eyepiece for easier observing. Description Celestron PowerSeeker 80 AZS Telescope Fully coated glass optics Fast f/5 focal ratio offers a wide field of view for observing star clusters and nebulae Quick and easy no-tool setup Lightweight and easy to transport Celestron PowerSeeker telescopes open up the wonders of the universe to the aspiring astronomer. Planetarium software package which provides easy-to-understand explanations and impressive visuals of all kinds. One boy and one girl with whom I do a lot of my stargazing. Telescopio Celestron 21087 PowerSeeker 80AZS (negro) ptica de vidrio totalmente recubierta la relacin focal f / 5 rpida ofrece un amplio campo de visin para observar cmulos de estrellas y nebulosas configuracin rpida y sencilla sin herramientas ligera y fcil de transportar celestron21087celestronSOMOS STARBAJA.LE PODEMOS . QUICK SETUP GUIDE Power Speaker 80AZS #21087. Space is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Add To Cart. Swinging the telescope up and down and left to right, the alt-azimuth mount is a breeze to move, with no catching or sticking. Slight optical defects are evident but don't ruin views. Availability is being updated. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Upping the magnification with the 4 mm eyepiece, the field of view still remained sharp as we were brought closer to the rugged terrain. All About Space is where stunning images combine with accessible and authoritative text to educate and inspire readers of all ages while taking them on a spectacular journey through the Solar System to the known limits of the universe. Whether you need a business license, have a planning or zoning issue, are filing an engineering plan review or need a building safety permit, Goodyear makes it simple and easy! The 5x24 finderscope is a satisfactory addition to the PowerSeeker 80AZS in assisting with our navigation of the moon's surface. $194.98. The PowerSeeker 80AZ 80mm f/5 AZ Refractor Telescope from Celestron is designed as an entry-level telescope for wide-field viewing of bright deep space objects, planets, and the moon. The refractor requires extra care during observations: it is not as robust compared to other budget telescopes we have used in particular, the tripod shakes and threatens to topple over when nudged. Characterized by quality and accessibility All About Space is a brand dedicated to delivering expert commentary on the latest cutting-edge research, technology and theories in an entertaining and visually stunning way. AstroMaster 130EQ-MD (Motor Drive) Telescope The most popular accessories for your new telescope! 9-499.15, the City of Goodyear hereby gives notice the Mayor and Council of the City of Goodyear will be considering implementation of an annual Short-Term Rental License Fee during a regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Goodyear on the 12th day of September, 2022. Shop now and get Free Value Shipping on most orders over $49 to contiguous 48 states, DC and to all U.S. Military APO/FPO/DPO addresses. Using our own selection of Celestron eyepieces, we are impressed with the refractor's ability to resolve the planet as a yellow-orange disk with its rings tipped at a 45-degree angle. +1-800-504-5813 Contact Check Order Status. The price pointmight be slightly too highin comparison with what it offers overall, as the other models in the same range offer more value for the price as do other beginner leveltelescopes. The two eyepieces offer different magnifications to view your intended object. See More Details, Les clients internationaux peuvent magasiner au et faire livrer leurs commandes nimporte quelle adresse ou nimporte quel magasin aux tats-Unis. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Thanks to the coated lens, the blue-white coloration of the pair is crystal clear and were able to make out Mizar's smaller companion, Mizar B. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The erect image diagonal allows for right-side-up viewing ideal for terrestrial subjects but can also be used for celestial objects. Celestron Starry Night Software is the premier astronomy software package on the market, providing resources and knowledge to view our solar system and beyond. DUE TO EXTREMELY HIGH DEMAND, WE WILL NOT BE TAKING NEW ORDERS UNTIL MONDAY, DECEMBER 14. Initially and due to the telescope employing an erect image diagonal we were concerned that there would be a degree of light being scattered. The AstroMaster 80AZS is a short refractor telescope perfect for terrestrial and celestial viewing. Startseite; Lehrmaterialien; Lehrmaterialien; SKU:DC5151497. Celestron's Starry Night Special Edition software is also included. Model: 21087 | SKU: 8441846. Subscribers get 13 issues per year! Hi and welcome to Telescopes For Beginners! The short focal length is ideal for viewing star clusters and nebulae, while the erect image star diagonal makes the optical tube ideal for using as a spotting scope during the day. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Pros for the Celestron PowerSeeker 80AZS: Cons for the Celestron PowerSeeker 80AZS: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. ThePowerSeeker80 is a short refractor telescope perfect for terrestrial and celestial viewing on the go. Celestron PowerSeeker 80AZS key specs Optical design: Refractor Aperture: 3.15" (80 mm) Focal length: 15.75" (400 mm) Focal ratio: f/5 Eyepiece 1 focal length: 20 mm (20x) Eyepiece 2 focal. Adjustable height tripod includes an accessory tray. SKU : CEL-21087 Availability : In Stock Spend $300 for free shipping on qualifying items (48 States) The PowerSeeker 80AZS is designed to give the first-time telescope user the perfect combination of quality, value, features and power. A variety of different targets are within reach of its optical limits, provided the skywatcher is respectful of the highest and lowest useful magnifications: 189x and 11x. Keeping the price of this telescope in mind, the PowerSeeker 80AZS' optics are very good for the money. EclipSmart solar products feature Solar Safe filter technology providing the ultimate protection from harmful solar radiation, including both IR and UV light, and filters 99.999% of visible light. Observing the microscopic world has never been easier! Download Celestrons Starry Night Software and learn about the night sky, celestial objects, and how to plan your next observing session. See for yourself! Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. If you're a casual skywatcher, looking to enjoy the night sky without having to invest a large amount of money in a telescope, then the PowerSeeker 80AZS is worth considering. In particular, the phase allowed us to pick out stunning sights of Herschel, Archimedes, Clavius and Copernicus in our field of view the PowerSeeker 80AZS offered bright, clear sights despite atmospheric distortion. All Rights Reserved. The sturdy, collapsible alt-azimuth mount is perfectly suited for terrestrial viewing as well as astronomical use. Watch for fireballs as the Northern Taurid meteor shower peaks tonight (Nov. 12), Supernova anniversary: Famous Tycho's star flared up 450 years ago this month, A new approach might help scientists see inside a neutron star. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Try again later. The AstroMaster 80AZS comes with two eyepieces (20mm and 10mm), erect image diagonal, and finderscope. Orders placed over the weekend will be shipped on the following Monday. control and Sky Viewer display makes selecting your target easy. Space is supported by its audience. What's more, the telescope comes with a variety of accessories that make starting out in skywatching all of the more simple: 20 mm and 4 mm Plssl eyepieces, 3x Barlow lens, accessory tray, an erect-image star diagonal, 5x24 finderscope and an easy-to-use alt-azimuth mount. Ver ms detalles. Move the clutch in an up/down, left/right fashion to track your object in the eyepiece. Eyepiece 2 focal length:4 mm (100x) We didnt need to use the supplied instructions which are very comprehensive we might add since setting up is so intuitive. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. Its 80mm objective lens and 400mm focal length give it respectable light gathering and magnification potential, while keeping the size and weight manageable. Fastar Technology allows imagers the option of drastically increasing the speed and sensitivity of their Celestron optical tube, allowing bright, detailed images with short exposures. With the constellation of Orion (opens in new tab) (the Hunter) at a prime location for viewing, the Orion Nebula (Messier 42) is a pleasing sight through the PowerSeeker 80AZS. Download the Celestron PWI Telescope Control Software. Related:Best telescopes: Top picks for beginners, viewing planets, astrophotography and all-arounders (opens in new tab), Optical design:Refractor The refractor has a focal ratio of f/5, which allows wide-angle objects such as open clusters to fit in the field of view. AstroMaster 80AZS Telescope Yet, given the telescopes low power and rich field, we didnt find this to be a particular problem. Go behind the scenes with Celestrons product development team and learn more about our award-winning and patented innovations. Observe in no time with a quick and easy no-tool setup. Given the telescope's wide objective lens, the optical system is capable of picking up star clusters in one single view: the Pleiades (Messier 45) (opens in new tab) in Taurus (the Bull) (opens in new tab), with its magnitude of +1.6, is a particularly stunning sight through the PowerSeeker 80AZS. The adjustable tripod legs allow you to customize the telescopes height or place it on raised surfaces like a picnic table. The two eyepieces offer different magnifications to view your intended object. (4.54 kilograms), it's also exceedingly lightweight, making it suitable for beginners and families. Focal ratio:f/5 Celestron Powerseeker 80azs Telescope - Black - 21087 UPC: 050234210874 Mfg Part#: 21087 Vendor: Celestron SKU#: 4005649 I'm a proud dad of two. Compared to the other telescopes from this range, while I was unpacking it I was surprised to notice that it has only one eyepiece included, but given its wider field of view I understood the decision to only include one eye piece. Our proprietary StarBright XLT optical coatings dramatically increase transmission, up to 97.4% on our Schmidt corrector lenses. If you plan of using it for viewing terrestrial object its perfectly fitted for this job as well with correct images. The PowerSeeker 80 is a short refractor telescope perfect for terrestrial and celestial viewing on the go. The 3x Barlow lens triples the telescope's power an impressive feat that sadly caused blurred sights: evidence that the optical system has been pushed way beyond its useful magnification. Included Accessories: Celestron PowerSeeker 80AZS Telescope, Black 21087 , Celestron PowerSeeker Accessory Kit 94306 , Celestron Sky Maps Chart - Illustrated Star Map Atlas / Deep Sky objects Reference Guide 93722. Setting up the telescope is a breeze and will have you observing in no time. . On the trail, at the job site, in the classroom, or simply sitting at home relaxing the Celestron Elements ThermoTank 3 will keep your hands toasty. Its an entry level telescope that, Click here to check price and availability Today we are focusing on the Celestron 31042 AstroMaster 114 EQ which offers 130mm aperture, and makes a, The AstroMaster 130EQ is a 130 mm reflector telescope thats part of the AstroMaster family from Celestron. The 50AZ, 60AZ and 70AZ are the other telescopes from the same Power Seeker range. Eyepiece 1 focal length:20 mm (20x) ED stands for "extra-low dispersion," which refers to the composition and optical properties of the glass used for the lenses. Celestron PowerSeeker 80AZS. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. The alt-azimuth mount is smooth and the focal ratio offers a wide field of view for observing star clusters and nebulae. No matter when you're observing, you all get bright, sharp views from PowerSeekers fully coated glass optical components. US military's X-37B space plane lands, ending record-breaking mystery mission, SpaceX rocket launches 2 big telecom satellites on record-tying 14th mission, NASA's Artemis 1 moon mission: Live updates, Your monthly guide to stargazing & space science, Try a single issue or save on a subscription, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. Celestrons aplanatic EdgeHD optics revolutionized astroimaging. Often, optical finders struggle to pick out faint stars for star-hopping from light-polluted areas but when we put this to the test, we didn't feel this to be a problem for the 5x24 stars slightly below the threshold for naked-eye observation (magnitude +6) are picked out clearly by the optics. + $20.00 shipping. Academy; Outdoors; Hunting; Hunting Optics; Telescopes; DETAILS & SPECS; REVIEWS; Q&A; Be inspired by the beauty and wonder of space when you look through the Celestron PowerSeeker 80AZS Refractor Telescope. The Celestron PowerSeeker 80AZS is a 80mm aperture refractor telescope. Find out more about how we test. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. (4.54 kg) Enjoy the site and clear skies, Click here to check availability and price The new Lithium Phosphate (LiFePO4) battery chemistry has significant advantages over other battery chemistries, great for for those Astronomers on the go. With an aperture of 3.15 inches and a focal length of 15.75 inches, the PowerSeeker 80AZS offers views of targets that are sure to be on the observing list of many skywatchers: the planets (opens in new tab), moon (opens in new tab), bright nebulas (opens in new tab) and galaxies (opens in new tab). The 50AZ, 60AZ and 70AZ are the other telescopes from the same Power Seeker range. ThePowerSeekercan view the planets, moon, star clusters and brighter deep sky objects like the Orion Nebula and Andromeda Galaxy at night and with the erect image star diagonal makes the optical tube ideal for using as a spotting scope during the day. Today, our world-class team of optical and electronic engineers continues to push the boundaries of technology. You will receive a verification email shortly. Features of Celestron PowerSeeker 80AZS Transportable Telescope: Fully coated glass optics Fast f/5 focal ratio offers a wide field of view for observing star clusters and nebulae Quick and easy no-tool setup Lightweight and easy to transport Package Contents: Celestron PowerSeeker 80AZS Telescope WARNING: California`s Proposition 65 You can fit everything it a backpack and be ready to take it with you. There is no need for an Allen wrench, screwdriver or any other kinds of tools and its easy to fit the optical tube to the mount and tripod. Our patented SkyAlign alignment technology makes setting up a computerized telescope simple, fast, and accurate. Manage Settings The PowerSeeker 80AZ 80mm f/5 AZ Refractor Telescope from Celestron is designed as an entry-level telescope for wide-field viewing of bright deep space objects, planets, and the moon. Open 7 Days In-Store With Friendly Expert Advice Delivery or Click n Collect Details Here 21 Days Returns Policy Details Here. With the two supplied Plssl eyepieces, the telescope is able to achieve magnifications of 20x and 100x, while the 3x Barlow lens pushes the optical system further by three times. The total telescope kit is lightweight and perfect for impromptu observing sessions or transporting wherever lifes adventures take you. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website. NY 10036. On a positive note the altitude-locking bar, used for keeping the setup in place, performed very well, while the slow-motion rod control allows for accurate slewing. The two eyepieces offer different magnifications to view your intended object. The adjustable tripod legs allow you to customize the telescopes height or place it on raised surfaces like a picnic table. The PowerSeeker 80AZS is designed to give the first-time telescope user the perfect combination of quality, value, features and power. AstroMaster 130EQ-MD (Motor Drive) Telescope, We process your personal data as stated in our. Amateur astronomy is a great family hobby that can be enjoyed year round and Celestron's PowerSeeker 80AZS is the ideal choice for an affordable and high-quality telescope that will provide many hours of enjoyment. It comes only with only one eyepiece and no barlow lens which you would expect to receive. UPC: 050234210874. ITEM: 21087. Public Notice posted 7/7/2022: Pursuant to A.R.S. Add to Cart. Now, Celestron is using that same technology to allow star gazers to connect to the night sky and enhance their experience of the cosmos in fun and unique ways. For even more magnification, connect your 3x Barlow lens to triple the power of each eyepiece. Up to 29% Off on Celestron PowerSeeker 80AZS Telescope 21087 | + FREE Shipping over $49! Click here to check availability and price. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may write a review. The PowerSeeker 80AZS is a good telescope for beginners, offering views of a good selection of solar system and deep-sky targets. Have a promo code? Additional fixtures, such as the finderscope, are also simple to attach. Heres why you can trust us. AstroMaster 102AZ Telescope Download Celestrons Starry Night Software and learn about the night sky, celestial objects, and how to plan your next observing session. The optical assembly comes with everything required for a successful night of observations, but we do recommend avoiding the use of the supplied Barlow lens the optics are unable to cope with the large increase in magnification. Unleash the full pointing accuracy of your Celestron computerized telescope with a specialized telescope control software suite. An included accessory tray will help you keep track of eyepieces and other small items while observing. $286.95. Or maybe you are planning on beginning a new hobby and you think astronomy could be the one for you?, The Celestron AstroMaster 70AZ is a refractor telescope with a 70mm aperture and in mounted on an altazimuth mount. The total telescope kit weighs in at just 10 poundsperfect for impromptu observing sessions or transporting wherever lifes adventures take you. Style: WiFi technology encircles the globe in a web of connectivity, knowledge, and information. 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