[79] The TPLF had previously stated that the return of the Western Zone to Tigrayan control was a "non-negotiable" prerequisite to peace. Implementation of the peace agreement signed today is critical for its success. Article 5 Languages 1. All Ethiopian languages shall enjoy equal state recognition. This was done as a way to keep it in line with the peace agreement's rules against hate speech and propaganda, as "false information and hateful speech are counterproductive to the ideas of peace. 28 Wolde A critical assessment, above at note 21 at 14147. Ethiopia also agreed to institute a transitional justice policy that will aim to be accountable and truthful, and give justice to victims. He was last seen in public on June 19 at the G20 Summit in Mexico. His responses to press questions were repetitive and robotic. All of the available evidence points to one, and only one, conclusion: Zenawi is not in a position to discharge his powers and duties under Article 74 and has left his office without constitutional leave of absence. 74(1)) or a functioning constitutional executive branch. Though diverging views were aired in the commission, the EPRDF had a visible dominance. ), Highlights of the Constitution of the Peoples' Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (PDRE): A critical review of the main issues, Constitution For a Nation of Nations: The Ethiopian Prospect, The creation of constitutions in Canada and the United States, Stability in deeply divided societies: Consociationalism versus control. So Stonewall Simon says Zenawi will return to his office shortly. Zenawi is on vacation Simon says Zenawi has gone AWOL!! 54 See for example art 486(a) (Inciting the public through false rumours) of the FDRE Criminal Code 2005. A Flawed Process of Constitution-Making In the process of drafting, debating, and ratifying the new constitution, the Since its founding in 1947, the mission of the Michigan State University Press has been to be a catalyst for positive intellectual, social, and technological change through the publication of research and intellectual inquiry, making significant contributions to scholarship in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. The object for the player acting as Simon is to get all of the other players kicked out of the game as quickly as possible. Uhuru Kenyatta for their role in the @_AfricanUnion negotiations", "Signed Peace Agreement Can Be Solid Foundation For Nat'l Stability, Prosperity: Russia", "South Sudan welcomes Ethiopian peace agreement, to support parties in implementation", "Ethiopian crisis: Sudan welcomes signing of peace agreement", "Turkey: Press Release Regarding the Developments in Ethiopia", " ", "Welcome important agreement between the Ethiopian Government and Tigrayan authorities to end the terrible conflict in northern #Ethiopia. individual, group, political party, etc.). (2) The President may send messages to either House of Parliament, whether with respect . [31][32][33] TPLF spokesperson Getachew Reda and Ethiopian national security advisor Redwan Hussein acted as the lead negotiators. For an overview of the Imperial Constitutions, see Selassie, B Habte Constitutional development in Ethiopia (1966) 10/2Journal of African Law 74.CrossRefGoogle Scholar, 2 The PDRE Constitution was authored by the military junta which aspired to give its continued rule some ideological and legal legitimacy by establishing a Peoples' Democratic Republic. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. The evasive, equivocating and misleading statements given by Simon and Dessalegn to the public on Zenawis diagnosis, treatment and prognosis provide clear and convincing evidence that Zenawi is not present in Ethiopia let alone functioning as a prime minister. [81], Human Rights Watch noted that the documents do not make explicit mentions of ethnic cleansing in the Western Zone, and stated that it generally "lacks details on formal accountability. IGAD played an active role in the AU-led mediation efforts from the start", "IMF Welcomes Ethiopia Truce Amid Talks on Economic Reform Plans", "Oxfam reaction to Tigray peace agreement", Official version of the Agreement for Lasting Peace through a Permanent Cessation of Hostilities, Declaration of the Senior Commanders on the Modalities for the Implementation of the Agreement, Joint Statement between the Government of the FDRE and the Tigray People's Liberation Front, United Front of Ethiopian Federalist and Confederalist Forces, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=EthiopiaTigray_peace_agreement&oldid=1121816627, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Article 86 in The Constitution Of India 1949. 55 See Ross, TJ A test of democracy: Ethiopia's mass media and freedom of information proclamation (2010) 114 Penn State Law Review 1047 at 106064Google Scholar; and Brems, E Ethiopia before the United Nations treaty monitoring bodies (2007) 20/12Afrika Focus 49 at 58.CrossRefGoogle Scholar. In other words, the ICG does not have direct photographic or physical evidence of Zenawis health or fate, but it has indirect informant-based information. [74][75], While Eritrea is not mentioned by name, sections in the document about stopping "provocation or incursion from either side of the border" were interpreted by East Africa correspondent for The New York Times, Abdi Latif Dahir, as being directed towards Eritrea. "[69], The Global Society of Tigray Scholars and Professionals (GSTS), an organization representing 5,000 Tigrayan academics, strongly rejected the disarmament clause. See Ross, ibid. "[67] Eritrea was firmly on the side of the Ethiopian government throughout the war, and was attributed responsibility for high profile atrocities such as the Axum massacre. [69][45] When asked by Reuters, Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh said that he had no comment, as "he had just received the documents. While they welcomed the peace agreement overall, they argued that disarmament was "illogical" and "self-defeating," and that it could potentially undermine the ceasefire. It is possible for any concerned or interested parties to raise the issue of the prime ministers absence as a constitutional matter and seek adjudicatory relief. 17 (3)) or an interested party (Art. His demeanor was combative, his posture defensive and his words evasive. Ethiopian nationality may be conferred upon foreigners in accordance with law enacted and procedures established consistent with international agreements ratified by Ethiopia. Of course, the overwhelming majority of Ethiopian human beings get no medication whatsoever when they face serious illness. "[67] Ethiopia's Redwan Hussein in a meeting held after the signing of the agreement said that Ethiopia and Tigray were so busy fighting each other that it "paved the way for a third party to undermine us further." For all his sophistry and obfuscation, Simon seems conveniently oblivious of two simple questions and the old saying that a picture (that is not photoshopped) is worth a thousand words: 1) If Zenawi is in very good condition, why not release a photograph of him in that condition? If a player follows an instruction that is not preceded with the phrase, Simon says, the player is kicked out of the game. 2. The proportion of votes obtained by the various parties in the electoral districts where no party challenged the results indicates that the CUD had the support of 21.9% of the electorate. 29 See Ashenafi, M Ethiopia: Process of democratization and development in An-Na'm, A (ed) Human Rights Under African Constitutions: Realizing the Promise For Ourselves (2003, University of Pennsylvania Press) 29 at 3133.Google Scholar, 30 Vestal, TM An analysis of the new constitution of Ethiopia and the process of its adoption (1996) 3/2Northeast African Studies 21 at 26.CrossRefGoogle Scholar, 31 Nohlen, D, Krennerich, M and Thibaut, BElections in Africa: A Data handbook (1999, Oxford University Press) at 381.CrossRefGoogle Scholar, 32 Young, J Ethnicity and power in Ethiopia (1996) 23/70Review of African Political Economy 531 at 53637.CrossRefGoogle Scholar. It lacks legitimacy as a result of a constitution-making process that was not inclusive, as well as the subsequent serious lack of integrity and vitality in the constitutional system. UK is ready to support the peace process", "Ethiopia Peace Deal Hailed as First Step to End Africa's Deadliest Conflict", "Ethiopia: Peace agreement between Government and Tigray 'a critical first step': Guterres", "I express my deep satisfaction at the signing of the Ethiopia peace agreement in Pretoria & congratulate @AbiyAhmedAli's leadership, mediation teams, & the AU for this momentous outcome to silence the guns! 58 Proclamation no 652/2009. Bereket Simon accused Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT), without naming it, of engaging in a campaign of spreading massive lies and hearsay about Zenawi. 40 Gudina, MEthiopia: Competing Ethnic Nationalisms and the Quest for Democracy, 19602000 (2003, Shaker Pub) at 14648.Google Scholar, 41 Aalen, LEthnic Federalism in a Dominant Party State: The Ethiopian Experience 19912000 (2002, Chr Michelsen Institute, Development Studies and Human Rights)Google Scholar, available at: (last accessed 27 May 2013), at 53; Herther-Spiro, NB Can ethnic federalism prevent recourse to rebellion? For purposes of Article 72(2), transparency means providing accurate, complete, timely and ongoing information to the HPR. 1. Right of President to address and send messages to Houses. See Ashenafi Amare et al v The Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority, decision of the Council of Constitutional Inquiry, file no 101/2009, decided on 9 February 2010 (unpublished and on file with the author). File Size: 4.04 MB. Article 82 provides for a Council of Constitutional Inquiry (CI) and grants it the power to to investigate constitutional disputes and submit its recommendations to the House of the Federation pursuant to Article 83(1) which must within thirty days of receipt, decide a constitutional dispute submitted to it by the Council of Constitutional Inquiry (CI). Article 17 of the Council of Constitutional Inquiry Proclamation No 250/2001 affirms the CIs investigatory powers and extends subject matter jurisdiction over any law or decision given by any government organ or official which is alleged to be contradictory to the constitution To seek review in the CI under the Proclamation, a litigant need only be a concerned party (Art. Respect the "constitutional mandate of the Federal Government" to send troops and security forces into Tigray. The agreement stated that Ethiopia must "mobilize and expedite humanitarian assistance for all those in need. "[41][42] Obasanjo explained that the agreement will involve a "systematic, orderly, smooth and coordinated disarmament. nine states that constitute the federation. If a peace agreement can ensure our survival, why not give it a try?! Article 4 National Anthem of Ethiopia. [16][17][18], The scale of the violence alarmed international observers, including the United Nations and the African Union, who urged the warring parties to return to peace negotiations. 36 This accusation was not a mere public denunciation but did in fact take the form of criminal charges pressed against many in the Coalition for Unity and Democracy leadership in the aftermath of the 2005 general election; outrages against the constitution was among the charges brought by the prosecutor. [67] Olusegun Obasanjo said, after the agreement was signed, that "this moment is not the end of the peace process. Article 6 Nationality. 9 Fallon Legitimacy and the constitution, above at note 5 at 179698. Just to keep things in perspective, on July 18 an Agence France Press report citing several diplomatic sources reported that Zenawi is in a critical state at a hospital in Belgium and that his life is in danger and might not survive. Ethiopian Constitution of 1931 5 If after a question has been declared to be secret, a member of the chamber makes it known to the public either in a speech, or by the press, or by writings or in any other way, he shall be punished according to the provisions of penal law. Additionally, both parties pledged to resolve "issues of contested areas," in a way that complies with the Constitution of Ethiopia. [44] In exchange, government guaranteed that Tigray will be properly represented in government institutions, so as to not violate the Ethiopian constitution.[4]. The author has learned that the HoF recently decided a case regarding the constitutionality of legislation authorizing the head of the Customs and Inland Revenue Authority to fire employees of the authority suspected of being corrupt and absolutely precluding courts from reviewing the legality of such decisions. "[44] Benjamin Petrini of the International Institute for Strategic Studies questioned what security guarantees would be provided to the TPLF, saying they would not completely disarm for "vague promises. Any Ethiopian national has the right to return to his country. 57 Proclamation no 621/2009. Art. Published online by Cambridge University Press: All Ethiopian languages shall enjoy equal state recognition. 4. Major retired Gary Wayne Bess, 59 of Cache, will be held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022 at Dayspring Community Church with Rev. Senegalese President, Macky Sall chaired the meeting on Zenawis behalf. Bravo aux efforts conjugus de tous en formant le vu de voir cet accord apporter notre rgion et nos frres thiopiens la scurit, la paix et la prosprit", "Ethiopia France welcomes the cessation of hostilities declared by the Federal Government and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (3 November 2022)", "Iran supports cessation of conflicts in northern Ethiopia", "I welcome the news of the agreement to end hostilities in #Ethiopia. Coming into Effect of the Constitution. As a result, the country has no head of government (Art. Any Ethiopian or foreign national lawfully in Ethiopia has, within the national territory, the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence, as well as the freedom to leave the country at any time he wishes to. 46 T Regassa The making and legitimacy of the Ethiopian Constitution, above at note 20 at 133. [62], The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia stated that access to backing services had been restored in the Western Zone of Tigray (which was still under occupation by the Amhara Region), and was planning on doing the same in Mekelle. ", This page was last edited on 14 November 2022, at 08:17. We are fighting not because we are a trigger-happy nation but because our survival as a people is at stake. "useRatesEcommerce": false, 20 For an insightful discussion of the Ethiopian constitution-making process and how the defects in the process have undermined the FDRE Constitution's legitimacy, see Regassa, T The making and legitimacy of the Ethiopian Constitution: Towards bridging the gap between constitutional design and constitutional practice (2010) 23/1Afrika Focus 85 at 98104.CrossRefGoogle Scholar, 21 MA Wolde A critical assessment of institutions, roles and leverage in public policymaking: Ethiopia, 19742004 (PhD thesis, University of Stellenbosch, 2005), available at: (last accessed 8 March 2012), at 14248. For a rather unconvincing account of the process that downplays the dominance of the EPRDF despite admitting its preeminent role, see Eshete, A The protagonists in constitution making in Ethiopia in Hydn, G (ed) Constitution-Making and Democratization in Africa (2001, Africa Institute of South Africa) 69 at 6971.Google Scholar, 22 See for example Selassie, AG Ethiopia: Problems and prospects for democracy (1992) 1 William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal 212.Google Scholar. 34 See for example the Coalition for Democracy manifesto for the 2005 election, unofficial English translation available at: (last accessed 12 June 2013) at 5456. Chapter Two Fundamental Principles of the Constitution. 1. [80] National Movement of Amhara founder Dessalegn Chanie Dagnew[67] and advocacy group Amhara Association of America both welcomed news of the agreement, but also expressed opposition to any potential territorial concessions to Tigray. [76], Al Jazeera described the agreement as having an "unclear" stance on the issue;[76] Reuters said it leaves the problem unsolved,[67] while AFP stated that the deal "does little to address it. It, inter alia , covers various aspects of the application and interpretation of human rights provisions, limitation and derogation from protected rights, the amendment procedure . In a staged interview with a member of party-controlled media on August 1, Simon continued to stonewall release of any meaningful information on Zenawis health or whereabouts. "[69], Amnesty International's Director for East and Southern Africa, Muleya Mwananyanda, expressed dissatisfaction with the peace agreement, stating that while it was "a step in the right direction," it nevertheless "fails to offer a clear roadmap on how to ensure accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity" committed by all sides during the war. org P DF g e ne r a te d: 27 Apr 2022, 10:41 E t hiopia 1 9 9 4 Pa g e 2 Ta b le o f c o n te n ts 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 9 14 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 5 15 1 5 1 5 1 6 17 1 7 1 7 1 9 A separate two-pronged constitutional challenge could also be advanced to determine the absence of the prime minister under subsection 1 of Article 12 of the Constitution which affirmatively requires activities of government shall be undertaken in a manner which is open and transparent to the public. The secrecy and shroud of mystery surrounding Zenawis whereabouts and health situation is contrary to the constitutional mandate of maintaining an open and transparent government. With a personal account, you can read up to 100 articles each month for free. According to the results released by the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia, which are quite controversial since the opposition has claimed there was substantial vote rigging, the CUD won 109 out of the 547 seats which were contested. Brief Description. Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. There is no date certain when Zenawi will be present in his office to resume his duties, a fact which points unmistakably to his absence from office. See Regassa, id at 88. He was manifestly uncomfortable answering questions about Zenawi. This Article examines Ethiopia's 1994 Constitution to determine whether it truly instills the constitutional and legal structure necessary to overcome the obstacles that have befallen Ethiopia. ", "Declaration of the Senior Commanders on the Modalities for the Implementation of the Agreement for Lasting Peace Through a Permanent Cessation of Hostilities between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF)", "Ethiopia combatants sign deal to start implementing truce", "News: Federal, Tigray military commanders to form joint committee to elaborate DDR, agree to facilitate unhindered humanitarian access, movement of humanitarian aid workers", "Ethiopian and Tigray forces launch hotline as new peace talks begin", "Ethiopia government accused of drone attacks, shelling after peace deal", "News: Ethiopia disputes reports on continued blockade of humanitarian supply to Tigray, claims aid flowing "like no other times", "Tigray rebels accuse Ethiopia of attacks after peace deal", "News: Authority preparing media guideline to report on Ethiopia cessation of hostilities agreement", "For Survivors of Ethiopia's Tigray War, Truce Brings Cautious Hope", "Tigray still without aid eight days after deal to end Ethiopia's blockade", "Ethiopia says Tigray aid allowed, agencies say still no access", "Ethiopia Govt Says Army Controls 70 Percent Of Tigray", "Ethiopia govt says aid flowing to Tigray but rebels deny", "Ethiopia's rival sides agree on humanitarian access for Tigray", "Ethiopia, Tigray military leaders agree on peace roadmap", "News: Commercial Bank restores banking services in seven branches in western Tigray", "Analysis: Truce in Ethiopia's Tigray war just first step on long road to peace", "What to watch next on Ethiopia's peace deal in Tigray", "Ethiopia peace deal leaves unanswered questions and concerns", "Tigrayan academics welcome Ethiopian ceasefire, but reject proposed TPLF disarmament", "News: Federal army, Tigray topmost military leaders meet today amidst Tigrayan criticism on disarmament", "Ethiopian civil war: parties agree on end to hostilities", "Ethiopian govt, Tigray agree to end fighting after 2 years", "Ethiopia: Eritrean Forces Massacre Tigray Civilians", "Analysis: Can Ethiopia iron out issues after AU peace deal? 2) If Zenawi is getting rest and relaxation, why not release a picture of him vegging out on the beach or touring the museums? Is the status quo an AWOL prime minster, an invisible deputy prime minister, a shadowy group of power brokers scheming behind the scenes, a manifest power and leadership vacuum, total confusion and cynicism in the country or the two decade old one-man, one-party dictatorship? I applaud their choice of peace, and the mediation efforts of African Union, South Africa and Kenya. [46][45][67] Peace and conflict studies professor Kjetil Tronvoll argued the issue of disarmament would be "extremely controversial," thinking it unlikely that Tigrayan rebel forces would "voluntarily disarm and make themselves indefensible in the face of an enemy they have been fighting for two years. They stated that entrusting all of Tigray's security to the ENDF made Tigrayans too vulnerable to possible violent attacks, particularly from the Eritrean military and Amhara regional forces. Then the debteras of the EPRDF will begin work on a new one using many of the same images and patterns. On 2 November 2022, the Ethiopian federal government and the TPLF released a joint statement,[40] in which they stated that they had "agreed to permanently silence the guns and end the two years of conflict in northern Ethiopia. 3. 48 For a summary of this (Kedija Beshir) case, see Kassa, G Mechanisms of constitutional control: A preliminary observation of the Ethiopian system (2007) 20/12Afrika Focus 75 at 9192.CrossRefGoogle Scholar. Both parties also agreed to not misappropriate aid, and make sure it is actually used for humanitarian purposes. There is evidence that Dessalegn has chaired Council of Ministers meetings, an act he can perform only in the absence of the prime minister under Article 72(b). "displayNetworkTab": true, Or is Zenawi now functioning in a new capacity as absentee prime minister? How soon is soon for Zenawi to return to office? 74 (1)) or a functioning constitutional . It was obvious that Simon was not coming clean with the real deal about Zenawis situation. A constitution is the basic or fundamental law of a state. See also T Regassa Between constitutional design and constitutional practice: The making and legitimacy of constitutions in Ethiopia (paper presented at the Conference on Constitutionalism and Human Security in the Horn of Africa, Addis Ababa: Inter Africa Group, 2008) at 1650. This is the official text as published in the Federal Negarit Gazeta of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, 1st Year No. This argument is made by Tsegaye in relation to the Ethiopian Constitution. Purchase this issue for $25.00 USD. Any national has the right to change his Ethiopian nationality. 26 Members of the commission were drawn largely from political parties and the transitional legislative house. Article 36 of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia includes the following provisions: 1. 33 T Alebachew When [a] constitution lacks legitimacy in the making: The case of Ethiopia (unpublished LLM thesis, Addis Ababa University, Graduate Studies, 2011), available at: (last accessed 22 June 2012) at 7375. [26][27] Eventually, a new date for peace negotiations was set for 25 October, where talks would take place in Pretoria. 50 Though Assefa Fiseha argues that the HoF [House of Federation] has over the years evolved as a legitimate body for the settlement of disputes at least as far as issues of high political and constitutional significance are concerned, examples of such cases of high political and constitutional significance decided by the HoF are relatively rare and he could discuss only two such cases (Silete and Benishangul-Gumuz): Fiseha, A Federalism and the adjudication of constitutional issues: The Ethiopian experience (2005) 52/1Netherlands International Law Review 1 at 2228CrossRefGoogle Scholar. Had a visible dominance accurate, complete, timely and ongoing information to the Ethiopian Constitution, above at 5...: 1 return to his country in accordance with law enacted and procedures established consistent international! 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