What does an achromat do better than an ED refractor, was the question. 6 elements fluorite apochromatic refractor, 55mm f3.6. There are 3 basic categories of refractors in the market: the achromatic, semi-apo, and apochromatic refractors. These telescopes are our top pick for a beginner . Slight yellow fringing visible at the zoom level Please keep us updated with more impressions as you use your new scope. Are there any problems to control the mount with programs like Stellarium or cartes du ciel? The moderate focal ratio and the use of two special glasses (FPL53 and lanthanum glass) allows for a correction which is clearly above the level of two-lens ED apos in this price range. SKU:IP7035314. This becomes very noticeable when observing very bright celestial objects, such as Moon and Venus. I'm not anti-achromat by any means, but what you find on today's market, an achromat at 1/10th the cost of an APO is not "almost the same" as the APO. full apos correct for 3 colours over most of its operating range. var a=new Image(); a.src=img; return a; Home. only. The SVBony SV503 Telescope is the perfect camera for exceptional viewing from up to Observatory-level Astrophys. $289.99. The OP's question here, and in several other threads he started, is really trying to learn about the differences between a classic achromat and a more modern "Apo" design. Buy Omegon Apochromatic Refractor Pro APO AP 72/400 Quintuplet OTA: Refractors - FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases iptek.co.id. The difference for me between those scopes is big, especially on some double stars where I always had difficulties with the 160mm in perceiving the secondary component (it's for instance the case of Gamma Persei, a 55" wide pair with components of 3rd and 10.8 magnitude) . Very nice instrument Marco and welcome to the big APO club. dew shield diameter 134mm. ?). } Edited by gitane71, 24 December 2017 - 02:40 AM. It is also nearly the same size in terms of OTA length and weight. The Orion ED80 refractor features a superb, backlash-free 2" Crayford-style focuser, which accepts both 2" and 1.25" diagonals. The mount, yes was a little work. yup, that was me. The focuser has a rear manual rotator with a M57 thread to connect cameras by adding the proper photographic adapter. According to the narrower understandings, the cold physics, my scope wouldn't exist. $2,68000. For those starting out(I believe the OP falls in this category) use what you have and enjoy it to your very fullest. The scope has a mervelous chromatic correction (no colors ANYWHERE) as it was the case of the CFF 160 apo I had before. The scope has a mervelous chromatic correction (no colors ANYWHERE) as it was the case of the CFF 160 apo I had before. What was the most powerful eyepiece you can use with the apo scope vs. the achro scope? While I do love this scope, it is bulky and takes a good bit of space up in my car, and the lack of tracking . Congratulations. In order for a 120mm f/23.6 achromat to outperform the 120ED it is going to need to have better lens polish and optical figure than the APO. All Rights Reserved. They aren't serious lunar or planetary scopes. Beneficial Features: ED glass large aperture mirror lock fast F6 focal ratio I've been waiting quite some time this scope but finally it's on my terrasse! Exactly . if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav5n=MSFPpreload("_derived/40mm_plossls.htm_cmp_astro-bargains110_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav5h=MSFPpreload("_derived/40mm_plossls.htm_cmp_astro-bargains110_hbtn_a.gif"); } I think it is implicit in the question that the scopes being compared must both actually exist in the market. Surely that profit the quality of the image even in photography. The difference in FL is small and therefore TFOV is similar with a given eyepiece. Organizing for observing at remote site . I couldn't really have a scope of those high standards because I just couldn't afford it. One of the best views of Jupiter I ever remember having was with a 3.1" f/15 Brandon achromat built by Chester Brandon in the 1950's. Borg fluorite apochromatic refractor 55FL f3.6 with ESATTO 2" has 6-element fluorite optical design that generates images without false colors, contrasted and rich in details. I seem to have had read a direct quote that FPL51 was used in their 180 & larger scopes and FPL53 in 160 & smaller, but I can't find the CN thread. This scope however has a perfect flat field and that's maybe due to the fact that's a rather longer F/A ratio compared to the 160 (that was a F/6.5) whereas the 200 apo has a F/8 aperture. At the next level we offer APM's introductory doublet and triplet telescopes. if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav7n=MSFPpreload("_derived/Whichmount.htm_cmp_astro-bargains110_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav7h=MSFPpreload("_derived/Whichmount.htm_cmp_astro-bargains110_hbtn_a.gif"); } Observe craters, valleys and rims on the moon from nearly 400,000km away just as you would look out of the window of a spaceship! But this hypothetical scope does nothing to instruct the original question of the OP. I need to get to another event like that. Then a flint glass element, with a higher dispersion, is used as a negative element. All colors are much brighter now and weather has, of course, been cloudy since. Best Apochromatic Triplet Orion EON 115mm ED Triplet Orion 10087 EON 115mm ED Triplet Apochromatic Refractor Type: APO Triplet Refractor Aperture: 115 mm (4.52) Focal length: 805 mm Focal Ratio: f/7 Weight: 15.3 lb / 6.9 kg Our Rating: 9.2/10 Buy on Amazon Prices pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on: f/8 does make the field much flatter at the eyepiece, I'm happy that CFF is now offering the 160mm at f/8 also. My view would be that a 4" APO will never compete with an 8" or 10" newt on any target if that scope is cooled and well collimated with the possible exception of double stars. And that ultimately is the problem for the achromat. Primaluce Lab APO Refractors. At f/21, the color is approximately 1/4 wave error, a level of error which is in general considered 'acceptable' for mirrors. More impressions will follow but I wanted to share with you the great quality of this scope and the excellent work done both by Pal Gyulai (optician) and Catalin Fus. ~A. That is MUCH more important from the manufacturer's point of view, as it directly determines the amount of work we have to invest in figuring before a lens before it becomes really good. 329.99 Inc VAT & Warranty. It is a special flat field mirror developed for SV550 80F6 OTA, 175482652253 $999.99. My way into refractors was through making an achromat. This 80mm aperture apochromatic refractor provides true to color views and images. Don't forget the importance of execution / production. For the jump from a 100mm aperture to a 120mm one, you will be paying a pretty penny. But, there have been a couple articles in the years past by people who built and used that type of scope. It's a better design. There are 3 basic categories of refractors in the I thought my little TMB-92ss was back heavy before. according to physics, theories, people pick certain glasses for certain outcomes and get certain results. So much nebulosity in the Pleaides, like I've never seen before. Apochromatic Refractor. if you're happy with it and may be what are the things to pay attention for. Like it or not, the APO doesn't always win. SVBONY Extension Tube M42x0.75 on Both Sides Length T2 Extension Tube Kit Length 5mm 10mm 15mm 20mm. Both can be used on the same size mount. Other parameters (optical figure, color correction, coatings) have many times more effect on the image quality in the eyepiece, so, the scatter difference can be considered as negligible in practice. The more you practice visual and/or imaging etc.., the more you will really appreciate what you get when you are able to acquire a scope of a different design(notice I did NOT say upgrade!). Focal Length: 560mm. This glass has a low dispersion, spreading the colors out to a lesser extent. and can you just handle it alone as one person? Not total cost of set-up with mount. congratulations - very nice scope - thanks for showing! You are overlooking the word "does" in the OP's question. (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 ))); Jeff 1. I was told the 120mm f/8.3 is not a fair comparison even though it is the longest FL 120mm achromat readily available. Main features: 1.The SV550 APO Triplet refractor wit 80mm aperture and fast f/6 focal ratio, a great travel telescope for observation and astrophotography 2.Fully multicoated triplet apochromatic optics using an ED center element 3.2.5" dual-speed rack-and-pinion focuser 10:1 ratio fine focusing with M63x1 female thread for adaptions 4.Retractable lens shade/dew shield- the APO even fits into . No individual comparisons? Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: Cloudy Nights, This is not recommended for shared computers, Using only desiccant and no light bulb in Observatory. // -->